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Kids Camping Checklist!

Hey everyone for this video. We are going to show you what we are bringing for our two girls for camping, Kayla, six years old and Elias. This is our second year camping, so we are more familiar with what we need and what we don't. So I am an over-packer, but it's because I've been in situations before and I rather pack it and not need it then have not packed it and need it. So if you guys want to see what we are packing for, the girls then keep on watching. So, starting over here we have Kayla sleeping bag. It is a princess, camping, sleeping bag. It'S great for her size and we got this one this year from Target. Then I was in the lookout to find something for Anna Lee she's a lot smaller and doesn't fit regular-sized sleeping bags. So I got this nap Matt from BJ's, it's great for travel, nap time and daycare, and this is how it looks like it's a mat and it has a built-in blanket and then a pillow. So that would be great for her and nice and comfortable. It'S machine. Washable and it's super soft and fuzzy over here, we are going to bring their love ease this one's Anneliese. This is Kayla's. I wanted them to have something from home, so this would be great for bedtime just to make it super easy and simple. We have a blanket over here. This is Kayla's and then we are also going to be packing. Anneliese Olaf blanket because that's her favorite and we want them, of course, to have their blanket from home. is the first-aid kit and their thermometer I'm going to make a separate clip of what is in here. So if you guys want to see then keep watching, we have our diapers here, we're pretty much packing five for each day. This is a little bit more than we need, but, like I said, I'd rather pack a little bit more and not need it, then not have it at all, because we are going to be out and we don't want to do that. I brought some underwear because we are going to try to potty train while we're there. We just think it's the perfect time to you know potty train because of the outdoors, and things like that. So for that we were going to need our potty. This is the two and one patil plus travel, and it has like you can put it on top of a toilet. You can just sit it down like good little potty with a baggie and things like that. So that's really great. We have our baby wives and there I am getting close to the girls clothes. These are the outfits. I pack three outfits for each day that we're there. So this is outfit number one. It'S just leggings and a t-shirt. Then we have this big sister shirt with some shorts for Kayla and then a tank top with some leggings for Anna for Kayla as well. This is an Elise outfits, it's just a shirt with some shorts. We have another t-shirt with leggings and some leggings and a t-shirt back there. These are the girls PJ's. I always like to pack different kind of PJs for when we're out, because you don't know how the weather is going to be when you're outdoors, so I pack their PJs with their shorts over here. This is Kayla's, and then I pack the pants to go with it just in case it's colder and another pants and t-shirts set for Anna Lee. Again, we have the shorts with the shirt and also the pants, just in case it's chilly or in case it's hot and then just a footed PJs for the fur when it's colder outside because last year was super super cold. So I'm coming over here, I'm talking about cold last year was really cold and thank God I brought their winter hats because they kept them nice and warm big parts to covering for your children when they're cold or their head and their feet. So keep that in mind and bring their winter hats, and here I have Kayla's, underwear and socks I pack in a ziploc bag. I have Anneliese Bam, Bam, binos, um, sippy cup and over here these are the outfits they're going to be wearing the day. We leave for camping and mommy to Phoenix Luna. She got these for the girls last year and thank God they still fit them. It'S just like little graham crackers and these little marshmallows like, oh, no, so it's really cute and they have the matching shirt. So, thank you Luna for that, because it's so cute that they get to wear them again this year. I wanted comfortable shoes for them, so we got Anna Lee these like fake Crocs, and we thought these were good and if they get dirty, oh well, they weren't that expensive and then these I got for Kayla at Target and I love them. They'Re like little hiking shoes and they're nice and comfortable for her, so we got those. We brought a sweater for Anna Lee. I still need to get Kayla sweater from the dryer, so sweaters, and also we are bringing raincoats this year last year it rained like twice while we were there and the girls didn't, have any raincoats or anything so this year. I want it to be super prepared. So I brought each of their raincoats moving on over here. Our campsite does have a pool, so we are going to be in the pool some of the times when we're there, so we brought Annalise to swim diapers by I play. We brought the girls swim shoes. Two bathing suits for each, so this is Annalise. This is Annalise. Second bathing suit, Kayla's bathing suit, and then we have another one down here and we have their goggles. We have Kayla shades, wet bag for their wet swimsuits. We have sunblock, we have two dresses to bring them out of the pool I like to just throw on dresses for when I get them out of the pool and their cover. Ups are just from Old Navy and they're white. We also have the girls beach towels over here, Kayla's Anneliese and over here are some snacks that we're bringing for them just some Earth's best right fruits, some pouches some cookies, and this little squeeze thing that I use for Annelise pouches and some peanuts and more snacks Of Ellis kitchen, so that is what we're going to bring we're, also bringing their vests. This is Kayla speedo vest, and this is Anneliese little infant vest it's by Kidder and yeah. So these are really helpful and yesterday at Target kayla made daddy, purchased this surfboard. It'S Elsa and Anna now I'm going to pack all the girls stuff in this black Sookie Youth, all righty guys. So this is how the bag looks. Nice and full. It does close really well for the beach towels, the girl's best and all that and the first aid kit. I opened up my beach bag that I was bringing anyway, so I just packed everything in there. So when we're going to the pool, we know where everything is, I still need to pack this in my suitcase and then I have the girls outfits that they're going to wear that day with the shoes they're going to wear that day. So I can't pack that these they can hold onto in the car and those will go with the rest of the camping things so yeah. That is what I'm packing for my girls for our second year camping trip. Thank you guys. So much for watching and I'll see you in our next video bye, guys

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