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Things to consider prior to going through the procedure
If you're not happy using tweezing or waxing for the removal of unwanted hair laser hair removal might be a solution worth looking into.

It is one of the most commonly done aesthetic procedures performed in U.S. The laser emits highly concentrated beams of light through hair follicles. The hair follicles' pigment absorbs the light. It destroys hair.

Beneficial Effects Of Laser Hair Removal

Lasers are effective in removing unwanted hair from the body, legs or back, chin arm, underarm, bikini area, and others.

The benefits associated with laser hair removal are:

Accurate. Lasers can selectively attack coarse, dark hairs while leaving the surrounding skin intact.

speed. Each pulse of the laser only takes a short amount of time, and can treat a variety of hairs at the same time. In fact, the laser will treat an area half the size of a quarter every second. Smaller areas like an upper lip are treated within less than a minute and larger areas, like the legs or back could take upwards of an hour.

Affordability. Most patients have permanent hair loss following an average of 3-7 sessions.

How do you prepare to be Ready Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is more than simply zapping unwanted hair. It is an medical procedure which requires special training and comes with potential dangers. Before you undergo rid of hair using lasers make sure you are aware of the credentials any doctor or technician that performs the procedure.

If you're thinking of getting laser hair removal you should limit plucking, waxing, and electrolysis for six weeks before treatment. That's because the laser targets the hair's roots which are temporarily removed by waxing or plucking.


Additionally, avoid sun exposure for six weeks before and after treatment. Sun exposure makes the removal of hair lasers less effective and causes complications during treatment more likely.

What can you expect during a laser Hair Removal

Prior to the procedure, hair that is under treatment will be trimmed to just a few millimeters higher than the skin surface. The majority of the time, topical numbing medications are placed on the skin 20 to 30 minutes before the laser procedure, so that you can lessen the sting of laser pulses. The laser equipment is set according to density, color and hair's location being treated, as well as your skin's shade.

Depending on the laser or light source that is used, both you along with the technician are required to wear appropriate eye protection. It is also necessary to protect the outer layer of your skin by applying some cold gel or cooling device. This will aid in helping for the laser's light to penetrate your skin.

The technician will make a gentle light on the area to be treated and follow the treatment area for several minutes to verify that you have used the most effective settings and to determine if there are any adverse reactions.

When the procedure is finished You may receive cold packs, antiinflammatory creams or lotions, or even cold water to ease any discomfort. You can plan your next procedure four to six weeks after. med spa fort lauderdale will be provided until hair falls off.

Price of Laser Hair Removal

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons that the cost of surgical hair-removal using lasers was $359. per session in 2021. The cost of laser hair removal varies in part due to the following factors:

Size of the area being treated as well as the time needed for treatment

Treatments needed for the number of patients

Whoever else is taking care of the procedure

The area of the country where you're going through the procedure

Get a free consultation to be able to get an idea of the cost of your particular situation.
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