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[Video Title]
"A brief history of video games"

Video games are everywhere these days, but where did they actually come from?
This video tells you the begining of video games.

[Lead-In Discussion]
1. What is your favorite game? How does it look like?
2. Which platform have you ever been play?
3. What is the oldest game you know?

[Viewing Tasks and Questions]
1. Who uses video games?
1.1 ____________________________
1.2 ____________________________
1.3 ____________________________
2. ________, the inventor of the first game console, is also known as the father of video games.
3. In 1972, the very first home video game console called _______ was released.
4. Pac-Man arcade game earned revenue of over ________ during the first year of its release
5. Pac-Man was originally called __________, but Midway changed its name.
6. Jumpman was eventually renamed to __________.

1. Scientists, Military, People like you and me
2. Ralph Baer
3. Odyssey
4. $1 billion
5. Puck-Man
6. Mario

Match the following games and creators: (can be multiple relations)
Space Invaders Taito
Pac-Man Namco
Donkey Kong Nintendo
Double Dragon

Pong ---------- ATARI
Space Invaders ------------- Taito
Pac-Man --------- Namco
Donkey Kong ------- Nintendo
Double Dragon ------------- Taito

[Follow Up Discussion]
1. Why do you play games?
2. What kind of games you would like to create?
3. Why the Donkey Kong and Double Dragon use the same story line about Damsel?
4. Do you prefer the single or multiple player game?
5. Which the game character's gender will you choose? male or female?
6. What interests you most about Thailand game show?

[Vocabulary / Idioms / Natural Language]
Mouthful (n) = a long word or group of words, especially one that is hard to pronounce
Put on the map (idm) = to bring into the public eye; make known, famous, or prominent
Mistreat (v) = to treat badly or abusively
Puck (n) = ice Hockey. a black disk of vulcanized rubber that is to be hit into the goal
Make waves (idm) = to disturb the status quo; cause trouble, as by questioning or resisting the accepted rules, procedures, etc.
Damsel (n) = a young woman or girl; a maiden, originally one of gentle or noble birth
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