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The History of Sagami in Japan
In ancient times, Sagami Province was a region located in the southern part of Japan. It bordered the Izu, Suruga, and Musashi provinces. The modern cities of Yokohama and Kawasaki were situated in the vicinity. The Sagami Bay was a key access point to the Pacific Ocean. The area is a favorite tourist destination for those who enjoy the natural beauty of the area.

The ancient Japanese language was used to write the sagame waka poem. The poem was later published in Ogura Hyakunin Itshu. Although it is believed that Sagami was a writer of the waka genre the poem is not of significance for religion. The Sagamai poem is the most perfect example of waka poetry. It is considered a symbol for purity and eternal love.

Kamakura was also the home of the Sagame shogunate. While the Sagami district was a source of contention, it eventually became part of the Kanto region under the leadership of Tokugawa Ieyasu. Under his direction the Odawara domain was established in the western region of Sagami. sagame Tokugawa Ieyada also governed other parts of the province.

Sagami's position on the Tokaido road made the city a major post-town, which helped it grow. Its location near the sea made it a major port and security checkpoint. Since it was located close to the city, it was able to allow for the development of post towns and the economy. The development of the Tokaido road made it an important route connecting Edo to Kyoto. While the two cities remain connected via rail, Sagami grew in popularity because of its central location on Tokaido.

The Treaty of Kanagawa opened Sagami to foreign visitors. In 1853, American Commodore Matthew C. Perry arrived with an array of black vessels in the southern Miura Peninsula. The landing led to the rapid growth of Yokohama, which was established as an official treaty port. Yokohama was the first major city in Sagami and became the first port in the region.

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