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once opne a time ther was a cat and a dog theywas togethr from whan thay got born antel rite this very sekond so they allwes lived together but after they was born in kopel month the cats mom daid then after a year the dogs mom daid whan they grow more and more older then the two dads was going some ware they got hete by a trak and daid so they ware alne but they gote throw it and got ther life going oh and did i teal you that thay got borne in the same time!! oh i now that is rely cool but that wat hapend so one time the dog and the cat sow somebody howwas ther ferinds ferind so he told the dog that he is his ferinds ferind so that hanester oh the animal was a hamester . so the hamester told him that he have some money for him he realy realy need to give him the money becose if he did not give the money to him the (polceanimal) toled him that if you did not i will take you to the preson that man how needed to give the money did not give the money by saing that i will give it leter oh now not now leter on so he kepet saing that untel the (polceanimal) siad if you do not give the money i will take you to preson so he had to give it back. so the dog toled him ok then ware is the money oh no you will take the the money by coming with me. what?? wheat a sake i will go to get the money by going with you ??? ya ofcors how else will igive you the money. so you don`t bring the money her ya i did not bring the money hear ok whan do you want me to come to you now if you do not have aney thing ok that will be good. so the og went with him to get his money bake but it was so late at night it was 2:00am in the night so that animal had a car so thay want draiving afer copel of minets theat animal was draiving with his eyes closed so the dog said be care full ther is a trakete infront of us then they ggot in a car aksedant the dag was in the hospetal becuse his head and his arme got bomed the hard chare the cat rashed in the the hospetal and said oh ware can i finde a dog thats called jake the sekeratary toled her that he is n room 167 thankyou said the cat she rashed to room 167 then she seese tne dog laeng in the bead he wake up then he was saig ware is the money ware i need the money that was all my money is gane oh every thing is gane in my life my mom my dad and my litte life that i am going to live it then the cat said now what said the dag yes said the yes your your life is wanderfull yes it is wanderfull dont you now that the life is not all about money and fun the life is about the familly and if you dodt have one you dont jaste go arond like this you will say that if i did that will thay be happy will thay stel be plesad from you will thay ? wal late me tale yu thay want if you stay like thais you dont even you dont care abute me like you will not be abeal to say are you ok you hae to leve like a happy animal life is not about money you have to stop remamber how your famille loved you how loved you little hart you love to them do you now what love meanes do you now i love you i am like your siseter ok do you anderstand what i mean plase anderstand me. then after thay got out of the hopetal thay aranged that and hade in thay lived happy ever after the end.
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