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Site Load-Speed Is Today a Google Position Aspect

After having a lot of recent speculation, they have now been officially expressed by Google that the load-speed of a website is now among the factors considered when evaluating site search rankings.

Is this the finish of flash?

What this means is that an internet site than incorporates flash photos, or a large amount of images, may be penalized by Yahoo. A large amount of images, large images as well as flash-based graphics are known to slow down the load-speed of a site. Potentially, this could mean unexpected drop in SERP postures for any site using an great quantity of images, graphics or maybe flash objects.

Have Yahoo shot themselves in the foot or so?

There is growing anger in the website fraternity over this particular recent announcement by Google. It has been pointed out, quite vigorously, that Google's own Statistics script and its AdSense program code both decrease webpage load-speed, especially the latter, that can be painfully slow at times. Several feel that for Google to be able to now factor load-speed among the criteria for search ranking is very hypercritical.

In its defense, Yahoo has pointed out that load-speed (which they are calling Site-Speed) will be only one of over 190 other criteria that make up the actual search ranking assessment.

This safeguard by Google has done tiny to quell the mafia, many of whom are harmful to drop all Google Analytics and AdSense for their web-sites. It is not clear how much benefits will be placed on load-speed so that as usual Google are being secretive and evasive over the matter. The fact remains that if Yahoo decide to make it one of the key factors and place great pounds on it, it could potentially possess a large significance for the actual average website.

Is the panic valid or just an over-reaction to another Google announcement?

Whenever Google makes a major launch there is always a 'the end is nigh' reaction by webmasters and SEO prossionals. People just do not like adjust. Naturally, Google is playing decrease this latest announcement in addition to proclaiming that it really won't be that noticeable to the major websites.

In a recent interview Google's Matt Cutts him self declared that, "People should never stress out too much regarding Site-Speed, and the reason is we're always going to health care first and foremost about quality. micron

In relation to the growing monomania over a sudden drop browsing ranking, due to the introduction from the Site-Speed factor, he continued to add, "Don't think it's going to be the largest of the two-hundred variables. "

Will Site-Speed often be beneficial?

Google repeatedly believe that their number one goal is usually customer experience, and that the internet sites at the top of the search rankings ought to be those that are most relevant, as well as beneficial, to search engine customers. Maybe there is some benefit to the new Site-Speed issue?

It is a well proclaimed statistic that the average human internet browser has an attention span of about five seconds or significantly less. Therefore , if a page normally takes longer than 5 seconds to load, there may be plenty of men and women hitting their web browsers back button, before they perhaps read that page. Just what exactly use is a site sitting for a SERP number one position, in the event very few people are going to make an effort reading its actual content?

google website page speed -experience be the victorious one?

Site-Speed was not incorporated like a ultimate factor used for picking a search ranking position. Actually can do is help to select ranking positions where websites contain similar or the same information. This is a step in the correct direction for a more favorable customer experience. If two web sites contain almost identical articles, surely a user would prefer the internet site that can display the information in the least amount of time?

Maybe Google has done all search engine users the favor?

This decision may force webmasters to streamline their sites and create a closer look at load-speed. Any kind of announcement that persuades an internet site designer to improve load-speed, to ensure a visitor does not have to wait twelve seconds to read the content really should be seen as a step forward. Improving the site's load-speed should not be carried out just to please Google; any site upgrade should be intended for improving visitor experience.

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