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Technology Topics for Think that Tanks and Stereo Responses for Audience Debated

Desired radio listeners and on the net article readers. In fact , welcome everyone not only to this program but to the future. Technology is actually changing the way we reside each and every day in very deep ways. It is also constantly ordering the free-market with disruptive technologies causing challenges regarding status quo old companies, job, and it's difficult for the schools to keep up with this technology, as it seems they are always training and training people to do last year's jobs.

For that reason in the future these folks who have paid $100, 000 in student education loans may not even be working in people fields w here they got their degrees. Statistically that has been the case, but it is going to be even more so in the future. Okay so , that's what this program is about right now on this 23rd day associated with October 2012 - how the foreseeable future technologies will change everything.

The guidelines are simple; I communicate, you listen. Then after 30 minutes I will open up the product lines, or if you are reading this article on the net you may post a opinion below. The first topic for the day is;

1 . ) Google's Dominance and Disruption to the Newspaper Industry

Indeed, In my opinion it was Larry Page regarding Google who noted that the newspaper industry's days are generally numbered. He stated there won't be newspapers in the future; that is certainly printed words on paper currently being delivered to your doorstep. He was predicting the death of newspapers, and he did estimate when it would happen, he mentioned it could happen in a few years, or maybe a decade, but they wouldn't occur in the future. Few could deny what he was saying, then when he made that common some three years ago the newspapers were laying off, merging, or just going out of business.

Some papers have found that they can set up pay out walls to make extra money, and maybe the technology we talk about as tablet computers has no less than help them in that regard everywhere people can take their classifieds with them on the go, and learn it online for a couple of money a month or week. This is worked well for the New York Periods, Wall Street Journal, and other well-known and also well read newspapers. Nevertheless it doesn't seem to be working for the many local newspapers, although some diagnosed with a stranglehold on their community market are doing alright with pay walls too.

Then again, why would any individual pay to view a newspaper online when they can go to Yahoo News, surf the news and have information from all over the entire world, perhaps even better information, or even articles which have been downloaded from the Associated Press into comarcal newspapers. Often many of these stories we read on the other aspect of these pay walls is usually nothing more than regurgitated Associated Press news anyway. Thus, you need to ask; why should we fork out?

An article on ARS Technica titled; "Brazilian press to help Google News: pay way up or leave our written content alone - Google affirms being told to pay is like, "taxing a taxi driver to take tourists to eat. " Through Megan Geuss on Oct 21, 2012 was curious. The same thing has been happening throughout France, and other places and it also appears that they are trying to get Yahoo or google tripped up in copyright regulation. You must realize that copyright laws is different in Europe and perhaps in Brazil and other areas. In the United States we have "Fair Use" case law on the guides which seems to allow at least a paragraph and reference to a new story.

Google has become quite good at sending targeted traffic based on this "fair employ principle" with links towards the actual article, that is in order to read more. Sometimes people avoid, and perhaps this is what the Less-known brazilian press is concerned about. Men and women just read the first section, and headline, and then they don't have to read the newspaper, buy the magazine, or pay to go above the pay wall of that organization online. These companies believe it is hurting sales, but in reality Google is probably helping them much more than it is negatively affecting them. Shouldn't the newspaper publishers all over the world get with the software and get into the 21st centuries?

The reality is that status quo companies die hard, and they deal with to the end using their energy to propel their political will certainly onto the market. However , without having innovation everyone is left in the Stone Age, and that means we may as well be reading our text on chiseled stone, or maybe hard to get parchment pieces of paper. The printing press altered the world, and now it is altering again, it's time to get out of bed with the program, and enjoy the trillions of pages on the web from whatever new supply they come from. If these kind of Brazilian newspapers wish to control what their readers examine and be their sole cause of information that is rather self-serving.

Further, the mass media features often tried to control the actual minds of the people, and therefore offers absolute control over the politics of the society and the world. Obviously they don't wish to shed that, and who can blame them, power is addictive. We know that through our own politics, and we certainly know it from history. There are no differences via what I can see. Of course , you could say that all of this Internet stream of information contains very few other jewels, and much of it is just a arrêt of information pollution. Speaking of carbon dioxide let's switch gears as well as talk about real pollution and several new technologies for minute shall we?

2 . ) Better Local Pollution Emissions Technology

Recently, the AQMD in Southern California had lamented that pollution levels acquired increased. But where ended up being all this pollution coming from? Very well, it was coming from a number of options, different types of pollution interacting. A few of that, 1% of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in Colorado has blown across the entire Pacific ocean from China. China affirms it isn't their pollution because they are making products to send to be able to America, therefore it is actually Our country's pollution, therefore the United States should complain.

Indeed, China is definitely coal-fired plants to generate energy often without the clean coal technology which they now have available to them if they wish to buy the idea from Germany, or occasionally they've already copied the idea and installed themselves. You should love the Chinese when it comes to exclusive information, they don't seem to have any ethical knowledge of exactly how that works, perhaps because their own society went for thousands of years duplicating each other, and they assume that should you were a friend, or a man farmer you would share your current secrets and cultivation engineering with them.

Indeed, during the Communism periods they also shared technological know-how, and they didn't have particular law or intellectual house rights. Their culture is much different this regard and been difficult for them to grasp this concept, but then again there are also corporations which know the rules, nevertheless flagrantly violate them to change a huge profit. Now then, back to the pollution symptom in Southern California. It was also said by the University of Riverside that much of the pollution inside the LA basin was caused by not only the aircraft within the airport at LAX, but in addition from the ships bringing merchandise into port Los Angeles and Long Beach port.

These giant cargo ships would get in long lines delivering, and while waiting in line lazy their smoky and sooty diesel engines, waiting for you to unload their containers from Asia, mostly China. All those big diesel engines don’t have pollution control devices about them like our modern day trucks and automobiles. They spew pollution to the atmosphere and during those foggish days it would combine with waters vapor and other pollution due to local surface transportation, refineries, and factories. These blends make a wicked ugly searching atmosphere blocking out the beautiful pink sky. To top that off, the trains which are generally able to allow for more pollution (old rules for rail) would pick up those storage units and take them across the country. Since many of these cargo ships could hardly get through the Panama Canal as they are so large, they will drop off the containers and they go by rail the rest of the state.

Containers going locally in California or nearby expresses will often jump on intermodal vehicles for some of the distance, and others trucks add traffic to all of our freeways and smog on the atmosphere as well. Now after that, Gizmag had an interesting document; "New software improves measurement of greenhouse gas emissions, " by Antonio Pasolini published on October 25, 2012. These new systems along with the software can help people know where the smog is definitely coming from. My question is what happens when the EPA will get a hold of this, in addition to starts going after specific firms, and industries with this brand-new knowledge?

It's not that we may wish to reduce pollution, nobody wishes to breathe filthy air, but this will chuck new rules and regulations and relatively staunch enforcement on industrial sectors which previously haven't were required to deal with it. One could state they've been polluting all very long, it's time they quit. Surely, but if we crack down on them too quickly, we will interrupt the supply chain, raise client prices, and have to deal with greater wholesale inflation on everything that individuals buy. So this technology aids us understand our environment and the actual emissions into the surroundings from human activity, but it is also quite disruptive because the regulatory authority, specifically the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY knows no bounds.

Naturally , then we will get into difficulties with union lobbyists, and big companies who do not wish to comply with onerous EPA rules and they're going to tell everyone that if the EPA doesn't knock the item off, they will lay off of workers. That could hurt our economy as well, and therefore they may go after little companies rather than the big companies, therefore creating barriers for you to entry in various industries, or perhaps the EPA could require brand new pollution control devices which would be too expensive for small businesses, therefore the larger businesses will probably survive, and the small businesses which usually provide competition creating affordable prices for consumers will go just how side.

Indeed everything is interrelated, the advection bug that we see during the "June Gloom" off the coast regarding California, that fog mixes with the pollution and it gets hotter in a temperature inversion difficult task in the LA basin. Place in a few X-flares and solar energy maximum with increased temperatures, and now we've got the pot cooking exacerbating the pollution problem. These are X-flares they probably have an effect on much more than we might recognize. So let's talk about which for a moment shall we?

3. ) X-Flares Taking place and Days of Rage Considered

Not only do solar flares and also the solar maximum cause speedier polar ice melt difficulties and change the mixtures along with re-combinations of pollution although causing temperature inversions transporting that pollutions higher and thus, across a greater region, while some other people surmise that it also consequences human behavior, at least societal scientists have been attempting to research these correlations although the info is hard to get ahold connected with and we are learning a lot more each year about such flaws, or even inverse relations in order to solar flares.

On Oct 23, 2012 there was a good X-1 class solar sparkle, which will affect the upper atmosphere during daylight hours over Asian countries and Australia. It would certainly be interesting to see if points heat up there in all those regions with regards to minor civil unrest, increase in crime, as well as greater tensions over the local waters off the coast of China. We might find a number of interesting things in the media if we were to put the problem pieces together? And what with the Middle East during solar flare events - such as what happens when the Arab Spring and coil, or fall fighting season corresponds to already overblown stress plus the proverbial religious holidays of either side even though solar flares are happening?

Want to check the record and up to date history and get back to me on that one? The reason I ask is; I was talking to a person from Washington state in the Seattle area, some sort of social worker, who mentioned to me that her substantial caseload allowed her to choose the differences of when the woman clientele had fits involving anger, or challenges making use of their behavior. I met her in the Starbucks, and the lady proposed that my hypothesis was real, and she convinced herself of that truth. I don't believe we have enough empirical data or facts to prove it, but I think more research is desired. Oh, and speaking of Starbucks and having conversations I think the world has changed a little bit enabling me tell you why;

some. ) Are Tablet Income Helping Retail Sales with Starbucks?

It seems to me more people come into Starbucks and maybe they are busy playing on their apple iphone, Android, or tablet pc. They are reading the news along with minding their own business virtually as if they are ignoring all the others in the place. It used to be men and women went to coffee shops to possess a dialogue or discussion, as well as get social interaction. Today people are going and sitting yourself down, plugging into the free wall plug and using the free Wireless. They don't seem to be doing a wide range of talking, albeit some of them can get on their cell phones and break up everyone else.

So , is Starbucks the new place to go now not to have an intellectual discussion, but rather to use your personal tech units so you don't have to sit at residence and you can be on the go? In other words, is it a place point other than where you live to acquire out of the house and use your individual technology? Is that helping Starbucks sales? It could be, and they seem to be catering to that crowd, while they are catering to any individual who comes in to buy with regard to dollar cup of coffee I suppose.

Without a doubt, I don't think it is hurting sales, although it is difficult these days to get a decent conversation, thus, it may be limiting one particular folks from coming in normally, but then again many people are addicted to the level of caffeine so they are going to go there as well as sit amongst the people with their particular tablet computers, perhaps sharing info with them in real-time. I've truly seen that happen also, where the debates and conversations are done in real time. Where someone will say; "did you hear about" such and such, and the other person will say; "yes" because they became a news alert them selves.

Maybe these tablets have grown to be a muse for coffee shop discourse? What I'm telling is this, technology is often disruptive and it changes the way good, and live our lives. Perhaps you have wondered what will happen when THREE DIMENSIONAL printers are in every home? Let's discuss that.

a few. ) 3-D Printers May Change Our Home Day-to-day lives

Well, why go shopping in the store if you can buy the substance you need, and merely pic your furniture, silverware, cups, plates, houseplant pots, options, and other home decorations? Possibly tools for the garage, picture frames, and all sorts of other things. That would be my guess, and I believe which is happening in the future. Once you pic something, depending on the type of material you use you may need to heat it up in an oven, or move it in the microwave to achieve the material to fully fuse together, and harden the material so it never falls apart.

Performs this mean people will be shopping for larger microwaves, and request more substantial ovens in their home? Can this spur on a lot more home appliance sales intended for General Electric and other product makers? That would be my guess, and i also wonder if Hewlett-Packard understands that long term as well? Maybe they may have six-in-one printers instead of five-in-one (printer, fax, scanner, and so on ) for the future? Likewise, the standard of 3-D printer you buy may determine the quality of the product you produce when you order the particular electronic file with the CADCAM design of exactly what you want.

Certainly, people will be able to tell in the event you created the object using a state-of-the-art 3-D printer, or some low-cost knockoff brand. Let's say some sort of figurine might be judged by means of its quality and by it has the attention to detail. That doesn't necessarily mean you couldn't take and also X-Acto knife before you solidify it to ensure the details usually are pristine. You may even decide to shade the figurine thus, artwork over any flaws. Then you will throw it in the range, before you put it on display in your home. Does this mean that hobby craft supplies may be a nice destination to invest, or will it too be a victim of THREE-D printing where people pic those supplies as well?

Whatever the case, because of this issue of good quality and detail we may have an overabundance of of our citizenry going for quality rather than quantity. Okay so , which manufactures will be damage by 3-D printing in the foreseeable future? It could cause a terrible problem for the transportation industry for the reason that will no longer be shipping goods, and it could hurt the particular commercial real estate industry simply because big box retailers will not should display items anymore, everybody will order it on-line, even use holographic displays to choose the item before they obtain the file to print out it at home.

China could possibly be the big loser in this given that they do so much in-country developing. It could cause 100 million people to lose their job in China for instance. That could be ample to economically implode the country, causing an overthrow of the government. Sure, that is a assuming theory, but not so away from whack considering human history you observe.

What about auto parts manufacturers? A lot of those jobs have moved to be able to Mexico from the United States, and now we have a tremendous number of knockoff automotive parts being created in China. This does an end operate on China and the intellectual property or home and patents theft, what kind could say is poetic justice, but we will be hurt here at home too. All of us make parts for all kinds of things; cars, trucks, aircraft, medical devices, hardware, and you also name it. That will absolutely hurt manufacturing jobs.

Of course , it will spawn a new sector of 3-D printing materials, and it really already provides. There are several companies that consider they have a lockdown on what style of material will be used in future, although I assure you which as these 3-D printers improve, and we get better at manipulating molecular assembly, and assimilation, this those pioneers of these THREE DIMENSIONAL printing materials will have to stay up with the game, or turn over their market share to potential innovation.

Now then, when folks are shopping less on retail stores, that will affect the retail store industry as well, but people might also be driving fewer, therefore cutting down on the amount of gas that that use. Still, because of this sales tax revenue for the locations, counties, and states can decline because they will be purchasing less fuel, and less things in the retail store. In addition, you can expect that those 2 they print in their home will cost less than if they invest in them in a store, because the retailer has the supply chain which also adds to the cost of this product. Therefore all the things that they printer will in fact be less costly for that consumer. Lower costs suggest lower sales tax revenue being a percentage.

Further, it is the components which are sold in bulk where consumer will be spending the most money, just as now men and women can almost get a free inkjet printer, but the big money is made in the price of the ink weather resistant buy to keep it charged up again, just look at the prior several years of HP earnings because they are broken down in their annual shareholder's reports.

What I'm telling is this will be a paradigm switch and affect every business all at once. If you think that upcoming isn't coming, believe us it's already in the pipeline and we already have 3-D computer printers in many high schools through the entire nation. Students are getting the concept of exactly what this technology are able to do for the future, and they are creating completely new applications for it.

Anyone who have stops and thinks about it could see how it will affect anything industry they are in - just think of the construction marketplace. If you need more nails, anyone go down to the hardware store, you just make them on the job site. The plumber would not need to bring any pipes on his truck, all he'd need to do is usually take his portable 3-D printer, and do a THREE-D scan of the pipe installation that broke, and then print out it and use it, job carried out, here's your bill. Do not need run to the hardware store to get a part, and then come back later. He will be much more productive.

Each entrepreneur in every individual industry will consider what they desire, and how they can use a 3-D printer to solve those problems. After the technology exists, and it is feasible, it will be everywhere. Humans apparently love things, they obtain trinkets, objects, and they present them in their homes and also domiciles. That is human nature. Which is how human culture has developed in society. It almost never matters which civilization get to, they all have their knickknacks, around the, and artwork for present. Now they can display it all to their heart's content.

We will see even greater abundance of possibilities. Perhaps people's homes can become almost like museums of the interests. Someone who likes aerial might have every model of just about every airplane ever built across their home. Maybe this will change bookshelves because books are generally going to be electronic. Perhaps you have close friends like I do who collect things. Once they get a hold of a catalog, or go online and find out what's available, they will be producing away like mad. Certainly I bet the skilled psychiatry and psychology organizations will come up with new psychological addiction disorders to explain all this - it's much like hoarding in a way - and we have all seen those ridiculous TV show examples.

That more than likely surprise me at all, not should it surprise you. After all, we now realize that people obtain addicted to video games, and that all of our personal technologies are creating a lack of attention. Modern technology will cause such things, and we should be ready for the next wave of 3-D printing challenges on our society and civilization. Perhaps pretty much everything is nothing more than the modern variation of cave paintings. So , has mankind really transformed all that much?

Many folks claim that folks are too materialistic in our modern culture, sure that's true enough - these same folks can tell us that consumerism offers ruined society, okay maybe to some extent that too can be the case, still, when 3-D printers are in every house, let's just see what exactly all those detractors of human innate characteristics happen to state when they themselves start printing away!

Tell you what, really want to walk around your home for 15-minutes - right now and start approach all the things you see, the smaller items perhaps under 2-foot by simply 2-foot. If you will note your home is filled with such items, just look in your kitchen, living room, home office, bedroom, and your bathrooms. See what I mean. The majority of00 it could be 3-D printed. In addition, if you don't like something, suppose that ugly cable TV container, you could order the e-design for a façade cover, the one that let in airflow, but the one which would allow that cable container to become a nice shape of some thing you like instead, or the bottom part for an object.

Maybe you just like model sailing ships through the Spanish Armada? Your cable box becomes the base from the model ship which covers up the unpleasant design and hides the idea in an art form for instance. Remember to realize I just made this upwards, but it could be whatever you would like. Use your creativity, maybe you could become a designer and find people willing to buy your designs to get common things like this as well as you receive a royalty from the on the internet catalog.

Perhaps Amazon are certain to get into the scene, or maybe this can be a new venue for Search engines, Microsoft, Apple, HP, or something new brilliant start-up entrepreneur who starts this business out of their dorm room at Harvard and also gets the money contacts he needs to nearly unlimited capital to make it happen rapid and then goes public rapid think about how many times in which scenario has happened and how it's changed our world once and for all - and it hardly must be Harvard for an optimal start-up.

Indeed, I hope you are realizing the glimpse into this future, the future of 3-D making, because like the social networks, Net, search engines, computer, and mobile phone tech this changes everything in every industry. The world are never the same, the cat no longer has enough the box, and it is alive : and it has been eating catnip, so look out.

Okay, nicely, my 30-minutes of speaking are up, and you do not have to listen to me anymore, it can your turn to talk, therefore, I will open the phone wrinkles. If you are reading this as a stereo transcript turned into an online document, well, go ahead and leave a communication below.

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