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- Truth seeing eyes
This ability was originally let the owner able to see the flow of energy, both living and not. But it can only seen in grey-ish colour. His ability soon improved after the attack in small fishing village in his hometown--resulting that not only can see grey-ish, he also can see the different color as well as the thread itself (when something is moved). For the example, the sea is blue, then he will see the flowing blue energy followed by several threads, indicating that the 'thing' is moving. The range he can see with his ability is quite small. The closer he is, then the clearer the vision he gets. This ability is suitable for observing environment and detecting where does someone/something go.

However, this ability also has weaknesses. He must focus on what kind of object he wants to see. He will prevent himself from blinking, making sure he doesn't lost his focus. Because of the limitation of sight range, he sometimes will force himself to see further. The consequence of this action will cause the great pain on his eyes and he must not open his eyes for several period of time. Click this link to see the visualization. ( )

- Enhanced strength
Placed on 8-C tier, he is physically strong (because strong physic is one of the requirments to enter military school in his city). This ability will gradually increased after several trainings (which soon will be discovered in roleplay because need character development).

Allows him to destroy medium-sized buildings and constructions. As for this action, he will aim for the vital spot or main pillar so no double work. However, the limitation of the usage are 3 times a week. He is still human, it will cause fatal injury or even his magical power will be drained if he overdo it.
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Regards; Team

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