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prp therapy

Information on PRP therapy

What is PRP?

The abbreviation PRP stands for platelet rich plasma. Another commonly used name of the same method is ACP® therapy. With this relatively modern treatment method, blood is drawn from the patient and then processed with a centrifuge. The body's own cells and components (e.g. growth factors) contained therein are injected directly to the site of the injury or illness without the addition of other substances. There, regeneration and healing can begin more quickly.

How does PRP therapy work?

In addition to red and white blood cells, the blood also contains thrombocytes (blood platelets) and proteins. Both platelets and proteins (growth factors) dissolved in the blood plasma play a very important role in the regeneration and healing of body tissue. However, it is a very complex process in which the individual modes of action have not yet been precisely clarified. However, studies have shown that the number of platelets and growth factors in a syringe is 3-6 times higher and thus accelerates the healing and regeneration of cells. This can stimulate the formation of a wide variety of tissue types, such as bone cells, connective tissue cells and the formation of blood vessels. By removing the white blood cells in the injection, the healing process is also supported.

For which diseases is PRP used in orthopedics?

Therapies with autologous blood have moved more and more into the focus of orthopedics and sports medicine in recent years. PRP therapy is used for both acute and chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Ligament injuries to the ankle or knee (cruciate ligament, inner ligament), but also tendon injuries of all kinds, can be treated. Acute muscle injuries and bone fractures also fall within the scope of application.

PRP can also be used for chronic diseases. The first indication for this was gonarthrosis (knee arthrosis) . Other joints affected by osteoarthritis should also benefit from it in an early to middle stage. A number of studies have shown that it has a functional and pain-relieving effect, but these are still not conclusive enough. The PRP therapy of tennis elbow (epicondylitis lateralis humeri) shows particularly good treatment results . In the case of chronic tendon problems in the shoulder girdle area or the Achilles tendon , PRP therapy can have a healing effect.

Treatment process

First, about 10-15ml of blood is taken from a patient's arm vein with a special syringe system. In the second step, the blood is briefly separated into its various components in a centrifuge and, in the last step, a plasma supernatant of about 2ml is injected into the corresponding area. In total, such a process does not take longer than 30 minutes. The attending physician must pay close attention to proper disinfection and hygiene in order to keep the risk of infection as low as possible. The special blood collection systems ensure a high level of security against blood contamination.

The treatment is therefore very low-risk and, thanks to the injection of autologous blood, there are few side effects.

In the days after PRP therapy, increased pain may occur, but this will subside again. It is also recommended to protect the treated structure (muscle, tendon, joint) for about 1-2 months until the full effect is achieved. The expected improvement in symptoms should then last about 6-12 months in the case of chronic complaints.

plateletrich plasma is not a service that is covered by statutory health insurance. It is therefore a private additional service. Privately insured persons must clarify this, before treatment, whether the costs will be covered. The costs vary depending on the doctor, region and clinic from 100-250 euros per injection.

Experiences and criticism of autologous blood therapy

PRP therapy has been used for several years. The public's attention is growing and the method is moving more into the focus of research. In some studies, positive or even better effects than with conventional therapy methods could already be proven. However, in order to achieve an optimal healing effect for the patient, PRP therapy must be used specifically for the appropriate clinical pictures. Due to the lack of clarity of the study results, experts are not yet able to make recommendations for many diagnoses. However, by collecting long-term data and improved methods, PRP therapy is developing into a promising treatment approach for orthopedic and sports medicine diseases.

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