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Narrator - Good Morning teacher and classmates. This is our roleplay we hope you'll like it.
Here is a little introduction:
~Kurt is the 'on the streets' robber.
~ We have Marcus as the thin at the top robber.
~Me, Sydney, and Kelly as a group of friends who are getting robbed.
(3 seconds)
Narrator - in a 7/11 store there were three girls who were friends. Gene, Kelly, and Sydney.
Gene - that ice cream was yummy
Kelly - yup it was. let's go home now?
Sydney - ok let's go.
Narrator - while Gene, Kelly, and Sydney were walking, they stumbled upon two men who were thin at the top and a man who was on the streets. They were about to rob the girls
(3 seconds)
Marcus - Give me your money and jewelry.
Kurt - Now!
Kelly- Ok thin at the top, haha haha.
Gene- Haha, plus we don't even have money.
Sydney- I know right?!
Marcus- You're very creative with the truth ahh.
Kurt - You vertically challenged kid! Give us your money now!
Sydney- Ok, on the streets robber.
Kurt- ugh!!!
Gene- We really don't have money.
Kelly- As you can see we are economically challenged.
Marcus- Are u really sure?
Kelly - Yes! We are underprivileged.
Marcus - You should know that I really hate people that are creative with the truth.
Kurt - Exactly!
Marcus - Make sure next time you should bring your money so we can rob you.
Gene - Fine.
Kurt - How bout the jewelry?
Sydney - Do we look like we have real diamonds?!
Marcus - Yes?
Kelly - Well, you can have the fake jewelry I found in the streets.
Kurt - Haha. NO.
(Kurt and Marcus walks away)
Gene- I can't believe they fall for that lie. Haha!
Kelly- Wait so you have money?!
Gene- yeah, I do.
Sydney- Nice one Gene.
(Kurt and Marcus heard the girls)
Marcus- I knew it haha haha!
Kurt- We got you this time
Kelly - Gene! Just give them the money and call the cops Syd.
Gene- ok!!!
(Money received and walked away)
Sydney - (calls 911) Hello? Me and my friends are getting held up by two vertically challenged men.
Kelly - Please hurry we are in the alley beside the 7 Eleven shop in Banawe, Quezon City.
Marcus- yes hahaha
Kurt- Finally I will not live on the streets for a night
Marcus- Finally I will get to buy a wig for my bald top, and maybe some hair growth products?
Narrator - And so the police came and arrests the two robbers as they try to escape. THE END.
Hope you enjoy this short presentation. Thank you for listening!

Gene - creative with the truth
Kelly - economically challenged
Sydney - vertically challenged
Kurt - on the streets
Marcus - thin at the top

Narrator - Good Morning teacher and classmates. This is our roleplay we hope you'll like it.
Here is a little introduction:
~ We have Marcus as the thin at the top robber.
~ Kurt is the 'on the streets' robber.
~ Me and Kelly as friends who are getting robbed.
(3 seconds)
Narrator - in a 7/11 store there were two girls who were friends. Gene and Kelly.
Gene - that ice cream was yummy
Kelly - yup it was. let's go home now?
Gene - ok let's go.
Narrator - while Gene, Kelly, and Sydney were walking, they stumbled upon two men who were thin at the top and a man who was on the streets. They were about to rob the girls
(3 seconds)
Marcus - Give me your money and jewelry.
Kurt - Now!
Kelly- Ok, thin at the top, haha haha.
Gene- Haha, plus we don't even have money.
Kelly- I know right?!
Marcus- You're very creative with the truth ahh.
Kurt - You vertically challenged kid! Give us your money now!
Gene- Ok, on the streets robber.
Kurt- ugh!!!
Gene- We really don't have money.
Kelly- As you can see we are economically challenged.
Marcus- Are u really sure?
Kelly - Yes! We are underprivileged.
Marcus - You should know that I really hate people that are creative with the truth.
Kurt - Exactly!
Marcus - Make sure next time you should bring your money so we can rob you.
Gene - Fine.
Kurt - How bout the jewelry?
Kelly- Do we look like we have real diamonds?!
Marcus - Yes?
Kelly - Well, you can have the fake jewelry I found in the streets.
Kurt - Haha. NO.
(Kurt and Marcus walks away)
Gene- I can't believe they fall for that lie. Haha!
Kelly- Wait so you have money?!
Gene- yeah, I do.
Kelly- Nice one Gene.
(Kurt and Marcus heard the girls)
Marcus- I knew it haha haha!
Kurt- We got you this time
Kelly - Gene! Just give them the money and call the cops.
Gene- ok!!!
(Money received and walked away)
Gene- (calls 911) Hello? Me and my friend are getting held up by two vertically challenged men.
Kelly - Please hurry we are in the alley beside the 7 Eleven shop in Banawe, Quezon City.
Marcus- yes hahaha
Kurt- Finally I will not live on the streets for a night
Marcus- Finally I will get to buy a wig for my bald top, and maybe some hair growth products?
Narrator - And so the police came and arrests the two robbers as they try to escape. THE END.
Hope you enjoy this short presentation. Thank you for listening!

Gene - creative with the truth
Kelly - economically challenged and vertically challenged
Kurt - on the streets
Marcus - thin at the top
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