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1- How can i join to the pool? - Register on and download the chiacore application ( -

2- I'm in the dashboard on the website, what should i do? - Create your first farmer and copy your token, then start ChiaCore app and paste your token there. Click on "Start Farming". You are farming already. - Should i close the main Chia app? - No, you get the challenges from the pool, and you see the same challenges in the main chia app as well.


1- Is it safe to download your application, and use that as a farming tool? - Yes. There is corepool calculator in the software, we just wanted to make a solution to those who already plotted, and didn’t found any block yet, so you have 0 balance. If you don’t trust in it, we understand, but if you have 0 balance, then i encourage to try it out. WE DO NOT ASK YOUR PRIVATE KEY!

2- This pool is an official pool? - No. The pool is not an official pool, it is made with the current version chia network. Chia currently not supporting pools, there are no such feature in it, so we had to make a lot of workaround and security check’s to make it work, prevent packet hacking etc…

3 - Is it open source? - No. At least not yet. Because of the current state of chia network, we made a lot of security check's in the client (and the server). These were easier to bypass if we show our code.

4- Can i switch back to normal farming after i used Chia-Core? - Yes. Click on "Stop Farming" in the application and close it. After this, you farming on your own, and not getting challanges from the pool anymore.

5- How many points do i get after my different sized plots? - Farming with a normal k32 plot you get 1 plot point / minute, with a k33 you get 2 points and so on. The exact point's are: k32 = 1 point per minute, k33 = 2 points per minute, k34 = 4 points per minute, k35 = 8 points per minute

6- What is the minimum payout threshold? - When your unpaid balance hit 0.05 XCH the pool send it out to your reward address with 0.002 XCH fee. You can change the payout threshold (between 0.05 and 3 XCH) on the website settings menu.

7- How will i get paid out? - The unpaid payment update and transactions triggering once a day, based on the block rewards what we earned until that. -

8 - What are these plot points? - The pool gives you plot points based on your plot count and the time you spent with farming. If we trigger a payment (1 a day), you get paid by those points. So for example, if the total plot point is 1000 when we trigger payment, and you have 100 points, then you get the 10% of the reward from the blocks that day. If we got 1 block that day, then the equation is: 2*0.1 = 0.2 XCH. -

9- What are the pool and transaction fee? - Pool fee is 2%, and the transaction fee is 0.001 XCH. These get's deducted from the reward.(edited)You do not have permission to send messages in this channel.

10- Why Does the pool wallet contain unspent coins at times? - If the wallet have enough money to pay off everyone who reached 0.05 then it will be untouched. Also chiaexplorer just shows a specific address, not the entire wallet! "📷 Chia Explorer may show a different net result to your Chia wallet and both are correct. When you send coins, change may go to a different address. The wallet is aware of all your addresses and Chia Explorer is not. You are currently looking at one specific address".

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