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Chunking is when a larger amount of information is split in to small groups to assist with memory. The primacy effect is that the first item introduced to memory has a lasting impact on memory. The recency effect says that the last items of a list are more likely to be remembered. The sensory register includes iconic memory, echoic memory, olfactory memory, taste, and heptic memory. It stores information for one to three seconds. It only last up to five seconds. The short term memory helps you to complete functions and allows people to complete tasks while thinking about something else. Long term memory holds information for a long period of time with an infinite capacity. Eidetic memory means that in your Mind's Eye you see exactly what you physically saw. The spacing effect says that you should space out your studying time to improve memory. The location effect says that you should study in different places to improve memory. It also says that you should take your test in the same room that you learned in. There are four techniques to improve memory. They are rehearsal, rhyming, rhyme and code, and acronyms. Rehearsal is repetition over and over again. Rhyming uses a rhyme to help you remember material. Rhyme and code uses a rhyme and a simple code to remember material. It uses one code per item. An acronym uses the first letter of items, such as FBI. Spreading Activation is when one node is activated, all other nodes in that category are also activated. Semantic Priming means that the semantic relationship between one stimulus affects the reaction to another stimulus. Lexical Decision Making is deciding if something is a word by referencing your mental lexicon. Cognitive Economy are properties and facts about a node that are stored at the highest level possible. Semantic Network is the collection of nodes associated with all of the words and concepts one knows. The hierarchical semantic network model of semantic memory is organized in terms of nodes and links that stores properties and facts at the highest relevant node to conserve cognitive economy. The typicality effect says that in general typical instances of a concepts are responded to more quickly than atypical instances. Adaptive Control of Thought (ACT) Model of Memory specifies a networked memory made of working memory, declarative memory, and procedural memory. Production rules specify a goal with one or more conditions that must be true and one or more actions that result from the rule. A concept is a mental representation of some object, event, or pattern stored with all of the relevant knowledge about that object, event, or pattern. A category is a class of similar things that share one of two things: an essential core or more similarity in perceptual, biological or functional properties. The classical view of concepts says that a concept shares fundamental characteristics or features. Those features are important individually and collectively. The represent lists of features. Membership is clear-cut. All members are created equal. The prototype view of concepts says that concepts are organized by prototype or example of that concept. The family resemblance structure of concepts is a structure when each member has a number of features with different members. The basic level of categorization is the psychologically fundamental level of abstraction, like piano, guitar, and drums. The superordinate level contains members that are not similar in many ways, like musical instruments. The subordinate level is less i=distinct and narrower than the basic level, like a classical guitar and folk guitar. The exemplar view of concepts says that concepts include representations of at least some actual individual instances. People categorize new instances by comparing them to representations of exemplars. A nonanalytic concept are cognitive processes that implicitly acquire knowledge of a complex structure during the memorization of examples. A schema is a large unit of organized information used for representing concepts, situations, events, and actions in memory. A script is a schema for routine events. The knowledge-based view of concepts says that a person classifying objects and events uses their knowledge of how the concept is organized to justify the classification and explain why certain instances happen to go together in the same category. Psychological essentialism says that people have implicit theories about fundamental characteristics that all instances of a concept contain. Nominal kind concepts have clear definitions. Natural-kind concepts are things that naturally occur in some environment. Atifact concepts are things constructed to serve some function or accomplish some task. Grammar is a stystme of rules that govern a language. Phonemes are the smallest units of sound that makes a meaningful difference between utterances in a given language. Morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of language. Syntax is the structure of sentences. Semantics is the study of meaning. Pragmatics are the rules governing the social aspect of language. Phonetics is the study of speech sounds and how they are produced. Phonology is the study of the systematic ways in which speech sounds are combined and altered in language. Lexical ambiguity is when one word can have two or more meanings. Propositional complexity is the basic number of basic ideas in a sentence. STory grammar is a structure used to comprehend large texts. Gricean maxims of cooperative conversation are pragmatic rules of conversation. They are quantity, quality, relation, and manner. Informationally encapsulated process is a process that is isolated from other cognitive processes. The modularity hypothesis is that perception and language operate automatically and independently. The Whorfian hypothesis of linguistic relativity says that language directs and constrains thought and perception. Apashia is a disorder of language thought to have neurological causes. Expressive/ Broca's Aphasia is the difficulty with speech, grammar, and word choice. Receptive/ Wernicke's Aphasia is the difficulty understanding speech and producing intelligible speech.
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