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Cell Cycle Steps 4ish (Checkpoints) 3
-G1 (Gap one)
First of the four phases of the cell cycle that takes playes in eukaryotic cell division. In this part of interphase, the cell grows in size and synthesizes mRNA and proteins in preparation for subsequent steps leading to mitosis.

*Check Point One*
The G1 check point is the point inbetween g1 phase and s phase in which the cell is cleared for progression into the S phase. Reasons the cell would not move into the S phase include growth factors, cell size, and environment(PH, temperature, space to go through mitosis.)

-S Phase (Synthesis Phase)
S-Phase is the part oft he cell cycle in which DNA is replicated, occurring between G1, G2. It is very important that the DNA is replicated accurately to prevent genetic abnormalities which often lead to cell death or disease.

-G2 (Gap 2)
G2 phase is a period of rapid cell growth and protein synthesis during which the cell readies itself for mitosis.

*Check Point Two*
At the G2 checkpoint, the cell check if DNA replication is complete, DNA mutations and cell size. The cell will not go through mitosis if any of these factors are inadequate.

-M Phase (Mitosis Phase) *Check Point Three*
(Obvious shown in next section)

Mitosis (7)
-Growth, Reproduction, Repair.

-Interphase(1) *Two Points*
Interphase consits of G1(Gap 1), S(Swanson Phase), and G2(Gap 2). So the Growth of the cell and the synthesis of the right products(eg. Proteins) needed to under go synthesis.

~Nuclear Envelope encloses Nucleus and the chromosomes buplicated during s phase. Spindle Fibers start to appear.

-Prophase(2) *Two Points*
~ Centrosomes move to opposites sides of the cell, Nucleolus disapears, each duplicated chromosome appears as two identical sister chromatids, spindle fibers lengthen

☸Chromatin condenses into chromosomes, nucleolus disappears, and centrosomes move to opposite sides of the cell, spindle fibers lengthen.

-Prometaphase(3) *Two Points*
☸Nuclear membrane breaks down. Kinetochore microtubules invade nuclear space, and attach to kinetochors. Polar Microtubules push against eachother, moving centrosomes apart.

-Metaphase(4) *Two Points*
☸Chromosomes line up along metaphase plate (which is completely imaginary)

~Third and final checkpoint (Spindle Checkpoint)
The mitotic spindle checkpoint occurs at the point in metaphase where all the chromosomes should/have aligned at the mitotic plate and be under bipolar tension. Anaphase will not commence until the spindle fibers are correctly to attached to chromosomes and that the chromosomes are properly aligned.

-Anaphase(5) *Two Points*
☸Chromosomes break at centromeres, and sister chromatides moves to opposite ends of the sell. Cell elongates as nonkinetochore spindle fibers lengthen.

-Telophase and Cytokenisis (6,7) *Two Points*
☸Nuclear membrane reforms, nucleoli reappear, chromosomes unwind into chromatin.

Graphs (5) on Enzymes
-Effect of PH (3)

-Effect of Temperature (3)

-Effect of Substrate Concentration 2)

-Effect of Activators(1)

-Effect of Inhibitors(1)

Catalysts, by regulating the rate of spontaneously chemical reactions.



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