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Won't hemorrhoids infect? Sitting on the "hot bench" really produces hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoid Treatment

Zhang Shuhong, an anorectal doctor at Changsha Dongda Changjiang hospital, said that hemorrhoids are venous segments formed by blood, expansion and bending of rectal submucosa and anal subcutaneous venous plexus. According to different locations, hemorrhoids are divided into internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids and mixed hemorrhoids. In fact, sitting on the hot stool will get hemorrhoids is a folklore. Many people worry that they will be infected from the position where hemorrhoids patients sit. There is no scientific basis. First of all, we need to know what the cause of hemorrhoids is. The common causes of hemorrhoids are as follows.
1. Dietary factors: excessive drinking, long-term eating of spicy food, hardening of stool, etc. Anorectal irritation, hemorrhoid vein congestion.
2 physiological factors: man is an upright animal, and the anus and rectum are located in the lower part. When people stand or sit, they will be oppressed by gravity and internal organs. There is an obstacle for venous blood to return to the stomach, which may lead to hemorrhoids.
3. Standing and sitting for a long time: standing and sitting for a long time at work will affect the reflux of venous blood and lead to hemorrhoids.
4. Bad defecation habits: most people have the habit of using mobile phones when going to the toilet. Defecation time is long, and anorectal hematocele is easy to cause hemorrhoids. When defecating too hard and blindly making money, it will bring unnecessary burden and local congestion to the rectum, anus and pelvic floor muscles, leading to the occurrence and spread of the disease. (William Shakespeare, Hamlet, defecate, defecate, defecate, defecate, defecate, defecate, defecate)).
5. Increased intra-abdominal pressure: such as tumors, uterine and ovarian tumors. In the abdomen, prostate hypertrophy, female pregnancy and squatting time are too long, intra-abdominal pressure increases, hindering venous blood reflux.
Zhang Shuhong explained that hemorrhoids are mainly caused by the above reasons, usually caused by their own factors. In addition, hemorrhoids themselves are not pathogens, so they have nothing to do with virus and bacterial infection. From the source of infection, sitting next to people or people with hemorrhoids sitting there, there is no possibility of infection with the "hot bench". The occurrence of hemorrhoids has nothing to do with the "hero image". Sitting on someone else's "woman's table" can cause hemorrhoids. In fact, whose psychological factors are just pranks, not really got hemorrhoids.
Changsha Dongda Changjiang hospital has no infectious hemorrhoids, so you don't have to worry about hemorrhoids when sitting on the "martyr's table". Sedentary, sedentary, eating spicy food and bad defecation habits are the main causes of hemorrhoids. Therefore, developing good living habits and eating habits in life is the key to prevent anorectal diseases such as hemorrhoids.
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