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I'm currently thirteen. It's weird cause I just graduated from my primary school, and now I'm a secondary one in a girls' school. And mostly everyone I know are bitches and it sucks. Even my closest friends changed. I was quite popular back in primary school if I must say so myself. I had many friends and many are those people that I counted on. My secrets and jokes. Then secondary school came. And my 'family' were separated into the different classes. But despite that, we were still close as ever. We met new friends. But we still refused to really accept them. We wanted the 'family' to stick together forever. But then 'war' between us started. First it was one of my bestest friends. One who I trusted with my deepest secrets. And could offend without hurting each other's feelings. She was kicked out. Because, now that I've noticed, of me. I exposed her quiet secret to the rest. She complained to me about them. How they treated her differently. And she had said something to hurt my feelings as well. And I was a person who got angry extremely easily. I had anger management problems. So I leaked it out to the rest. And soon, she was brutally kicked out. To my delight, back then. But then, another 'war' came. It was with my other best friend. She was someone who could make me laugh super easily. We both were unseparatable. We were very close. Or so I thought. Soon, we started fighting on and on. It was non-stop. Maybe it was because she had changed, or I had changed, but I knew I still was the girl with anger management problems. We fought almost everyday. The days we didn't fight just lasted a few hours. She suddenly stuck close to other of our friends. And 'abandoned' our friendship. But that was bearable. But then this huge fight came. That involved on of the girls we really hated. She started going home together with her. At first, we accepted it. We allowed it. But then it soon became chaos. We fought. Two of my friends, under my name, wrote a letter for her. Plus all the vulgarities. When they saw it, they had thought it was me. And they blamed me. We didn't talk afterwards, for probably two weeks. It was dreadful for me. I tried apologising. But they didn't believe me. It sucked a lot. But then, we soon cleared it up. But she was no longer welcomed in our 'family'. But it was fine for me. I still had friends to count on. Despite my bestest friends mending their friendship and becoming like what we were back then. It hurt me a lot. See them like that. I always got a squeeze at my heart, whenever I see them together. Thus, this made my do badly for my mid-year examinations. But then I got over it. But then another thing came along. I fought with the rest of the 'family' or should I say the three of the big four of our 'family'.
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