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# In death messages, you can add a new death detection message if you want to!
# Here is a list of death causes

prefix: '&7[&bSkywars&7] '
No-Permission: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cBu komutu kullanmak için iznin yok!
Unknown-Command: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cBilinmeyen bir komut kullandın!
Player-Join: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &aLobiye katıldın!
Player-Leave: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cOyundan ayrıldın!
Lobby-Not-Set: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cLobi henüz ayarlanmadı!
Already-In-Game: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cZaten bir oyundasın!
Not-In-Game: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cBir oyunda değilsin!
Not-In-Lobby: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cBunu yapabilmek için bir lobide olmalısın!
Coins-Update: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &aMuzCoin'lerin güncellendi!
Modifier-Update: Your modifier has been updated!
Party-Must-Be-Leader: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cBunu yapabilmek için parti lideri olmalısın!
Party-Player-Not-Available: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ Parti üyesi &b%member%, &7henüz hazır değil!
No-Available-Arena: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cMüsait bir arena bulunamadı!
Must-Have-Empty-Hand: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cBu tabelayı kullanmak için elinin boş olması gerek!
Invalid-Mystery-Box: The mystery box has invalid settings!
Tracking-Player: '&b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &eOyuncu taranıyor: %target%'
Invalid-Entity: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cGeçersiz boşluk.
Player-Kill: '&b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &e%target% adlı oyuncuyu öldürdün&7, &d%coins% &7MuzCoin ve &d%exp% &7kazandın!'
Invalid-Item: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cGeçersiz eşya!
Not-Enough-Coins: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cBunu yapabilmek için yeterli MuzCoin'in yok!
Not-Enough-Space: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cBunu yapabilmek için envanterinde yeterli alan yok!
Item-Purchase: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &aÖğeyi başarıyla satın aldın!
Item-Select: '&b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &a%item% &7adlı öğeyi seçtin!'
Cooldown: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cBu işlemi gerçekleştirebilmek için &d%seconds% &7saniye &cbeklemelisin!
Unknown-Player: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cOyuncu bulunamadı!
No-Available-Items: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cKilidini açmak için uygun bir eşya bulunamadı!
Mystery-Box-Item-Unlock: '&aTebrikler! &7%item% &aadlı eşyanın kilidini açtın!'
Party-New-Leader: '&b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &e%player% &ayeni parti lideri!'
Party-Unknown-Player: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cPartinde böyle bir oyuncu bulunamadı!
Party-Self-Invite: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cKendini davet edemezsin!
Party-Join-Arena-No-Space: '&b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cBu arenaya yeterli boşluk olmadığından katılamazsın!'
Player-Already-Invited: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cBelirttiğin oyuncu zaten davet edildi!
Item-Sell: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &aEşyanı başarıyla &b%value% MuzCoin &akarşılığında sattın!
Player-Inactive: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cBu oyuncu artık arenada aktif değil!
Command-Block: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cBu komutu oyun içerisinde kullanamazsın!
Warning-Receive: '&b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cBir uyarı aldın! &4(%warnings%/%maxwarnings%)'
Warning-Exceed: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cÇok fazla uyarı aldın!
Player-Rank-Up: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &b%rank% &aderecesine atladın!
Arena-Not-Available: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cKatılmaya çalıştığın arena müsait değil!
Arena-Not-Enough-Spawnpoints: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &aArena yeterli spawn noktasına sahip değil!
Arena-Full: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &cArena dolu!
Player-Spectate: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &7Şu anda arenayı izliyorsun!
Player-Join-Arena: '&b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &e%player% &7oyuna katıldı! &d(%players%/%maxplayers%)!'
Player-Join-Team: '&b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &e%player% &7takımına katıldı! &d(%teamsize%/%maxteamsize%)!'
Player-Leave-Arena: '&b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &e%player% &7oyundan ayrıldı! &d(%players%/%maxplayers%)!'
Player-Leave-Team: '&b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &e%player% &7takımından ayrıldı! &d(%teamsize%/%maxteamsize%)!'
Countdown-Cancel: Countdown has been cancelled due to insufficient amount of players!
Arena-Starting-Countdown: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ Arena &b%seconds% &7saniye içerisinde başlayacak!
Arena-Starting-Countdown-Shortening: The countdown timer has been skipped to &b%seconds% &7seconds!
Arena-Start: &b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ &aOyun başladı!
Killstreak-Award: '&a&lYou have received the &e&l%killstreak% &a&lplayer killstreak
Leave-Arena-Error: Only the leader of the party can do this!
Block-Break-Below-Team: '&cYou can not break the block below your team!'
Player-Vote: '&d%player% &6has voted for &e%option% &c(%votes%)!'
Kit-Receive: You have received your &a%kit% &7kit items!
Game-Cancel: Game has been cancelled because it has exceeded its time limit!
Chests-Refill: Chests have been refilled!
Arena-Borders-Leave: '&cYou can not leave the arena borders!'
Arena-Borders-Outside: '&cYou are outside the arena borders!'
Arena-Finish: '&aCongratulations! &7you have won the game!'
Arena-Finish-Prize: You have received &d%coins% &7coins for winning!
Team-Player-Eliminate: '&e%player% &7has been eliminated from your team! &d(%teamsize%/%maxteamsize%)!'
Party-Player-Leave: You have left the party!
Party-Player-Leave-Alert: '&c%player% &7has left the party!'
Party-Full: This party is full!
Party-Join: '&e%player% &7has joined the party!'
Party-Not-Invited: You are not invited to this party!
Party-Invite-Send: '&e%player% &7has sent an invitation to &a%target%'
Party-Invite-Receive: You have been invited to &b%leader%&7 party! this invitation will expire in &d%seconds% &7seconds!
Party-Invitation-Expire: Party invitation has expired!
Party-Player-Kick: You have been kicked!
Party-Player-Kick-Alert: '&e%leader% &7has kicked &c%player%'
Invalid-Party: Invalid party.
Invalid-Arena: Invalid arena.
Spectator-Tip: As a spectator, you can left click air or right click a block to access the &a&nspectator gui!
Player-Move: You moved! Task &ccancelled!
Player-Movement-Disabled: Do not move for &d%seconds% &7seconds!
Arrow-Hit: '&e%player% &7is now on &c%health% %heart%&e!'
Item-Owned: '&cYou have already purchased this item!'
Reload-Kick: Plugin has been reloaded! due to that you have been kicked
Booster-Activate: '&a&lA x%modifier% BOOSTER has been activated by %owner% for %duration%
Bounty-Deny: '&cYou cannot set a bounty now!'
Bounty-Set: '&e&lA bounty has been set on &c&n%target%!&e&l Total bounty amount
on %target% is now &a&n%total_bounty%&e&l coins! &a&l(+%bounty%)'
Bounty-Claim: '&a&l%killer% &e&lhas claimed the bounty on &c&l%player% &a&l(%bounty%
Bounty-Survive: '&e&lNo one was able to kill you! Your bounty (%bounty%) is now
yours to claim! &a&l(+%bounty% coins)'
Bounty-Cancel: '&e&lYour bounty on %player% has been cancelled! You have been refunded
%bounty% coins!'
FALL: '&e%player% &7fell to their death!'
ENTITY_ATTACK: '&e%player% &7was killed by a monster!'
LAVA: '&e%player% &7thought swimming in lava is fun!'
SUFFOCATION: '&e%player% &7suffocated!'
VOID: '&e%player% &7fell into the void!'
DROWNING: '&e%player% &7does not know how to swim!'
FIRE: '&e%player% &7burned to their death!'
FIRE_TICK: '&e%player% &7burned to their death!'
ENTITY_EXPLOSION: '&e%player% &7exploded into million pieces!'
BLOCK_EXPLOSION: '&e%player% &7exploded into million pieces!'
UNKNOWN: '&e%player% &7has been killed by an unknown object!'
SUICIDE: '&e%player% &7has killed himself!'
- '&c%player% &ehas been killed by &a%killer%&e!'
- '&c%player% &ewas brutally murdered by &a%killer%&e!'
- '&c%player% &eweapon could not stand against &a%killer%&e!'
- '&a%killer% &egave a helping hand in &c%player% &edeath!'
- '&a%killer% &ecould not resist killing &c%player%&e!'
Title: '&b&lᄽ&6&lM&b&lᄿ'
- '&6&m-----------'
- '&b> Kills/Deaths'
- '%kills%/%deaths%'
- '&b> Coins:'
- '%coins%'
- '&b> Wins:'
- '%wins%'
- ' '
- '&b> Kit:'
- '%selected_kit%'
- '&b> Cage:'
- '%selected_cage%'
- '&b> Trail:'
- '%selected_trail%'
- '&6&m-----------'
Title: '&b&lSKYWARS'
- '&6&m-----------'
- '&b> %current_event%'
- '%current_event_time%'
- ' '
- '&b> Players:'
- '%players%'
- ' '
- '&b> Arena'
- '%arena%'
- ' '
- '&b> Mode'
- '%mode%'
- ' '
- '&7%date%'
- '&6&m-----------'
Waiting: Waiting
Starting: Starting in
Chest-Refill: Chest refill in
Ending: Ending in
Finish: '&aGood Game!'
Title: '&a&l[SW]'
Leave: '&c&lleave'
Autojoin: '&c&lautojoin'
Join: '&c&ljoin'
Arena-Color: l
Arena-Players: '&9%players%&d&l/&9%max_players%'
WAITING: '&aWaiting'
STARTING: '&eStarting'
INGAME: '&cIngame'
ENDING: '&dEnding'
ROLLBACKING: '&cRollbacking'
QUEUED: '&cQueued'
DISABLED: '&cDisabled'
Profile: '&9Your profile'
Stats: '&9Your Stats'
Confirm-Purchase: '&cConfirm your purchase!'
Party-Settings: '&cParty Settings'
Spectator-Teleporter: '&cTeleport to players'
Spectator-Menu: '&9Spectator Menu'
Arenas-Selector: '&9Arenas'
Achievements: '&cAchievements'
Shop: '&9Shop'
Parties: '&9Parties'
Player-Inviter: '&9Invite Players'
Party-Players: '&9Party Players:'
Arena-Settings: '&9Arena Settings'
Quit-Inventory: '&cAre you sure you want to quit?'
Sell-Confirm: '&cAre you sure about this?'
Boosters: Boosters
Bounty-Target: '&cSelect target player'
Bounty-Options: '&cSelect bounty amount'
Quit: 'MAGMA_CREAM : name:&cQuit : lore:&7Click to quit the game!'
Play: 'DIAMOND_AXE : name:&6Play : lore:&7Click to join a game!'
Shop: 'EMERALD : name:&aShop : lore:&7Click to buy new items!'
Profile: 'SKULL_ITEM:3 : name:&bProfile : lore:&7Click to view your profile!'
Inventory: 'CHEST : name:&bInventory'
Achievements: 'ENDER_CHEST : name:&dAchievements'
Boosters: 'CHEST : name:&a&lBoosters : lore:&6Click to view active boosters'
Stats: 'PAPER : name:&aStats'
Party: 'WORKBENCH : name:&dParty : lore:&7Click to manage your party!'
Teleporter: 'COMPASS : name:&bTeleport : lore:&7Click to teleport to other players'
Autojoin: 'WATCH : name:&b&lAutojoin : lore:&7Click to join the best : lore:&7available
Back: 'EYE_OF_ENDER : name:&aBack : lore:&7Click to go back!'
Vote: 'WATCH : name:&d&lVote : lore:&7Click to vote for the arena settings'
Confirm: 'STAINED_GLASS:5 : name:&aConfirm'
Cancel: 'STAINED_GLASS:14 : name:&cCancel'
Next: 'STAINED_GLASS:5 : name:&aNext page'
Previous: 'STAINED_GLASS:14 : name:&cPrevious page'
Create: 'BEACON : name:&aCreate : lore:&7Click to create a party!'
Join: 'CHEST : name:&cJoin : lore:&7Click to join a party!'
Invite: 'ENDER_CHEST : name:&aInvite : lore:&7Click to invite players'
Leave: 'TNT : name:&cLeave : lore:&7Click to leave the party'
Bounties: 'GOLD_INGOT : name:&6Bounties : lore:&7Click to set a bounty on someone!'
Starting: '&cStarting in &e%seconds% &cseconds'
Starting-Shortening: '&cTimer skipped to &e%seconds% &cseconds'
Start: '&cGame has begun!'
Finish: '&aCongratulations!'
Player-Spectate: '&cYou are now spectating!'
Killstreak: '&cYou have a killstreak of &b%killstreak%'
Description: '&eDescription:'
Rarity: '&eRarity: %rarity%'
Value: '&eValue: &d%price%$'
Armor: '&eArmor:'
Helmet: '&5 - &aHelmet: &d%helmet%'
Chestplate: '&5 - &aChestplate: &d%chestplate%'
Leggings: '&5 - &aLeggings: &d%leggings%'
Boots: '&5 - &aBoots: &d%boots%'
Items: '&eItems:'
Item: '&5 - &d%item%'
No-Items: '&dNONE'
Permission-Needed: '&cRequires Permission'
Selling: '&cSold for &e%coins% &ccoin(s)!'
Lines: '&b&m-------------'
Players: '&ePlayers: &b%players%&e/&b%maxplayers%'
Teams: '&eTeams: &b%teams%&e/&b%maxteams%'
Type: '&eType: &d%type%'
State: '&eState: %state%'
Rank: '&7[&b%rank%&7] '
Global: '&7[&6Global&7] '
Party: '&7[&dParty&7] '
Lobby: '&7[&bLobby&7] '
Spectator: '&7[Spec] '
Alive: '&7[&aAlive&7] '
- '%randomcolor%&m==============================='
- ' '
- ' &e%star% &a%winners% &7won the game! &e%star%'
- ' '
- '&6 1st Killer - %topkiller1_name% - %topkiller1_kills%'
- '&e 2nd Killer - %topkiller2_name% - %topkiller2_kills%'
- '&c 3rd Killer - %topkiller3_name% - %topkiller3_kills%'
- ' '
- '%randomcolor%&m==============================='
- '&3======== &bArena Settings &3======='
- '&b - &6Time: &e&l%votedTime%'
- '&b - &6Chests: &e&l%votedChests%'
- '&b - &6Event: &e&l%votedEvent%'
- '&b - &6Health: &e&l%votedHealth%'
- '&3============================'
- '&7&m---&a %player_name% &7stats &m---'
- '&bKills &7%arrow% &e%kills%'
- '&bCoins &7%arrow% &e%coins%'
- '&bDeaths &7%arrow% &e%deaths%'
- '&bWins &7%arrow% &e%wins%'
- '&bProjectiles launched &7%arrow% &e%projectiles_launched%'
- '&bProjectiles hit &7%arrow% &e%projectiles_hit%'
- '&bExp &7%arrow% &e%player_exp%'
- '&bRank &7%arrow% &e%player_rank%'
- '&bBlocks placed &7%arrow% &e%blocks_placed%'
- '&bBlocks broken &7%arrow% &e%blocks_broken%'
- '&bItems enchanted &7%arrow% &e%items_enchanted%'
- '&bItems crafted &7%arrow% &e%items_crafted%'
- '&bFishes caught &7%arrow% &e%fishes_caught%'
- '&7&m----------------------'
KILLS: Kills
DEATHS: Deaths
COINS: Coins
WINS: Wins
MODIFIER: Modifier
PLAY_TIME: Play Time
PROJECTILES_HIT: Projectiles Hit
PROJECTILES_LAUNCHED: Projectiles Launched
ACCURACY: Accuracy
RANK: Rank
NEXT_RANK_NEEDED_EXP: Next rank needed exp
BLOCKS_PLACED: Blocks placed
BLOCKS_BROKEN: Blocks broken
ITEMS_ENCHANTED: Items enchanted
ITEMS_CRAFTED: Items crafted
FISHES_CAUGHT: Fishes caught
Stat: '&a%stat%:'
Value: '&e%value%'
Header: ''
Body: '&7#&d1 &b%stat% &7- %player% - &e%score%'
Footer: '&7&m-------------------------'
- ' '
- '%randomcolor%&m-----&4&k AA&e Achievement unlocked &4&kAA %randomcolor%&m-----'
- '%randomcolor% Achievement -> &6%description%'
- '%randomcolor% Prize -> &e%prize%'
- ' '
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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Looding Image
Long File

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