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World History
Chapter 2
Early Civilization
3)Land of Canaan
4)Near Eastern Empire
+After the Tower of Babel, many descendants of Ham and Shem remained in the general area between the Tigris. And Euphrates rivers because it was fertile
+The Greeks later called this area, Mesopotamia. Literally meaning, "Land between the rivers."
(The Greeks were not creative with names)
Sumerian Civilization
+Sumer-Consisted of about 12 independent city-states that had no political unity but possessed a similar culture. The cities constantly fought
+Sumerians believed their cities to belonged to the gods, so the temple was the center of everything. Education, government, worship, trade, etc.
+The Sumerians leaders were typically priests who were considered gods representatives
+Sumerians were polytheist
+By 2000 B.C. The Sumerian civilized disappeared 
Religion in Society Discussion
+Greeks-Mythology/Monotheists-believed in Zeus, but there were other beings that weren't on Zeus' level
+Modern Governments
+Explaining scientific evens with the supernatural 
+Most of what we know about Sumer has come from the discovery of thousands of clay tablets bearing cuneiform
+CUNEIFORM-The earliest known form of writing
+Using a wedge-shaped stylus, the Sumerians made impressions of wet clay, which was later baked in an over, 30 minutes at 350° then flip and to for another 45 minutes at 325°
The Rise of Sargon 
+SARGON-came to power in the city if city-state of Kish. Sargon conquered the other city-states and established the first known empire, the AKKADIAN EMPIRE
+Akkad-the capital of Sargon's empire. Under Sargon, the King's power surpassed the priests and the people were encouraged to view the King as a god
+Fun Fact-about 100 years after Sargon's death, Ur became a powerful city and was most likely the same Ur Abraham was called our of
+Hammurabi-the 6th king of the Amorites. The united the land of Mesopotamia under this sole rule. Hammurabi developed infrastructure, such as canals, collected taxes, and further developed administrative matters for the kingdom
+Hammurabi's Code-developed a code of law by compiling, organizing, and simplifying existing law. Hammurabi's Code became the standard of judgement in moral, social, domestic,make commercial maters throughout the empire
+Hammurabi had the code engraved in stone pillars. But his law was not exactly fair because the penalty for a particular offense varied with the social class of the offender
+For example, if a man of the wealthy class broke a bone of a member of his own social class, his own bone was broken. But if he broke the bone of a commoner, he only had to pay a fine.
+Another flaw, Hammurabi's Code placed a higher value on property than on human life
-Source of Agriculture
Ancient Egypt
+Narrow strip of land along the banks of the Nile River
-750 miles long
-12<= miles wide
+South Egypt-Northern region
+North Egypt-Southern region
+The Nile is one of the longest rivers in the world with a length of 6,650 miles
+Flows from south to north
+All tombs were constructed ok the west side of the Nile River. Sun god Ra as re-born in the cast and died in the west everyday. So the "west-side" was the side of death
+Nile was the highway to transport goods
+The River flooded every June through August as snow melted in the mountains at its source, this flooding fertilized the soil
Three phases of History, each with an intermediate period of fighting
1)The old Kingdom
2)Middle Kingdom
3)The New Kingdom
The Old Kingdom
+1-The old kingdom-"the age of pharaohs"-pharaohs during this, period were especially powerful and were considered gods who owned all of Egypt. The pyramids were built during this time
The Middle Kingdom
+2-The Middle Kingdom-"The age of the people"-rulers directed projects to things that would help the people. Characterized by peace and construction like irritations and ponds to store water during dry seasons. Hyksos conquered Egypt during the period and brought bronze, horses, chariots, and enslaved the Jews
The new Kingdom
+3-New Kingdom-"The age of the Empire"-Egypt expelled the Hyksos, and became a great power in the world. Famous pharaohs include, Hathepshut, thutmose 3 who was the greatest warrior conquering Palestine and Syria and extending Egypt all the way to the Euphrates, acquiring the nickname the "Napoleon of Egypt"
+The earliest center of civilization in the Aegean region was located in the island of Crete
+By 2000 BC the Minoan civilization flourished on the island
Minoan Civilization
+Te Minoan civilization c
The capital city of the Minoan civilization was Knossos 
+The palace at Knossos had 100's of rooms and covered several acres. It had such amenities as: flushing toilets. Bathtubs, piped water, etc
Minoan worship
+Minoans worshipped the bull, the sport of bull leaping, which is portraying in some of frescoes found at Knossos, was probably linked with human sacrifice
+Thi king of Knossos demanded that Athens supply 7 young men and young women every 9 years as a sacrifice to the Minotaur, a half man, half bull creature
+Mycenae was located in the mainland of Greece
+Fhe Mycenaean civilization was established by invaders from the north
+Most of their art and architecture came from Minoan culture
+Minoan culture displayed art, Mycenaean. Was more interested in portraying its military power
+It's palaces were built on high hills and fortified with walls
+Rival Mycenaean kings fought constantly as they expanded trade routes and sea raids and piracy became common
+A major rival of Mycenae of the city of Troy, located on the western coast of Asia Minor. +Troy was a strategic site that linked the land trade of the Fertile Crescent with the sea of of the Aegean world
Mycenaens vs. Trojans
+A war between Mycenaeans and Troy was fought for 10 years and Troy finally fell to the Mycenaeans
+Tradition holds that they gained entrance to the city by use of the "Trojan Horse" 
+Ultimately the Dorians took out Mycenaeans and ushered in a new period of Greek History
Battle of Troy
+Supposedly, the Mycenaeans attacked Troy because they stole the Princess, but women were essentially property in Greek culture at this time, but may have been an excuse to attack
Trojan war battle strategy
+The Trojans had a difficult time finding Troy and getting into the city, so they used the trusted battle strategy of find their small weaker trading partners, and light them on fire
The Greek Dark Ages
+The period from 1150-750 B.C. Is known as the "Dark ages of Greek History"
+The palaces of the Minoans and Mycenaeans they adopted a simpler life style of person life in village and had very little contact outside of the Aegean region
+The historical knowledge of the agrees Dark Ages is based in poetic work of Homer
+Homer describes the shaping of Greek culture in his epic poems the plaid and Odyssey
+Values such as dignitym strength, valor, bravery, generosity, and wisdom were expressed through the 
In honor of Zeus, the Greeks held national religious festivals every 4 years at Olympia
+Poseidon was the god of sea and earthquakes and was Zeus' brother
+All Greek gods had human characteristics yet they were also immortal and possessed extraordinary power, including the power to both hurt and help man
Greek Mythology
+Greek Mythological gods wee an invention of men, and therefor exhibited human sins: immoral, impatient,mwhimsical, unjustly and deceitful 
3 Greek Religious distinctions
1). It had no powerful, priesthood. priests wre public officials appointed to perform certain religious rights
2). It did not emphasize preparation for the afterlife. Greek religion was concerned with the present and emphasized earthly needs
3). With the exception if the Delphic Oracle, magic and astrology were almost non-existent
Ancient Greece started the Olympics every 4 years starting around 776 B.C.
-All athletes were men
-No awards were given to 2nd and 3rd
Alexander the Great
+First true celebrity
+No primary sources
+The greatest 
+Hardcore Warrior
-The word used most when describing Alexander the Great 
-Means overwhelming
+Spiritual:Believed God's played favorite
+Hoplite-talented in
+Land is the key, wine, grapes, crops
+Son of Olympias and King Phillip 2
+Upper Macedonia had big mountains for protection
+Crops thrived
+Alexander was only afraid of one human-his mother
+His dad is one of the most powerful kings of all time
+Had one of the smartest philosophers ever as his personal teacher
+Never lost a battle
+Conquered the East
+Believed Zeus chose him to be great and conquer the world
4 reasons to study Alexander the Great
+1)Story is just interesting
+2)Alexander is probably the greatest warrior in all of history
+3)Teaches us about the nature of leadership
+4)By studying him it challenges us to strive to life
Alexander compared to Jesus
+Never lost a battle
+Noticed every detail and reacted perfectly-taming of the horse
+Heart attack around the age of 30-33 years old
+Knew he would die young and was okay with it because God(Zeus) had called him to a higher purpose
+Made a sacrifice of Frankincense and Myrrh (twice) 
+On the night of His birth a temple named Artimous (temple of birth)
+Never lost a battle
+Was presented with Frankincense and Myrrh
+Had no fear of death causing them to be great
+Never lost
The League of the 7 Hills
Palatine Hill
-Mountain gives warriors an advantage
Romulus and Remus
-Floated down the Tiber River
-Father wanted to kill them
-Wolf saves them from the River
-Raised by Wolves
-Kills Remus
-Founded Rome
Roman Families:
-Roman family was the foundation
-Clan-number of families from a common ancestor
-Tribe-a number of clans united by a common belief or living in a particular region
-Patricians-rich landowners
-Plebeians-commoners-farmers traders craftsmen
-Monarchy-single ruler, had help
-Showed all power
Manchester United
Early Roman republic
+Etruscans control Rome and institute a monarchy
+Roman nobility-509BC overthrow the Etruscans 
+Establish a Republic
+2 Elected officials
-Supervised Government
+300 members
+Lifetime members
Expanding Rome
+Rome conquers south
+War Leonard wins twice
+Romans who conquer treat citizens well
Punic wars (3)
Rome vs. Carthage
War 1
+Created the worlds greatest navy 
+Stretched in a big U around Rome
+Controlled the Mediterranean 
+Fights Rome over the island Sicily
+Rome wanted Sicily because it would possibly be a threat later on... To close for comfort
+Rome captures a Carthaginian Naval Ship and copied all of their best stuff/ideas
Rome won the first Punic war
+Took over ships by hand to hand combat
+Captured Sicily
War 2
Carthage expands through Spain, 
+Try to attack Carthage itself
+Hannibal-was so smart
+Used elephants as tanks
+Attacks Rome with Elephants
Battle of Cannae 216 B.C.
+Rome outnumbered Hannibal's army 2/1
-Worst loss in Rome's history
+Hannibal Loses 6k man
+Rome Loses 60k soldiers
+Failed to break through the walls
+Joined Hannibal
-Defeats Carthage and Spain
50 years later
+Carthage starts to rise up
Rome orders Carthage to move 10 miles off of the coast
+Citizens attempt to fight and lose
+Rome takes over and call it Rome
Decline to a Dictatorship-Rome
+Leader with military approval 
+Poor people love him
+Economic turmoil/depression
+Military attacks
+Poor farmers, commoners
+Start losing land/farms-get a job in urban cities-SLAVES
+More competition in the markets
+Tiberius & Gaius Gracchus - try to 
-Scipio (their father) 
Civil War 1-Marius(tribal assembly)offers a professional soldier(paid) vs. Sulla(Senate)-Sulla Wins and declares himself dictator
Civil War 2-Crassus(rich)(dies in China) vs. Pompey(Experienced warrior)(dies in war against Caesar) vs. Caesar(Nephew of Marius) (gets shived)
+Form the triumvirate 
Civil War 3-Octavian vs Mark Anthony(dies for love(Cleopatra)
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