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People Say I Have Anger Issues But Only If They Really Knoe Wat I Go Through People Go In And Out My Life People Say I Have Trust Issues But Only If They Knoe That When I Was A Kid My Daddy Told Me He Would Never Leave Me Me But On My 6 Birthday HE Left And Didn't Come Back Until I Was 10 So Now I Am 13 And Im Scared That Everybody That I Thought Cared Bout Me Might Leave Me And I Don't Go Bonds People Say I Don't Have Enough Friends But When I Had Alot Of Friends A Bunch Of Them Turned Their Back On Me And Tried To Jump Me In The Bathroom People Say I Stay Mad All The Time I Use To Be Happy All The Time Nobody Can Never Make Me Mad And People Use To Use Me For That No I Let It Be Knowen Don't Fuck Wid Me People Say I Can Be Sweet At Time And Thats Wat They Love People Say That I Know How To Make A Person That Mad Happy And I Know How To Cheer People Up People Say I'm Crazy But Really Im Not Crazy But I Want People To Know That If U Mess Wid Me Or Push Me To The Edge Imma Going To Pop And Take All My Anger Out On You People Say I'm A Tic Tic Bomb Because I Hold Stuff In And Then When I Have My Last Straw I Go Out Of Control People Say I Don't Share my Feeling But My Daddy Told Me That If You Feel Some Way Bout Something Don't Say It If You Know It Might Make You Loose That Relatitoinship So I Don't Know How To Share My Feelings People Say I Don't Show Emotion Thats Because When I Did Show Emotion People Said I Cry To Much Or Im Always Happy People Say That I Have The Perfect House Hold But Little Do They Know Is That We Still Argue We Stil Get Mad At Each Other Me And My Sister In Get Like Real Fights And Go Days Without Saying Something To Eachother So We Are Not The Perfect House Hold People Say I Always Have A Smile On My Face But Really I Have A Smile on My face But I Really Be Crying On The Inside I Try My Best To BE A Good Christan Person But Its Hard And The Devil Always Trys To Get In My Head And Make Me Think Ungodly Though But Since I Know That The Lord Is My Father And I Will Worship Him .
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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