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How To Find A Great Creative Partner
Creative Partners is an innovative, independent, full-service creative marketing agency, specializing in interactive communications, brand promotion, corporate identity development, PR and social media. The company was founded 25 years ago by Richard Legg and Mark Wigley. They started out as college students who were passionate about visual culture. They conceptualized the formation of a new agency to address their creative branding and communication needs. Today, the agency is at the cutting edge of branding and corporate identity development, specializing in strategic alliances and comprehensive marketing services. The company has grown significantly during the past quarter century.

In the early 1990s, Creative Partners was formed by Legg and Wigley as a way to work on their ideas without having to go through the usual rigors of traditional advertising agencies. The original vision was to "bite the bullet" and provide creative services from the outside in - but how far could they go? First, there were no design firms in the country with the drive, vision and expertise to provide client designers and experts on everything from website development and design, to logo and brand development, to creative logo design, to Internet and mobile marketing. In fact, there weren't any at all. So Creative Partners stepped in to fill that need.

Today, creative partnerships are a huge part of the marketing strategy for many companies. But they're still just an extreme case of what creative firms do. The idea is still to provide creative solutions through a variety of different channels that leverage a company's combined creative, technology and digital resources. Here's a closer look at what creative partners do.

Partner vision: The job of creative partners is to envision the future of the company and make it happen. When working with creatives, it's important to remember that nothing can happen until creative ideas are launched and shared. Creatives need the support of their partner to get their ideas off the ground and start transforming those ideas into realities.

Long-term value: In most cases, the value of a long-term relationship is far greater than one-time services rendered. Creating value now can be much more financially lucrative as compared to creating it later. Creatives must also realize that investing in the future of a creative partnership will yield far greater returns in the form of long-term value.

Collaboration. Most partnerships start out as individual projects. It's only once these projects start turning a profit that they can turn into long-term projects. By putting more effort into turning one project into the next, and continually contributing creatively, partners can grow their client base and their profits. It also takes more effort to keep these projects profitable if creative efforts are happening within the same company as well.

Creative Pairings. When working with others, it's important to understand the kind of creative mindset each of them bring to the table. While there are plenty of examples of creative couples like Spielberg and Jobs (Spielberg had Jobs' sense of creativity, while Jobs was a pioneer in graphic design), there are also many other unlikely couples like Ginsberg, or Sharpe and Littlewood, or Silver and Gold. Each creative pairing is different and their distinctive qualities make for a better working relationship. Be sure to work with creative partners who share similar visions for the company, and help each other expand their imagination. Also, don't be afraid to push the boundaries of creative harmony.

So, how do you find creative partners? It takes vision, hard work, and a willingness to do more than meets the eye. Find the creative pair you are most compatible with, and build a great working relationship out of it. It's important to remember that a creative partnership isn't a one-shot deal. You and your partner will always have your differences, but if you can grow together and learn to overcome those differences, you can create a world of success that will last for years to come. magazine settle for second best; find a great creative partner today.
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