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Sleep apnea robs many people of a good night's sleep. Luckily, ways to enhance your sleep quality through managing your symptoms, are available. Read the tips provided below in order to achieve an excellent night of sleep.

A common reason for sleep apnea to occur is increased weight. So if you have sleep apnea, and you are overweight, then try to shed some of those extra pounds. There should be a weight loss plan in place that restricts calories. Exercising should be a part of this plan as well. Cutting out buy cbs pills as white rice, pasta and sugar is one step that many people use to lose weight.

Lose weight if you need to. Several studies have shown that there is a link between obesity and sleep apnea. For this reason, losing as little as 25 pounds could resolve your sleep apnea problems even if you would actually need to lose quite a bit more to attain your ideal weight.

You really need to do your best to lose weight if you have sleep apnea. Those who have sleep apnea typically have a neck circumference of 17 inches or more. This excess weight around the throat causes the airway to collapse more easily during sleep. Reducing your weight by even ten pounds can have a beneficial impact on your sleep apnea.

If you have just been diagnosed with sleep apnea and prescribed a CPAP, join a CPAP support group. It can be quite difficult to get used to sleeping with a mask on your face every night. Sitting in a room full of other people going through the same thing can be very empowering. You can learn from others who have had the same issues you are having and made adjustments to make it work.

Adding a chin strap to your CPAP routine can help to keep your mouth closed as you sleep. The chin strap is a fabric strap that supports your chin to keep your mouth shut. If you have your mouth open CPAP therapy isn't going to work, so give this device a try to find out if it works.

Inform a friend or family member of your condition. Sleep apnea can be life threatening. It can also cause complications when combined with other conditions. Inform those around you of your sleep apnea. If the worst occurs, they will be able to pass this information along to a medical professional during an emergency.

If your nose is bothering you, use a nasal spray. This type of product can ease occasional congestion or dryness. Most nasal sprays are not recommended for extended periods of time so use them sparingly. Head to your pharmacy to see what your options are to deal with your nose bothering you in your sleep.

A proven tip to reducing and preventing sleep apnea is to try sleeping on your side. You should avoid sleeping with your face up on your back. Gravity will cause the tongue and tissues in your neck fall back and block your airways. So sleep on your side for a better nights sleep.

Do not let your sleep apnea go untreated. Sleep apnea is often a progressive condition so it is best to get treatment immediately. Avoid waiting for your condition to deteriorate. If you wonder whether you have sleep apnea, talk to a doctor right away.

Talk to a doctor. When you have sleep apnea, you must be sure to see a physician. This is because only a doctor can tell you which treatments are right for you. If you wait, you may find yourself in dire straits as well as feeling confused. See a doctor right away so you can treat your condition.

When you are sleeping, in addition to laying on your side, it is also useful to prop your head up. This can be done by using an extra pillow or even a special pillow designed for people who suffer from apnea. A special wedge pillow is the perfect shape for this function.

Life is hard enough to deal with without the added stress of feeling tired and having no energy throughout the day. Do not allow sleep apnea to keep you up all night anymore and try these tips tonight.

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