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How Do Activists Organize Social Actions?

Social activism is basically an act with the stated purpose of influencing social change through collective actions. When you are passionate about a particular cause and are actively working towards such change, then you can probably be considered as an active social Activist. An active social activist is someone who is actively working towards social change in a given society. Activism has been defined as an instance or practice of social action directed at attaining social change. Activists have various causes which they work on and change their actions to achieve these causes.

There are many forms of social activism. Some common forms of social action include civil disobedience, sit-ins, marches, demonstrations, petitions, lobbying and many more. These are all intended to bring about social change and sometimes results are good and sometimes results are bad.

Activists differ in their tactics because some people are peaceful while some are violent. Usually peaceful activists are called peacemakers and they try to find a solution to stop the violence. When activists are violent, they are termed as terrorists and they have to face severe consequences from the society due to their acts of violence. Usually, the ones who do not care about the societal consequences prefer to use non-violent tactics of social activism.

The major objective of social activism is to create change in a society. They try to make the government respond in a certain way that will benefit the people. Most of the time the activists are the ones who face discrimination in the society, and they try to bring about changes in that way. Sometimes the efforts of these activists create conflict with the government. In cases like this the activists have to face criminal prosecution.

Organizing social movements are also known as civil disobedience. In organizing social movements, an organizer plays a very important role. He has to make sure that the common good is protected and all the rights of citizens are protected. There are different types of organizations that are commonly involved in organizing social movements.

The most common form of social activism is the civil disobedience. In this type of social activism, an activist can use physical means of disobedience like blocking streets or highways. He can also use verbal means of disobedience like making speeches against the injustices happening in the society. Other forms of social activism include the revitalization of public places or common good.

Non violent forms of social activism include the Boycott. Boycotting is an act of withdrawing one's support from an organization because of its practices which are considered injustice. There are many people who boycott products that they consider to be unfair. Apart from Boycotts, other forms of activism involve the withdrawal of support from countries which are involved in war. Another form of social activism involves the divestment of companies who have been doing business in the oppressive countries like South Africa, Nigeria and Zimbabwe. There are some groups who engage in more direct forms of activism.

An instance of this type of direct action is the silencing of critics or opponents of a certain government. The advocates of a certain controversial argument might stage a sit-in protest to prevent a debate. agency of social activism involves the use of physical force. Another example of this type of direct action is the gathering of signatures for a petition which is demanding for the removal of a sitting government official. Some of these signatures might be fake and there could be cases of fraud if the signatures that have been gathered are genuine.

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