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What is freaking going on everybody's in stride? I was here: Brady landlords, mobile video. Let'S go, let's go man in this video. We will be talking about building your troops, building a lot of troops and how to do this. How to gain your might tire all this other stuff right. All this stuff is going to be corresponding correlating all this stuff will be working together on how to build your might higher and faster and just to become stronger and just be unstoppable, just to be the best in the game. You know. There'S all this stuff is going to be coming into effect and you're gon na be like. Oh, my god. This is crazy. This is really crazy. So, let's get to who knows what we're talking about. I don't know we're gon na just talk whatever's in my mind, so let's do this alright, first and foremost, guys we're going to discuss your castle for a second okay. You only need one barracks. Now. Let me explain this guy's look at this. You see. I have mainly infirmaries and a little bit of manners: okay um. This is all going to come in effect with your might and your troops and all sort of stuff. Okay, so one barracks, I love with 25 barracks. Okay I'll have a 25. You can build 5,000 troops now look at it this way. Now. Imagine if you have two barracks lor 25. You can build 10,000 troops. All right now get this whenever you want to build troops. Okay, I want to build all this. Okay, yeah I'm just going to waste food, just so y'all can see boom boom boom boom now to build 5,000 troops t3. It takes you one day, five hours and 33 minutes to do this, and this is only with one barracks now. If I have two barracks that is 10,000 troops, I can build so take in take this into effect, 10,000 troops would take two days ten hours. Maybe it's actually two days in 11 hours to build a 10k troops. Now, why not have only one barracks to build 5,000 troops? We can get 5,000 troops every day instead of getting 10,000 troops every two days. It'S at the end of the day is going to it's going to be the same thing, but with one barracks, you'll get troops every day. Instead of every two days, you can have three barracks. Okay, you can build a 15,000 troops and three days it's all going to be the same. Even if you have one barracks, that's 5,000 troops every day in 5,000, 5,000. 5,000. That'S 15,000 troops in three days. So why not just have troops every day instead of every three days. That makes sense. That'S the way I look at it and that's why I only have one barracks guys, so only one barracks and now now that we have that taken care of let's go ahead and take a look at the talent tree now. This is the most important part to get your training speed the most possible. What I'm trying to say right now get your train speed the highest, and so you can build troops faster training, speed, one max it out to 15. Okay, correct, train speed. You get plus 30 percent 15 out of 15 right here, scroll down scroll down. Let'S go down train speed, number to 35 out of 35 increase; that's not plus 92 % on the train, speed! Okay! So once you get those two maxed out guys, you are in good frickin business. Let'S take a look at the training speed where we at training speed, training, speed. Where are you training speed? Where are you? Where are you? Where are you training speed? Where are you? I don't know what I'm doing, but alright freaking train. They are my trains. We'Ve got a hundred and ninety one hundred eighty two percent, more okay. I imagined a thousand is like at 30 percent. My it would take forever to build to threes the higher your training speed, like I just showed you, the talent, trees that will help you out 180 percent. It will reduce your freakin time. Oh freakin much. It is ridiculous. So do that get your talents right and then start having one barracks, my opinion, that's the way. I think you should go and then you can start building troops every day your might will be increasing increasing every day, blah blah blah. Now, let's talk about troops. Talk about freakin troops now so, whenever you're in battle, guys, I'm going to try to explain this the best way, it's possible your fire, some of the fired, true trade, Boucher. Alright, that's how you say it. This is your sage. This is to take down walls. This is how you take down your take down your enemy walls, um, really really really really quick, and then you have your royal Calvary. These are your clothes, your freaking, almost like you're, not like tanks. They just get up and close up close and personal with you. Okay, um: these are good. Okay, obviously it says: counters your counters infantry encounters sage, okay, it gets up and close boom um, and then you have your stealth sniper. A stealth sniper is your guys who they're gon na be staying back. Just this freaking throw they're throw-in their bow and arrows picking people off, and these are your very, very important guys these you, you need these. These are very important and then your last ones are your Royal Guard, your infantry. They are okay, but whenever you go into battle guys, okay, when you go into battle, if you notice, just if you notice your infantry and your Calvary are going to be the ones that you lose majority of the time, they literally go to your battle report and Watch you will lose your ear, imp, your infantry, your royal guards and your calves. Your Calvary right, your wheel, cavalry um like a lot a lot of them. While your stealth snipers, you won't lose that much okay. So that being said, majority of people do build more stealth, snipers, more royal guards and more rural Calvary's. Okay, they they pretty much, keep them even at for the most part. So, whenever you're in battle man the way to not do it for the most part new ways this is you got ta, be you got ta know your. You got ta kind of know your opponent and know what troops they have. I guess you could say, but um majority of the time guys you're gon na, want to fill your army attacks with stealth, snipers and royal Calvary. Okay, a cavalry literally. I don't really use much Royal Guards because they die it's so freakin quick. It is like throwing frickin, I don't. I don't know what they just died, so they just die so fast. You go to battle reports, it's like you, throw out you throw out 200k stealth, snipers you throw out 100k rule cavalry you throw a 35 K Royal Guard. It'S like all steady 5k Royal Guard die everytime like it's crazy. It'S freakin, crazy, so anyways, uh, Snell, sniper and royal Calvary is what you want. Majority of I've been in a lot of battles due to k1 right, so I lost a lot of Calvary. Um! Don'T get me wrong guys, look at me wrong. Your calves regret it died liked it. They won't die as fast as your Royal Guards do, but um they will die a lot. You'Re still snipers, yo you're, hardly gon na lose any okay that they they stay alive. For the most part, because they're in the back you're in the back and then whenever that you fight enemies, you're up close, the personal troops are gon na die as far as your ruler or Calvary, your snipers gon na stay alive for the most part um. That'S. Why I have a big ratio snipers, but for the most part guys, you do want a one-to-one ratio with your stealth sniper in royal Calvary. Whenever I battle, I don't use royal guards or fart true trebuchet. I don't know why. I hate that word. True potato a bucket, that's what I want to say, but anyway um. I usually just use stealth sniper and royal Calvary guys. I honestly that's usually what I use um. They it works great, like it really does I mean if you look at my stash guys, I mean I have 22 million kills um. I'Ve made a lot of mistakes and I've learned a lot from my mistakes um. So that is a big, that's the big key. So anyways, so now we have your troops, your fire trebuchet. I don't really use them at all. Cuz you're still sniper Rua Calvary. They usually take down the walls like that fire trebuchet is, ah you know, I don't really use them and especially in rallies, guys and rallies when you rally somebody guys do not, I repeat, do not send out fire tray. Boucher'S do not do not do not zero. Literally, send zero sin negative five million. If you can negative, send zero fire tray Boucher's zero. I repeat: zero, zero, zero I'll, say: overtime. Zero in rally attacks send zero. Thank you now. That being said about the whole troop thing, this video is mainly gon na, be about talking my troops now. Okay, sorry, I just changed the subject to everything, but let us talk about troop loss: how to reduce your troop loss if you, if you're running eyes, shields also they're gon na stuff. Let'S talk about that for a second now, obviously you have your shelter. You have 12 hours, you can shelter your leader and your troops. Okay, you can shelter a crap. You can shelter these that that means, if you get attacked these troops, that are in shelter and your leader, you can select it or not. Select it right. These troops are saved, they won't be hurt in this battle, so go ahead for 12 hours. These troops will not be hurt. I mean that means I would not lose them for 12 hours. This will reduce your troop loss. Now, let's talk about other ways to reduce troop loss. So now, whenever you're gon na attack you're gon na bully whatever it may be, man you have shields run their shells until you have no more right once you run out of shields, say you have no shields. Here is how you can protect your troops even more so you have your shelter. You have shields now now, let's talk about, if you use all your troops rear shelter, you have no shields. What do you do now, man? Now you go to your teammate and you find a teammate with a shield make sure they have on a 24-hour shield or whatever it may be. Once you do, this click reinforce. Obviously, what my army limit is is max already, so once you read it for you, click reinforce. You can select how many troops you want to reinforce your put your teammate with okay. Once you reinforce your troops, your troops are safe with them because they are in a shield. So, if you get attacked, you won't lose those troops that are in the other players shield. You get what I'm saying these are best ways to keep and save your troops. You have your shelter, you have shields and you also have teammates that are infant shields, that you can reinforce. Okay, so that means you can send troops to them and you will not lose your troops. Okay. All of this helps take in consideration guys protect troops. If you are at war with somebody use this strategy use this strategy, have someone shield have a person shield with a high level embassy level? Okay, you look at my look at my embassy. My embassy is at level 25 here, meaning I can store up to 1 million troops. People I can shield, and people can reinforce me with their troops and their troops will be safe with me because I'm shielded, but if my shield goes away, then their troops will go back to their base. If that makes sense, ok so hope, y'all understand this hope. This helps out hope, y'all enjoy the video guys. I really do hope this video helped out um. I tried my best to explain how to save your troops from battle and how to build troops quicker, okay, um. So that being said, guys again, you want one barracks. 5000 treat with Loa 25 5,000 troops everywhere every day you only want four manors and the rest. Infirmary is okay, just in Cait life or in battle, you can heal your troops back right. You always want that seriously and as far as the mayor's goes um. Obviously, this increases barracks trading speed so only have four of them, I'm still having to level these up at the moment, guys so again, level these up level, the manners level, the barracks look. 25. All of this will help your training speed and also set your talents right. So Fabian said this is trying to help gradual the video hope this helps out and positivity positivity strike fear for life. I will see y'all nature.

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