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TECEP (Thomas Edison Credit By Examination Program) is like CLEP but was created by Thomas Edison State University.

Credits for this exam can be transferred to tons of universities since it is just like CLEP. The only difference is that the College Board (which CLEP is a part of) is not beholden to any university like TECEP. With more than 40 exams in various subjects including upper and lower level, general ed and electives, its clear why TECEP is a popular choice along many.

Testing can be done year round. Their testing structure is relatively easy to understand.

In order to take a test, you must first register as a non-matriculated student (if you don't plan to graduate there) and then select a term.

If you select June term for example, that means you have to take your exam within that 12 week period becuase their terms are 12 weeks long. Anytime within that period is fine.
Once again, your home will be your testing center. Exams are done remotely.

Once signed up, you would go to online student services and register for the test like you would any other course but make sure you choose TECEP exam.
Then you will be free to take it anytime during that 12 week period. If you choose January term, you can take it anytime in that 12 week period. You must take it by the end of March.

TECEP can be very valuable because many of its exams are upper level. Many students are not aware of this.

Cost is around $50 per credit for lower level exams and $75 per credit for upper level exams.
Most are 3 credit hours.
Be sure to take advantage of the free study material included in the testing descriptions for many exams.
Regarding scoring, make sure you are aware of the grading scale. Why Because for some exams, a 65% could be considered passing while a 69% could be considered a fail. This is in the syllabus of each exam.
Remember: Just because TESU recognizes something as 300 level doesn't mean other universities will.

Operations Management (OPM-301-TE)
This course could translate at University of Berkley for OPM-215. Each university differs but never assume that an upper credit TECEP will transfer to every university as that.

Since this is a TESU exam program, transcripts will be sent from TESU.

Let's say you take two TECEP exams.
Network Technology (CMP-354-TE) and
Business in Society (BUS-311-TE)

$75*6=$450 for two. That is insanely good pricing.
Let's do the math. Let's say you could graduate from TECEP alone. Half the credits are lower level and the other half upper level.

60*50 = $3000
60*75 = $4500

$7500 for a degree is extremely cheap.

Let's be clear... you can't get a full degree from TECEP alone, but you can see how much you would save if that was an option. The reason is because most schools cap the number of credits you can earn from credit by exam up to 60 credit hours. There are some schools that are more generous like Thomas Edison State University, Charter Oak, and Excelsior that each allow more than 90 credit hours to be transferred in this way... from the methods we've discussed.
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