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What is Social Activism?
Social activism is a politically active action with an intention of influencing social change through popular resistance. If you are deeply concerned about a social problem and are actively working towards such change, then you may be considered a social activist. An activist is someone who is actively fighting for social change within society. Activists can come from any background and can have a wide range of opinions. magazine can be students, teachers, parents, grandparents or unemployed.

Student activism begins at the school level. Students begin to take part in social actions and sit-ins to call attention to issues that are important to them. After a few years, these protests grow into small demonstrations and sometimes into large demonstrations. Some protests include vandalism or civil disobedience. These types of social activism usually occur in schools or college campuses.

A large part of student social activism occurs as an attempt to gain college or university degrees. Activists use many methods to achieve this end. One popular way of achieving this end is by organizing small protests to raise funds for their cause. Other types of forms of social activism include economic activism, ethnic, gay and lesbian, women of color, Native American or feminist movements, and religious or community activism.

Economic activity is defined by Wikipedia as "the active promotion of economic interests through social means, for the accomplishment of specific political ends (such as freedom, economic growth or social justice)". This form of social activism occurs in a number of forms, including street demonstrations and protests, as well as sit-ins and protests at the local level. Many economic activists focus on issues that are important to their community such as poverty, racial discrimination, the lack of basic educational opportunities, and low pay. Other types of social activism that are focused on individual issues include gay and lesbian rights, women's reproductive rights, environmental causes, and animal rights.

Ethnic or cultural activism occurs when members of a certain group to unite for the purpose of social change, often based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. Activists from different ethnic backgrounds sometimes come together for a social cause they share. This type of social change can include anything from social movements against discrimination against people in certain groups, to political issues that affect an entire community. Activists from the Gay and Lesbian community are some of the most visible of these ethnic groups. Other examples include people from the ethnic Chinese communities who have sought equal rights with those from other cultures.

Other forms of social activism include animal rights activism. Animals are being mistreated and killed in laboratories across the world. Activists may use tactics such as undercover investigation, sabotage and even peaceful protests to bring attention to these unsavory conditions. They also may use spray paints and other devices to damage property belonging to animal testing companies. Some animal rights activists may even travel to a country where an animal is being abused in order to bring attention to the problem there.

A main goal of social activism is the promotion of human rights. Activists work to improve the lives of people who face different types of discrimination based on their gender, race, ethnicity or sexual orientation. Social change movements often aim to give people more power and opportunities. For example, gay and lesbian people are seeking the right to marry. Activist groups may also lobby the government to change laws that prevent people from being hired or fired because of their sexual orientation.

Any type of social change has at its core the advocate or activist. Whether it's political action, religious lobbying or animal rights activism, each person behind the movement helps bring attention to the issue. As the movement progresses, the number of people joining in on various aspects of it will grow. As the issues change, more people will become involved in the advocacy and social justice movement. The ultimate goal for any type of social change is to make the world a better place for everyone.
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