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There an increasing number of devices streaming data to the web creating huge data sets which stand as potential for creating smarter systems. In cities, it is possible to use big data and analysis in city dynamics as evidence for design and policy. Understanding cities dynamics can bring huge returns economically, environmentally and to citizen’s well-being.
This research goes in line with my interest as in my experience on dealing with start-up communities and analysis on the relationships between social networks of technology start-ups and spatial networks configuration which is currently featured in AESOP (the Association of European Schools of Planning) conference in January.
As a student with an architectural and urban design background, I was heavily involved in 3d modelling, animation and GIS visualizations. I have always had the urge to take my works to a higher level in both fields. As in urban design, I was working on merging large datasets and visualizing them in order to test a pre-set hypothesis about the relationship of different phenomenon. I am interested in projects that involve working on Big Data, analytical visualizations, urban design and smart cities applications.
Urban data analysis is a relatively new field and there are a limited numbers of experts worldwide. CASA department in UCL had a history in urban analysis and a number of notable graduates in urban analysis field. Furthermore, UCL has maintained a good reputation as one of the world's most advanced universities for years. I read about its high calibre researches and high quality modern courses as well as its strong educational facilities and graduate services, which would be a vital asset for me to issue a higher quality research and gain more prominent transferrable skills. In addition to that, the rate of staff to student ratio and the students' satisfaction percentage are the highest in the UK.
This program would give me the chance to work with global experts in the field inside one of the most established urban analysis department world. Through this research and I will be able to have better skills and insights for making the most of my academic background in architecture and urban design; emphasizing on my analytical and research skills with least limitation and more technological potentials. In the soon future, I will aim to publish my research in urban studies, urban complexity or human geography journals.
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