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The Next 3 Things To Immediately Do About TOP QUALITY BACKLINK

In this Case Study article we are going to discuss different facets of Backlinks such as its definition, importance, types and methods to build them so, let's begin from backlink itself.

Backlinks- In a single sentence 'Backlinks' are defined as incoming links to our blog (website) or webpage from other websites or blogs. When someone read your article and if he liked the same and produced content linked to the same topic on their blog, they links back that content to your webpage, that's called a backlink. Still confused, let's take a good example suppose Mr. A writes a post in his blog about Backlinks, When Mr. B goes through that article, founds good and publishes a content related to Backlinks on his own blog, giving the link of Mr. a post.

Let's describe the significance of Backlinks.

Faster indexing- Faster indexing regarded as the most important aspect of Backlinks. As because of them Google and other major search engines indexes a good newer blog or pages or blog post at a considerably faster rate as when Backlinks from high PR (page rank) site that is crawled frequently comes to your site, which increases crawling of search engine bots in your site resulting in faster indexing.

Search Engine Rankings- Another important aspect of Backlinks are they improve your site search engine's ranking. In the event that you build or have more amount of quality backlinks, definitely your site's search engine rankings going to be improved as internet search engine judge a niche site rankings on amount of quality backlinks. For those who have more number of links, search engine show your site on their top pages. Which is again very important for driving traffic from search result's as we all know that most of the traffic which our blog receives comes from search engines.

Page Rank- Not only search engine ranking positions, Backlink also effect Page rank directly, Once you build Backlinks from high PR sites, you can definitely see an up rank in your next update and we also know how important is pr regarding SEO. Higher Pr let's you ranked high among your competition who've lower Page rankings, which enrich your site with more traffic than others.

Everybody knows that Backlinks have become important part of SEO (search engine optimisation). Now next we have to concentrate on best Backlinks building methods or developing Backlinks? In the event that you Google for Backlink building, you can get a large number of automated Backlink building tools which guarantees to provide your blog with Backlinks as many as you want within a click. Some of these automated tools are free and some are paid which gives you backlinks from high PR sites. Sites which provides free backlinks from poor sites decreases your rankings, hence decreases your site performance. Different Paid sites which offer backlinks are detected and penalized by Google after their different updates.

So, from the upper paragraph we came to the conclusion that we should try for getting some quality backlinks rather than enormous poor quality backlinks and keep ourselves in play safe mode. Now the question arises that what actually a quality backlink is?

Quality Backlinks- A quality backlink means a backlink which comes from a site which includes content related to your site rather than a link which comes from a site which is not linked to you. Quality backlink originates from site's which uses your keywords or sites of same theme. Suppose, site A receives a backlink from a site using same keywords or on same theme such as blogging, SEO, Make money online and etc, this link is undoubtedly quality Backlink rather than it receives a web link from a car website. Google gives high importance to the hyperlink which comes from blogging site and provides less relevance to the hyperlink which originates from Automobile site. Google gives high importance to quality links which originates from High PR sites. It because so many important Hope you understand why to say.

Now let's see what are different types of backlinks?

There are basically two various kinds of backlinks one is "dofollow" and another is "nofollow".

(1) Dofollow Backlinks- Dofollow backlinks are those backlinks which are followed by search engine crawlers if they crawl your site. Or we can say when search engine crawlers enters your page, they crawl your whole blog including links, pictures everything, if they crawl a "dofollow" link they, lands at that page. Suppose I link back, when crawlers crawl that link they lands at your page, which helps in indexing your site faster. It provides you with traffic together with help in increasing your Pr.

(2) Nofollow Backlinks- Nofollow backlinks are those backlinks which contains a "nofollow" tag. mua backlink pbn When internet search engine crawlers crawl this, they simply ignore it. You can observe different website source by right clicking and selecting 'view source', then use ctrl+f to find rel="nofollow". You will notice many links with this particular tag, these links are nofollow links. These links also provides you with good traffic but not beneficial for Pagerank.

Note: You are advised to build dofollow links and tag poor links in your site with a "nofollow" tag.

Now let's discuss Best and easiest methods to build quality backinks:-

(1) Social media- Social media and bookmarking site's are the always provides us with quality backlinks. Facebook and twitter are always proved as good for backlinks building. Just create your fan page there and start posting links.

(2) Guest posting- Guest posting is always discussed as the best white hat way of building backlinks. Just go to different sites or blogs that provides 'Guest post'. Write for them which give you quality backlinks and traffic.

(3) Blog Commenting- Blog commenting may be the easiest way for getting good amount of quality backlinks. Just post comments with your links (anchor text) in blogs related to your niche. Definitely they offer you with good backlinks.

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