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Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle For The Rest of Your Life
A healthy lifestyle encompasses all of the components of healthy living, eating food which your body finds highly nutritious, exercising the body on a consistent basis, getting enough rest and sleep, drinking plenty of fresh water etc.
The real way to maintain that kind of lifestyle is to take action on all of those things above on a consistent basis. There's no point in just having one healthy meal every now and again then the rest of the time eating frozen and processed foods. It simply won't work for you. You have to eat great food all of the time.
Yes now and again we all have ice cream or a pizza and that is fine, I'm not advocating a permanent diet, in fact eating healthy food is not like being on a diet, you are not counting calories or measuring foods out like that, it's more of giving your body what it needs rather than what you want.
Live by the motto:
"Eat to live not live to eat "
Apart from food your body also craves exercise, it was designed to exercise and move on a regular basis. All of the joints in your body, your knees, your elbows and your hips were designed to move in a certain way, pushing and pulling in all of those joints will keep your body healthy but not just the body, your joints and tendons will be healthy and if you exercise on a consistent basis into your old age they will remain healthy your entire life.
Isn't that more important than looking good in the mirror? What is the point in only wanting big biceps and a six-pack, or for women to get toned and in shape? Isn't it more important to stay healthy, keep your weight under control and exercise your body the way is was designed to move, for your entire life?
That is a healthy lifestyle,
It's not getting into shape for the summer.
Yes, I know everyone wants to look good in their shorts or swimsuit in the summer months, but it's better to have a life goal of keeping in shape and building a strong, functional and balanced body and maintaining that body your whole life not just for the summer. The biggest contributing factor that will help you to maintain that kind of lifestyle is self-discipline. Have the discipline to eat the right foods, to control your portion sizes, to follow an exercise program and keep going even when you don't feel like doing it.
So even when you feel a little tired and you would love to eat some chocolate and ice cream and kick your shoes off and sit on the couch and watch TV, you have the self-discipline to know that doing that will not move you towards your life goal of maintaining or moving towards having a fully functional and strong body.
This means that you have to push yourself, step by step and little by little every single day and doing this will make you feel good, your self-esteem and self-image will improve because you know you are one of the few people on this planet who has the self-discipline to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
And of course over time the consistent action that you take now, right now, will slowly begin to show outwardly in your physical body. That means looking toned and fit and strong, both men and women, all year around and year after year for the rest of your life.

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Regards; Team

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