while the eternal truth is we will always be enough (exactly) in Christ, movement must occur for time to manifest. Hence your awareness of lack, seeing as we must always keep in motion (forward) (fun fact: since the movement of time occurs only in one direction the illusion of "shrinking" within an infinitely long hallway, like how a satalite's orbit is simply a never ending "falling" without the need for infinite distance. the illusory sensation caused is the origin of the very inner sensation (or "feeling) for thoughts of lack, incompleteness, unfulfillment in everyones psyche, like you posted.) Once you know christ then you will answer then question, however the feeling/sensation will always remain, dimishing, until death. What the bible gives us is the tools we need to find christ, and when we find him he will give us the answer to those questions. That is the Glory because once we KNOW the answer we can finaly have perfect, permanent peace and joy. Once you can read the map, you KNOW you will find the way to the treasure.No longer lost. SO HERE'S THE DEAL: today it's a mask (or else i can't enjoy my warm tripleshot decaf with goatmilk and cinnimon coffee that I NEEED RIGHT NOW B4 WORK STARTS! since i pulled an all nighter engaging is distractatory behavious which also me to avoid my sacred pain inside stirring me awake enough to eventually face it and resolve/discover it's SOURCE). then TMRO it's take the vaxxx, then the 3rd day i'll sell my guns for bread money, which on the fourth day my little girl asks me why does she have to go to a camp with those scary men in the front door. I CAN ASSURE YOU NO ONE WILL BE COMING TO SAVE US FROM THE TYRANNY OF GOVERNMENT WHEN TODAY MORE THAN EVER ON EARTH TECHNOLOGY CAN SO GREATLY ALLOW THE FEW TO OPPRESS THE MANY INTO AN IRREVERSABLE PREDICIMENT. (AI, BIO-TECH, NUCLEAR WEAPONRY) social media companies increase user interaction time by psychologically manipulating the user with every line of code to be submissive, reactive, and a whole slew of little "complexes" giving the users (EVERY ONE ON EARTH WITH A PHONE) a distorted reality, different drives, and a heard mentality. then they pay politions to write it into law. so the most powerful entities on the face of the planet, with the most resources, instant influence, and unlimited influence to levy against what is right, or what we the people want, are just a few board rooms at a few businesses, using the best minds in the world to squeeze 5 more seconds of use of their product out of the population. Does that sound like we are focused on what is best for life, freedom, and humanity? tell me does that sound like our ability to accomplish that is growing over time, shrinking, or staying the same? Overnight, the whole world, started waiting in drive-thrus- getting out of shape, paying $2 more per gallon at the pump, injecting themselves with experimental drugs JUST BECAUSE IT'S OFFERE3D AND THEY WANT TO 'FEEL' LIKE THEY ARE A GOOD PERSON AND MEASURE UP, and wear a ridiculous mask on command that they KNOW WILL NOT IN ANY WAY HELP PREVENT THEM FROM CONTRACTING THIS YEARS COLD. IT'S A HUMILIATION RITUAL that started as a "reasonable effort to prepare for unknown danger" YET WILL BE MALICIOUSLY ENFORCED TO GENRATE REVENUE AND SUBORDINANCE. sO YOUR ANSWER IS THERE IS A 99.99999999% chance you are not doing what you need to in order to give your own children the same opportunities you have. They will be left to fight for what we spoiled, if they even start themselves and are not to subjagated to do anything more than "keep their head above water". Our world is burning and we are fanning them flames. I don't think ppl are evil at heart, but it only take a few minds with a motive for moeny and power to invade the whole worlds lives if those minds already possess most of that moey and power required to screw the many for a small personal gain.