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The First Americans.

- Why is America called America?

- Who discovered America?

Who were the first settlers and for what reasons they arrived in the new continent?

What was Mayflower Compact? when was it signed?

What was London Virginia Company?

Who were the Puritans? Why did they arrive in America?


What was the first American town?

The Roots of American Revolution.

The Stamp Act

Boston Massacre

The Declaration of independence

Continental Congress

Who was the first presendent of the USA

When was the constitution sign?

What was 'manifest destiny'?

Who were the abolitionists?

Why was the North and South divided?

Civil War - when did it start and finish?

What were the parties that fought in it?

What was the emancipation Proclamation?

Who was the president during the war?

What's KKK?

Some American inventors and their inventions

Who did the Americans receive Statue of Liberty from?

What's melting pot and salad bowl and 'pizza'?

When did America join the WWI and WWII?

What was Zimmermann's telegram?

The Roaring 20s and 30s


Crash on Wall street and the Great Depression.

Roosevelt's New Deal

What was the Manhattan Project?
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