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Hello there and welcome to Pet Toys Roleplay! This is a roleplay where you can play as a pet that you've always wanted or a pet you currently have, it doesn't matter. Here pets have learned how to speak and have become advanced. They no longer depend on humans to keep them safe and have separated themselves from humans. This roleplay centers around the largest city in the pet world "Paradise Park" where most of the pets in the pet world live. There are a few rules out of RP that may affect your experience in the RP which can be found below. If you have any questions don't hesitate to let us know below. Enjoy your stay at the park!


- If you break these rules too many time you will get banned from the RP, by signing up you are agreeing to follow these rules.

- Try your best to stay active and let the admin know if you're going to need to be excused or deleted.

- You can have as many characters as you can handle, though it is strongly encouraged that you keep it down to 1 or 2

- These pets will be feral as apposed to anthro, they will also need to be domesticated animals (in real life!!).

- Try not to plan your entire pet's life out. (Asking for potential love interests ect.)

- Violence and discrimination in or out of RP is strongly prohibited and could result in a ban.

- The codeword is "pineapple on pizza" try to hide it in your bio if possible.

- Crushes and mates are allowed but keep it PG and don't force it on to people who aren't willing.

- The age gap for a crush or mate is 5 years and the youngest a character can be to have a mate with someone is 9 years.

- A pet can only have a crush if they are 7 years or older.

- Your character can have a litter of babies with or without a mate. The babies will be come through a stark delivery system.

- A infant/toddler/child cannot survive without a parent so those ranks are closed unless you have an adopted parent set up.

- Feel free to suggest any rules below!

Age Chart:

- 0 to 1 Year: Infant Stage

- 2 to 3 Years: Toddler Stage

- 4 to 5 Years: Child Stage

- 6 to 8 Years: Teenager/Young Adult Stage

- 9 Years: Grown-Up Stage

Ages will update 1/2 year every Sunday!

Locations in RP:

Please note the map in the project to give a good idea of where everything is.

- Apartments: Where pets of similar types (like canines, felines, rodents ect.) live together in their own separate rooms or with roommates per their choice.

- Park: A giant park in the middle of Paradise Park with many things to interest pets, such as a pond, or trees to climb and scratch

- Shops: Nestled cozily between shops and the park are the shops. They sell whatever a pet could possibly need and are very continent.

Sign Up Form:

Name / Age / Gender / Pronouns / Sexuality / Species / Appearance (written) / Personality (must include 2-3 positive traits and 2-3 negative traits) / Family / Activity (how active you are do 1 out of 10 to show) / Codeword / Other




- Places in RP -

- Avian Apartment:

- Amphibian Apartment:

- Canine Apartment:

- Feline Apartment:

- Reptile Apartment:

- Rodent Apartment:

- The Park:

- The Shops:

- Important Locations Out of RP -

- Event/Announcements:

- Questions for Managers:

- Out of RP Chat: @PetToys-RP's Comments


- Founder: @Lavender_Milk

- Admin: @Sharkbirb
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Regards; Team

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