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said here but is not pictured---kinda sounded like someone else said it.

camera work is literally inasne

appeared chugging cofee

spinning around talking to guy with lases behind him--back turned

Mmakes a fat run for it as commision adjurns.
10.2.2014 board of commisioners

1:47:40---Mr Blakemore--get that cookie out of here!

laughing shaking head, commission doesnt answer blakemors questions.

board of commisioners

he's there and seconds some random shit

board of the whole
present, doens't really do anything

board of commisioners
seconds mintues into reocrd without reading
abstains 7:08: 21 on vote

I just wanted to acknowledge that i saw in the paper today that one of our former commisioners 12:15, jduge john rodgers passed away, he was a well-repsected layer then started his public service career her, then moved onto the judicianry and became a judge. I just wanted to submit condolences to him,

committee of the whole 2014 1.23.2014

Thank you madam president--10-20-22-29
abstaining on number 10 for preexisting business. called him to takl and he was somehwere else ( i think.)
re: Report on rejection of bids for Contract 13-674-11, Fence and Gate Repairs in the Stickney and Calumet Service Areas, estimated cost $87,500.00

I just had a few quetsions about that--this is related to that levy we flooded last year right? (8:20)
when we sold it to the forest preserve do they technically still own the levy? or do we retain ownership

i know this is in engineering, but there is a 10 million dollar cost that will eventually go to the board for approval

and then--i also see that this is also gonna help a comed sub-station, which is critical to our stickney plant--will they be participating?

I'm sorry i have a follow-up--you said in jest they were offering the property in jest, is that something we should look at, with the levy there, that maybe we can use it for stormwater managment, i know that they have different goals and objectives with the forest preserve--but we could look at it

I know this settlemnet we had approved last yer, and i was under the impression that this was a completed settlemnt, but now their coming back, and i just want more explanation and also and at sometime we need to finalize it and have a final settlment so if you could explain it a little more
so if there were additonal people that fall udner this they should be included==but at what point whose responsiblity is it to give the final list

ok--so this settlement, subsequent to this settlement, if somebody raises a claim, they'll be barred from this--i

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