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Battles of the Civil War: Crash Course US History #19

Hi I’m John Green, and this is Crash Course US History. Starting next week, we’re going to be talking about the Civil War., As you may have noticed Crash Course. Doesn’T usually focus on military history, because we’re more interested in causes and effects, and that kind of stuff, but because some in our audience are likely to insist that a series on American History has to include the battles of the Civil War. I am now going to tell you about EVERY SINGLE fight of the war. Oh. Stan. This says there were 8,000 instances of violence between the Union and the Confederate States of America between 1861 and 1865.. Can that be right? Slight change of plan., I’m, going to tell you about the MAJOR battles of the Civil War. [ Theme, Music, ], The shooting started in 1861.. In April, the first shots of the war were fired at the Battle of Fort Sumter South Carolina, which the South won.. Next, the Battle of Rich Mountain went to the North.. First, Bull Run happened in Manassas, VA in July., The South won General Jackson got the nickname, Stonewall and the North realized. This war was going to be serious business.. The South had another victory at Wilson’s Creek in August, but lost to the Union at Carnifex Ferry in September.. The North got another win at the Battle of Cheat Mountain, but the South finished the year, strong with wins at Ball’s, Bluff and Chustenahlah.. The North came roaring back in 1862, with wins at the battles of Mill, Springs Fort Henry Roanoke, Island and Fort Donelson, where the Confederate general was named Simon, Bolivar Buckner.. What There was fighting in the west with the South, winning at Valverder NM and Pea Ridge AR.. The Union won at New Madrid MO.. The Battle of Hampton Roads VA in March, was a draw and featured the first fight between two ironclad warships, the USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia.. The Union won the Battle of Bern and the first battle of Kernstown and then draws at Glorieta Pass NM and Yorktown.. The Union won the Battle of Shiloh where future Ben Hur, author, Lew Wallace, was accused of incompetence and cowardice.. The Union also won at the Battle of Fort Pulaski and the Battles of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, which gave the North control of New Orleans.. The North then won the Siege of Corinth and Union general McClellan fought one of the most indecisive battles. He would be involved in at Williamsburg Virginia, which is really saying something because he was pretty indecisive.. Then had a great run, winning battles at McDowell, Front Royal and Winchester.. Union forces captured Memphis TN in May, but then lost a couple more to Jackson at Cross Keys and Port Republic.. In Virginia that June, Robert E. Lee and George McClellan fought a series of six battles in seven days which were called the seven days battles because historians are so good at naming things. There was a draw at Oak Grove Union victory at Beaver Dam Creek, a win For Lee at Gaines & # 39 Mill, ties at Garnett & # 39 s and Golding & # 39 s; Farms, The Battle of Savage & # 39 s Stations and the Battle for Glendale.. The Union finally won the Seven Days at Malvern Hill, but McClellan withdrew after the battle allowing Lee and the remaining confederates to escape.. In July 1862, one of the least consequential battles of the war took place in Stan’s, hometown Newburgh IN., A force of 35 Confederate irregulars built some fake cannons out of stovepipes that they called Quaker guns crossed the Ohio River captured some weapons and a hospital full of Wounded Union soldiers and then abandoned the town later, the same day. Later that summer came the Battles of Baton, Rouge, Cedar, Mountain Mannassas Station. The Second Battle of Bull Run: Richmond, KY, Chantilly and Harper’s Ferry, all of which the Confederates won.. The Union won at South Mountain. But lost at Munfordville. On September 17 McClellan ended Lee’s invasion of the north at Anteitam MD.. This was the bloodiest single day of the war, with 22,717 dead, wounded or missing.. The rest of 1862 saw the battles of Perryville Prairie, Grove, Fredericksburg and Chickasaw Bayou.. By the way, if this is starting to sound like baseball box scores, maybe you & # 39 re, getting a glimpse of why we don & # 39 t, usually do the military history. Right, but back to the Civil War, 1863 started in Tennessee with a Union Victory at the Battle of Stones River, but also with a simultaneous Confederate victory at Galveston TX.. There were lots of smallish skirmishes during the winter and early Spring until the Battle of Chancellorsville in May, where Lee defeated, Hooker but Stonewall Jackson was mortally. Wounded. Jackson lost his left arm and then Lee said & quot. I have lost my right. Arm. & quot Jackson then proceeded to famously say & quot. Let us cross over the river and rest under the shade of those trees & quot and then died 8 days. Later. His arm by the way is buried with its own headstone near Chancellorsville.. The North won a bunch of battles in Mississippi at Port, Gibson, Raymond Jackson, Champion Hill, Big Black River Ridge and finally, Vicksburg. That victory, along with the victory at Port Hudson effectively ended the Confederates & # 39 ability to use the Mississippi River. Fighting in June 1863. In Virginia was inconclusive with draws in Brandy, Station Aldie and Upperville, and then July brought the Battle of Gettysburg a major Union victory.. This battle featured Pickett & # 39 s famous charge. It was the end of Lee & # 39 s, second invasion of the North. It was the costliest battle of the war in terms of casualties, and it led to surprisingly the Gettysburg Address. The rest of that summer brought split results to Confederate victories at Fort Wagner, South Carolina.. They also won at Fort Sumter, again holding the fort against heavy Union bombardment and they perpetrated a massacre of civilians in Warrens Kansas.. The rest of 1863 saw battles at the Bayou of Force, Arkansas a major Confederate win at Chickamauga the battles of Bristoe Station Wauhatchie, Rappahannock Station Chattanooga, again Ringgold Gap, Fort Sanders and Mossy Creek. Stan. Are you making some of these places up A creek cannot be mossy.. Oh man, we’re only to 1864., Got ta, keep it moving. Stan. Can you just indicate who won these on screen Awesome. The spring saw the Battles of Mansfield, Pleasant Hill, Louisiana and Fort Pillow Tennessee.. Then there was the Battles of the Wilderness. Spotsylvania Courthouse New Market, North Anna Old Church and the Battle of the Cold Harbor all in Virginia. Summer brought the battles of Marietta. Georgia and Petersburg were all fought in Virginia as well., And there was Kennesaw Mountain Georgia, Monocacy Maryland and Fort Stevens in the District of Columbia.. By the way, Abraham Lincoln himself went to observe that battle and the guy standing next to him got shot.. Then there were the Battles of Peach Tree, Creek, Georgia and Atlanta Georgia. A major Union victory won by General Sherman. Also fought were the Battles of Ezra Church Georgia, the Battle of the Crater in Virginia the Battles of Mobile Bay, Alabama, Deep Bottom Globe, Tavern and Jonesboro. Georgia, which solidified Union control of Atlanta. Okay autumn 1864, we are really in the home stretch. The Battles of Opequon Fisher & # 39 s. Hill Chaffin & # 39 s. Farm and Cedar Creek were all fought in Virginia. Johnsonville Tennessee, the Sand, Creek Massacre, the Battle of Franklin, Tennessee Fort McAllister, Georgia and Nashville Tennessee finished out the year. Alright 1865. Here we go The Battles of Fort Fisher, North Carolina, Hactcher & # 39 s, Run Virginia Bentonville, North Carolina, Fort Stedman, Virginia Five; Forks Virginia the Third Battle of Petersburg; Virginia Fort Blakely, Alabama Sailor & # 39 s, Creek Virginia Appomattox Station Virginia and finally, the decisive Battle at Appomattox Courthouse Virginia on April, 8th 1865, which resulted in Lee & # 39 s. Surrender to Grant there were a few more minor skirmishes, but the war was over [ Libertage American wins And America loses ] Ugh. So there you have it an episode of Crash Course entirely about battles.. What did we learn Very little in the end., And I know I missed many battles of the war, but I also didn & # 39 t miss many. There & # 39 s. No big finish today because I am exhausted from all of those battles and all of that fighting and death. Thanks for watching see you next week. Crash Course is produced and directed by Stan Muller.. The script supervisor is Meredith Danko.. Our Associate Producer is Danica Johnson.. Today & # 39, s, show was written by Stan. And our Graphics Team is Thought. Café.. Every week there & # 39 s, a new caption for the libertage.. If you & # 39 d, like to suggest one, you can do so in comments, or you can also ask questions about today & # 39 s, video that will be answered by our team of historians.. Thank you for watching Crash Course and, as we say in my hometown, Don & # 39 t Forget to be Awesome.

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