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i genuinely dont know what is going on with my family, so imma make a list with each name as a title... whoop whoop
idek, her sisters been a bitch and she says that she hasnt got anyone else to be there for her, which isnt true but ok... bit tbh, each and everyone of her side of the family are a bunch of cunts and i hate them for not actually giving her a break and making her feel happy etc. didi = cunt, racheal = cunt, faye = cunt, angie = cunt... the list goes on - and her sadness and anxiety is effecting everyone, i just want it to go away.... cant be fuked tbh fml fml fml - shes so hung up on wanting this perfect family but she cant let go of the past and its affecting us now, yes your childhood was shit, you were in an abusive relationship... it happened, accept it and move on... GO TO THERAPY!!! SERIOUSLY!! YOURE RUINING YOUR OWN LIFE AS WELL AS YOUR KIDS!!!

fuck knows, defo has MDD or anger management idfk,,, hes depressed and lazy as fuck idk what couldve caused this; he has a first class honours degree and literally spends all day doing nothig, you'd think that hed be out there finding a job and living his life - but hes genuinely wishing his life away cooped up doing fuck all; and all of this confusion and depression he has, has made him angry, hostile, isolated towards the rest of us... i cant be around him without him getting angry and spiteful. give him a fucking break, some answers or something...

tbh im in a good place, kinda, idk - but i feel selfish as fuck for not wanting to be around my family anymore, its all so negative and depressing i cba... uni's ok, friendship average - overall life for me is just.... egh idk... its so confusing because i just want everyone to be at peace and not be angry - i wanna be away from it all; being at uni, at scotts, out on the piss... it takes my mind off of how low my family life is...genuinely feel like shutting myself away from the whole world - wanna cry and cry and cry...i dont understand why we cant cut the shit out of life and be at peace. asdfghjkl i dont wanna be depressed, i wanna be happy - but i cant leave my familyyyyyyyyyyy kms

fuck knows whats going on with her; shes so rude lately and ive no clue whats causing it, shes not a nice person and is awful to be around tbh, jarring as fuck - but yh, justin obvs has something to do with it; she was his favourite, we all know it, and since he had a snap at her and she heard what he said... i think shes its really hurt her - tbh shes been put on a pedastal her whole life and still is on it, but maybe what justin said has actually hurt her... which is sad tbh, hes a cunt. but yh idk, shes so annoying to be around i acc cant stand it... she gives me ptsd of secondary school lol, so two faced, two different personalities. ew. i hate it - really hope she sorts her shit out because we wont be close for long...

gemma and thats about it - his behaviour is fine i guess, nothing special, not explaining the story but i feel sorry for him tbh....

please god give my family the strength to pull out the negativity and the sad infectious disease that has been haunting us, provide my mum with content, peace and confidence - give jake something, anything, turn his low in high; but not too high... tell izzy to calm down!! and act her age as well as be a decent human ffs... and get nathan to sort this out with gemmma plz, its not fair
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