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Top 6 Health Benefits of Wild Swimming in Scotland

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Staycations are the gossip of the summer! As COVID restrictions ease, how can we all make the most of all that rests on our doorstep? The popularity of open and socially distanced outdoor activities, such as wild swimming, is rising. So let’s dive in!

Scotland is an exciting place to take a dip. Be it a quick paddle after a short hike in Wild swimming Scotland , there is so much scenery to be enjoyed. The thought of throwing yourself into cold water and thrashing about may seem quite ludicrous, but in fact, it turns out that the pain of wild swimming may be worth the gain.

However, many people do not know about the abundance of health benefits you stand to gain from regular outdoor swims. Whether you swim in the sea, a pond, or even a loch, there are several reasons why you will be healthier as a result of your efforts.

1. Wild swimming is a Great Workout.

Portobello beach Swimming works your cardiovascular system and utilizes every muscle in your body without putting extra strain on your joints and bones. If you’re swimming in cold water, your body also has to manage your temperature up, burning additional calories. And when you’re shivering back onshore, you’re still using extra energy – the shivering is your body’s process of warming you up again.

2. It Improves your Circulation

When your body warms up, your blood is brought to the surface, and being cold transfers it to your organs. Both extremes get your blood pumping. That’s why to roll in the snow and sit in the sauna makes people glow.

This rise in blood being pumped around your body helps rinse your circulation; it will exfoliate your skin and clean impurities from it, thus helping your complexion. Evidence also shows that your body adapts to the cold with repeated exposure, and this may improve your circulation.

3. It’s a Stress Reliever.

Every time you get into cold water and experience that fight or flight panic response, you’re taking a chance to practice calming yourself through stress. Relaxing your mind, allowing yourself self-compassion, taking it step-by-step, and learning to regulate your breath are just some of how wild swimming Edinburgh teaches you to soothe your nervous system.

As you practice those skills on every wild swim, you’re accidentally teaching your body and brain how to breathe through the challenges of life back on land.

4. It’s an Immune Booster.

While diving into chilling water feels like you are closer to having a heart attack than having fun, it turns out that this feeling of shock can boost your immune system. Research has revealed that when people regularly swim in cold water, their white blood cell count rises significantly and stimulates the immune system.

5. It Increased Happiness

Other hormones that excite the thyroid are increased by more than 50 percent after wild swimming Glasgow. This has all kinds of benefits on regulating weight, muscle strength, body temperature, and improving your mood, making you happier and healthier.

6. It Gives a Natural High

Winter swimmers speak a lot about the ‘high’ they get from cold water. The cause? Endorphins.

Endorphins are the body’s natural pain killers, and, in the case of a cool dip, it uses them to take the pain away from your skin. So, to get high on your own supply, all you need to do is dive in a Campsie Glen Waterfall

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