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How to prepare for a video call with a doctor


With the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating the use of telemedicine, virtual calls with a doctor are becoming increasingly more popular. It's a safer alternative to in-person visits and patients can connect to a healthcare provider right from their own homes. Depending on your location and state laws, doctors may also be able to prescribe certain medications through a video call.

For many people who are new to online appointments with a doctor or have been used to visiting in person, a video call may seem daunting or even less effective. However, in this article, we provide tips on how you can prepare effectively for a video appointment with your doctor.

Are you nervous about your virtual appointment with your doctor?

Some people may feel more anxious when speaking over the phone or through a video call. This is perfectly normal. Here are some things to remember when preparing to speak to a doctor online:

Understand that your doctor is there to listen and help you.
While you and your doctor may not be physically in the same, using video can make the experience feel more personal.
Preparing what you want to say ahead of time can help mitigate stress.

What equipment will you need for a video call with a doctor?

For many virtual appointments, you'll need a way to view your doctor on screen. This includes a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or computer. If you'd like to be on-screen as well so that your doctor can see you, make sure your device has a useable webcam and microphone.

Here's our pro tip! Be sure to test your webcam and microphone before heading into your virtual doctor's appointment. After all, your online time with your doctor should be about you and your health—not troubleshooting technical issues.

You may also want to consider using headphones or earbuds to increase your privacy.

On the day of your appointment, check to see if your device has a full battery. We recommend keeping your device plugged in if possible.

Where should I have my video call with my doctor?

For your doctor's appointment, choose a location that is quiet and private. This allows you to speak freely and hear what your doctor is saying.

If you'll be on camera, choose a well-lit location with a strong Wi-Fi signal so that you don't run into any issues with your internet connection.

In terms of your internet, connect to a secure Wi-Fi channel to ensure that your data is protected.

Preparing for your virtual call with your doctor

Before heading into your appointment, we highly recommend writing down questions or topics that you want to cover with your doctor. This can help steer the conversation and ensure you're getting the information you need.

Here's our pro tip! Add an open-ended question at the end, such as "Is there anything else I need to know?"

If you are taking any medication or are using any medical devices, have these next to you in case you want to show your doctor. For video calls that deal with external or skin-related issues, take a high-resolution photo and send these to your doctor ahead of time. Holding your arm up to your webcam, for example, might result in a more blurry look at a skin issue.

On a similar note, have any information related to your medical history and health or insurance nearby in case you or your doctor needs to refer to it.

Whether you're using a phone or a laptop, shut down other programs you may be using. Having these run in the background of your virtual doctor's appointment may hinder the speed and quality of your video.

During your virtual call with your doctor

Don't be afraid to take notes! If you need your doctor to slow down, let them know.

If someone else is in the room who will be listening to the conversation, let your doctor know beforehand. In most cases, having another person with you is perfectly fine.
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