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Sexuality, Suicide, and Conflict

A few days ago, I was having a libation at the local watering hole. I was minding my own, personal business, thinking about writing and watching people live their lives. While sitting there, a male wearing dirty jeans and a Labor's Union shirt yelled out over the room, "Let's get rid of here, this can be a fag bar." As you can imagine, this hadn't review well with 98.9% from the pub's customers, many of whom are actually drinking for, I suspect, hours. The following event 's what ensued: "Who the f*@# you talking to, I'm no fag," one patron roared. The agitator exclaimed, "Mind your personal f*%&ing business, I wasn't conversing with you." Another patron, clearly annoyed with the exchange, "Get the f%$# out of here before I kick your ass, none individuals are fags." Then, as I suspected, several men prepared for battle. Commercial dispute mediation Come on mother$#@%er, let's do this," he yelled. This fiasco ensued for a couple of arduous minutes, both rival factions sizing one another up, transferring circles, all parties slowly moving for the door, the exit to either escape or an open battlefield. As you can imagine, I was soaking this up like water to some sponge. After all, I'm a master of conflict, and I always find conflict as well as predictability fascinating. No punches were thrown that day, the agitators left; the bar once again became silent.

I've witnessed this ballot of conflict numerous times; however, I find it fascinating how prevalent heterosexism is still amongst males in today's world. After all, I was the only one who told each party to relax and to get over their homophobia. I, naturally, couldn't help but chime in, all things considered, there is a conflict, and I wanted a bit. As I calculated, neither party paid attention to me or my statement. At the time I made the statement, all parties couldn't hear me; we were holding in fight or flight. They were devoted to the other, their thrilling, in addition to their testosterone spiking. At this point, I was invisible.

We've made a great deal of progress for gays and lesbians with this country, but our progress isn't happening fast enough. I'm not homophobic. I've never been afraid of homosexuals; in reality, whatever two women or men do inside their bedroom is, for me, their business. And just when you are human, we all have the right to pursue and share the love of another we deeply value. Albeit, we have made progress, my have the other day clearly demonstrates we have not made enough.

Over the past week, I've read several articles illustrating the positive correlation between homosexuality and suicide. I find this anathema, as we're a said to be a "civilized" country which espouses "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Obviously, we're failing. It's time to have a stand; it is time to attempt to connect to people different than ourselves. Not only do we, straight America, should support gays and lesbians pursue their constitutional right to pursue happiness, we have to support other taboo groups, a lot of whom and we don't completely understand or know much about. As a society, we must support law abiding citizens whom decide to live different lifestyles, including the BDSM community, leather community, polyamory community, along with other fetish lifestyle communities.

Yes, and we don't have accept these different lifestyles, but they, in accordance with our values being a nation, have the to certainly pursue happiness, and so they should be able to accomplish that without intimidation, coercion, or duress. We know that many whom are on the fringes of society, for reasons uknown, feel isolated. And because of this, they feel hopeless, unwanted, and pursue suicide, a lasting solution to your temporary problem.

Please, keep a balanced view and treat everyone, irrespective of their sexual orientation, with respect and dignity. Consider supplying them your friendship in lieu of your ridicule. We owe this to ourselves like a people and a nation. We should try this because lives hang inside balance, no one should die simply because they believe they don't participate in the collective beehive we call the United States.

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