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Are there any requirements for you to receive a Shiatsu massage?
Shiatsu massage, a kind of Japanese massage that's often overlooked or not properly understood, is an alternative to traditional Chinese medicine. It focuses on energetic flow in the meridian channels , and is focused on Qi. Shiatsu is derived from the Japanese method of massage known as anma. Legend has it that the creator of Shiatsu in Japan was once dancer at the Imperial court. The massage technique was adopted from the acupuncture method of Chinese medicine. Acupuncture is an exact method of treatment for example, sticking needles into specific regions of the body to release pathways of energy. There are however some fundamental differences.

The concept of shiatsu therapy stems from the notion that the five elements (earth water, earth, fire and steel) are in synergy in order to maintain good health and heal the body. Five types of Shiatsu Massage Therapy are accessible. Each one offers the same benefits for the client. They include pressure, heat vibrating, touch, and pressure. Shiatsu Therapists utilize the four kinds of therapies as a group for a comprehensive range of treatment. Shiatsu therapy also is in the tradition of Chinese treatment.

Massage therapy using Shiatsu has often been mistakenly thought to be uncomfortable. Shiatsu is beneficial for people of all ages and there have been no side effects. It is safe to use by children as well as adults. This classic alternative therapy has been proven effective for chronic illnesses like arthritis, headaches, asthma and heart diseases. Indeed, research has demonstrated improvements in pain tolerance, blood pressure, skin issues and respiratory conditions, to mention a few.

The treatment of shiatsu massage is also influenced by traditional Chinese medical practices. This form of massage therapy often includes acupressure and acupuncture, both Chinese therapies for healing. Both of these traditional Chinese treatments are highly effective at helping to ease pain as well as the reduction of tension. The method of relieving pressure used by the massage therapist allows the muscles to ease without adding medication like Ibuprofen. It reduces both the chance of a reaction to allergies and infections.

A common misconception regarding shiatsu massage therapy is that it can cure a wide array of conditions and illnesses. Even though shiatsu therapy will do not cure cancer or treat various diseases, it does enhance the general health of those suffering from certain kinds of cancer. But, it has been proven to help those who have arthritis as well as those who suffer from other disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Shiatsu may also be known as "finger pressure" that is often a misinterpretation of the therapy. In reality, pressure on the fingers isn't required in this type of therapy. The motions used in the therapy can increase the efficiency of the energy flow. Massage therapists can increase blood flow by using finger pressure. This increased rate of blood flow causes an increase in oxygen levels and nutritional substances that are carried through the lymphatic system.

It is crucial to keep a the most complete medical history. This is essential to ensure that the therapist can deal with various health issues. Shiatsu practitioners will perform an assessment that involves an examination of the body, laboratory tests, bloodwork tests, x-rays and hearing tests. The expert will evaluate the health of the patient and take into account their medical history, past treatments, physical and mental health, as well as any other factors. Each patient then gets an individual diagnosis code from the professional. Shiatsu practitioners follow up the diagnosis by performing further diagnostic tests, such as testing for blood or physical.

Shiatsu massage differs in contrast to other types of massage in that the practitioner doesn't apply pressure with sweeping, smooth strokes to the meridians channels. Instead, they employ the gentle pressure of their fingers to improve the energy level or qi in the body. Shiatsu is considered a form of Chinese medicine because it believes that our bodies have an energy field that could be channeled through the skin and out into the outside world. The concept was initially discovered by the ancient Chinese. Through acupuncture, it is believed that qi is able to circulate freely through the body.
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