<%if emreOld=1 then %>
<%else %><%end if %> " <%if not page("resim")="" then %> data-src="/ : Notes">

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<%if not qsql("hakkimizdaurl")=page("url"&uzanti) then %>
<%if emreOld=1 then %>
<div class="main-header lazy d-block position-relative w-100 d-flex pt-5 <%if not page("resim")="" then %><%else %><%end if %> " <%if not page("resim")="" then %> data-src="/uploads/<%=page("resim") %>" <%end if %>>
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<h1 class="font-weight-bold text-white header-title"><%=page("baslik"&uzanti) %></h1>
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<span class="display-4 text-center w-100 contactMain-title"><%=page("baslik"&uzanti) %></span>
<div class="EditorIcerik">
<%=page("icerik"&uzanti) %>

<%if page("url"&uzanti)=qsql("videogaleriUrl") then %>
<%set video=baglan.execute("select * from Upload where islm='video' order by sira asc") %>
<ul class="galleryPhotos photoGallery">
<%while not video.eof %>
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/embed/<%=video("filename") %>" data-fancybox>
<img class="lazy img-fluid" data-srcyebas="true" src="/img/spacer.gif" alt="<%=video("aciklama"&uzanti) %>" data-resim="http://i3.ytimg.com/vi/<%=video("filename") %>/hqdefault.jpg" data-src="http://i3.ytimg.com/vi/<%=video("filename") %>/hqdefault.jpg" />
<div class="info_absolute">
<span class="icon">
<i class="fa fa-play"></i>
<span class="text"><span><%=video("videoname"&uzanti) %></span></span>
<%video.movenext:wend %>
<%elseif page("url"&uzanti)=qsql("fotogaleriUrl") then %>
<%set video=baglan.execute("select * from albumler") %>
<ul class="galleryPhotos photoGallery">
<%while not video.eof %>
<a href="/<%=video("url"&uzanti) %>">
<img class="lazy img-fluid" src="/img/spacer.gif" alt="<%=video("title"&uzanti) %>" data-resim="/uploads/thumbs/<%=video("resim") %>" data-src="/uploads/thumbs/<%=video("resim") %>" />
<div class="info">
<span class="text"><span><%=video("baslik"&uzanti) %></span></span>
<%video.movenext:wend %>
<%elseif page("url"&uzanti)=qsql("havalebildirimurl") then %>
<div class="col-xl-12 col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 mBottom30">
<div class="contactTitle">Ödemenizi Havale İle Yaptıysanız</div>
<div class="contactSubTitle">Lütfen Bize Bildiriniz.</div>
<form class="contactForm" role="form" method="post" action="/ajax/havalebildirim/" data-ajax="true" data-result-type="swal" novalidate="true" data-toggle="validator" autocomplete="off">
<div class="row row10">
<div class="input-field">
<input type="text" name="konu" placeholder="" required readonly value="Konu: Banka havalesi ile ödeme yaptım" />
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<input type="text" name="isim" placeholder="İsim Soyisim" required />
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<input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Email Adresiniz" required />
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<input type="text" name="telefon" placeholder="Telefon Numaranız" required />
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<input type="text" name="banka" placeholder="Banka İsmi" required />
<div class="input-field">
<input type="text" name="tutar" placeholder="Fiyat" required />
<div class="input-field">
<textarea name="mesaj" cols="10" rows="5" placeholder="Mesajınız" required></textarea>
<div class="input-field w2">
<input type="text" name="sayi" value="<%=sayi%>" readonly />
<div class="input-field w2">
<input type="text" name="dogrula" placeholder="Güvenlik Kodu" required />
<div class="input-field">
<button type="submit" class="submitBtn">GÖNDER</button>
<%elseif page("url"&uzanti)=qsql("aramasonuclariurl") then %>
<!--#include file="arama_sonuclari_en.asp"-->
<%elseif page("url"&uzanti)=qsql("bankahesapurl") then %>
<table class="table">
<th style="width: 170px;">RESİM</th>
<%set arr=Baglan.execute("select * from hesaplar order by siralama asc") %>
<%while not arr.eof %>
<img class="lazy" src="/img/spacer.gif" data-src="/uploads/small/<%=Arr("resim") %>" data-srcyebas="true" alt="" style="max-height: 68px; border: 1px solid #eee;" />
<b>Banka</b> : <%=arr("banka") %><br />
<b>Hesap İsmi</b> : <%=arr("hesap_adi") %><br />
<%if not arr("iban_tl")="" then %>
<b>Iban TL</b> : <%=arr("iban_tl") %><br />
<%end if %>
<%if not arr("iban_euro")="" then %>
<b>Iban EURO</b> : <%=arr("iban_euro") %><br />
<%end if %>
<%if not arr("iban_dolar")="" then %>
<b>Iban DOLAR</b> : <%=arr("iban_dolar") %><br />
<%end if %>
<%if not arr("iban_pound")="" then %>
<b>Iban POUND</b> : <%=arr("iban_pound") %>
<%end if %>
<%arr.movenext:wend %>
<%elseif bolgeler=true then %>
set bolgeler = baglan.execute("select baslik"&uzanti&" as baslik,title"&uzanti&" as title,url"&uzanti&" as url,stuff((select ';/;/'+ub.baslik"&uzanti&"+'##'+ub.title"&uzanti&"+'##'+ub.url"&uzanti&"+'##'+ub.resim+'##'+ub.kisa_icerik"&uzanti&" from urun_bolgeleri ub where ub.aktif=1 and ub.cat=urun_bolgeleri.id order by ub.baslik"&uzanti&" asc for xml path('') ),1,4,'') as alt from urun_bolgeleri where aktif=1 and cat=0 order by baslik"&uzanti&" asc")
<%if not bolgeler.eof then %>
<%while not bolgeler.eof %>
<span class="h3 w-100"><%=bolgeler("baslik") %></span>
<div class="row w-100">

<%parcala = split(bolgeler("alt"),";/;/") %>
<%for i = 0 to ubound(parcala) %>
<%row=split(parcala(i),"##") %>
<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6">
<div class="card my-2">
<%if not row(3)="" then %>
<img class="card-img-top" src="/uploads/500x300/<%=row(3) %>" alt="<%=row(1) %>">
<%end if %>
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title"><%=row(0) %></h5>
<p class="card-text"><%=row(4) %></p>
<a href="/<%=row(2) %>" title="/<%=row(1) %>" class="btn btn-primary">Detaylar</a>

<%next %>
<%bolgeler.movenext:wend %>
<%end if %>

<%elseif page("url"&uzanti)=qsql("yorumlarurl") then %>
"select d.*,o.baslik as urunbaslik,o.resim as urunresim,o.title as title,o.url as url,'urunler' as tablo from defter d inner join (select u.id,u.baslik"&uzanti&" as baslik,u.url"&uzanti&" as url,u.title"&uzanti&" as title,u.resim from urunler u inner join kategoriler k on k.id=u.kategori inner join fiyatlar f on f.islem_id=u.id where f.islem='urun' and f.vitrin=1 and k.aktif=1 and u.aktif=1) o on d.islm_id=o.id where d.onay=1 and d.islm='urunler' "&_
"union "&_
"select d.*,isnull(o.baslik,'') as urunbaslik,o.resim as urunresim,isnull(o.title,'') as title,isnull(o.url,'') as url,'araclar' as tablo from defter d inner join (select u.id,u.marka"&uzanti&" as baslik,u.url"&uzanti&" as url,u.title"&uzanti&" as title,u.resim from araclar u where u.aktif=1) o on d.islm_id=o.id where d.onay=1 and d.islm='arac' "&_
"union "&_
"select d.*,isnull(o.baslik,'') as urunbaslik,o.resim as urunresim,isnull(o.title,'') as title,isnull(o.url,'') as url,'sayfalar' as tablo from defter d inner join (select u.id,u.baslik"&uzanti&" as baslik,u.url"&uzanti&" as url,u.title"&uzanti&" as title,u.resim from sayfalar u where u.aktif=1) o on d.islm_id=o.id where d.onay=1 and d.islm='sayfa' "&_
"order by d.id desc"
set arr=baglan.execute(sql)
<%if not arr.eof then %>
<ul class="commentList">
<%while not arr.eof %>
<img class="lazy" src="/img/spacer.gif" data-src="/uploads/small/<%=arr("urunresim") %>" alt="" />
<a class="pull-right" href="/<%=arr("url") %>/" title="<%=arr("title") %>"><%=arr("urunbaslik") %></a>
<div class="comment-author">
<i class="ps ps-user"></i>
<%=arr("isim") %>
<div class="comment-meta-date">
<i class="ps ps-date"></i>&nbsp;
<%=arr("tarih") %>
<p><%=Arr("mesaj") %></p>
<%arr.movenext:wend %>
<%end if %>
<%end if %>

<%if albumler=true then %>
<%set arr=baglan.execute("select * from upload where islm='galeri' and islm_id="&page("id")&" order by sira asc") %>
<%else %>
<%set arr=baglan.execute("select * from upload where (islm='blog' or islm='sayfa') and islm_id="&page("id")&" order by sira asc") %>
<%end if %>
<%if not arr.eof then %>
<ul class="galleryPhotos photoGallery">
<%while not arr.eof %>
<a href="/uploads/<%=arr("filename") %>" data-fancybox="images">
<img class="lazy img-fluid" src="/img/spacer.gif" alt="<%=arr("aciklama"&uzanti) %>" data-resim="/uploads/thumbs/<%=arr("filename") %>" data-src="/uploads/thumbs/<%=arr("filename") %>" />
<%arr.movenext:wend %>
<%end if%>

<%if not albumler=true then %>
<%set arr=baglan.execute("select * from faq where cat="&page("id")&" and islm='sayfa' order by siralama asc") %>
<%if not arr.eof then%>
<div class="accordion w-100" id="faqExample">
<%while not arr.eof %>
<div class="card">
<div class="card-header p-0" id="soru_header<%=arr("id") %>">
<h5 class="mb-0 d-flex flex-wrap">
<button class="btn btn-link d-flex w-100 py-2 my-1 px-3 collapsed" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#soru_<%=arr("id") %>" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="soru_<%=arr("id") %>">
<%=Arr("baslik"&uzanti) %>
<div id="soru_<%=arr("id") %>" class="collapse" aria-labelledby="soru_header<%=arr("id") %>" data-parent="#faqExample">
<div class="card-body">
<%=arr("icerik"&uzanti) %>
<%arr.movenext:wend %>
<%end if %>
<%end if %>
<%else %>
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<span class="display-4 text-center w-100 contactMain-title"><%=page("baslik"&uzanti) %></span>
<span class=" h5 font-weight-bold mt-5"><%=page("kisa_baslik"&uzanti) %></span>
<p class="text-center mt-2"><%=page("kisa_icerik"&uzanti) %></p>
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<span class="px-3 py-3 bg-dark rounded-circle h4 text-white">01</span>
<span class="h4 ml-sm-4 ml-2 font-weight-bold missions-title">Listenizi Bulun</span>
<p class="mt-2 text-sm-left text-center">Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text esktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text</p>
<div class="col-md-6 d-flex flex-sm-row flex-column align-items-sm-start align-items-center py-sm-0 py-4">
<i class="far fa-globe-europe display-1 text-info mb-sm-0 mb-2"></i>
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<span class="px-3 py-3 bg-dark rounded-circle h4 text-white">02</span>
<span class="h4 ml-sm-4 ml-2 font-weight-bold missions-title">Aktivitenizi Seçin</span>
<p class="mt-2 text-sm-left text-center">Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text esktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text</p>
<div class="col-md-6 d-flex flex-sm-row flex-column align-items-sm-start align-items-center py-sm-0 py-4">
<i class="fal fa-dollar-sign display-1 text-info mb-sm-0 mb-2"></i>
<div class="d-flex flex-wrap align-items-sm-start align-items-center justify-content-sm-start justify-content-center ml-sm-5 pl-sm-4">
<span class="px-3 py-3 bg-dark rounded-circle h4 text-white">03</span>
<span class="h4 ml-sm-4 ml-2 font-weight-bold missions-title">En İyi Fiyat & Hizmet</span>
<p class="mt-2 text-sm-left text-center">Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text esktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text</p>
<div class="col-md-6 d-flex flex-sm-row flex-column align-items-sm-start align-items-center py-sm-0 py-4">
<i class="fal fa-user-headset display-1 text-info mb-sm-0 mb-2"></i>
<div class="d-flex flex-wrap align-items-sm-start align-items-center justify-content-sm-start justify-content-center ml-md-5 ml-sm-4">
<span class="px-3 py-3 bg-dark rounded-circle h4 text-white">04</span>
<span class="h4 ml-sm-4 ml-2 font-weight-bold missions-title">Destek</span>
<p class="mt-2 text-sm-left text-center">Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text esktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text</p>
<div class="w-100 bg-info pt-4 pb-1 border-top border-bottom shadow-lg">
<div class="container">
<%set arr=baglan.execute("select * from upload where islm='sayfa' and islm_id="&page("id")&" order by sira asc") %>
<ul class="galleryPhotos photoGallery">
<%while not arr.eof %>
<a href="/uploads/<%=arr("filename") %>" data-fancybox="images">
<img class="lazy img-fluid" src="/img/spacer.gif" alt="<%=arr("aciklama"&uzanti) %>" data-src="/uploads/thumbs/<%=arr("filename") %>" data-srcyebas="false" />
<%arr.movenext:wend %>
<%end if %>
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