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All heroes have a call to adventure - something that drives them to go through difficult challenges. It could be a mystery to pursue, or a danger to evade. More importantly, it takes them out of their status quo and puts them into the unknown. To further understand the hero's journey, particularly the call, a few clear examples ought to be laid down. For starters, Johnny Joestar from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Johnny was a talented and famed horse rider, but his cocky attitude left him in a devastating state - paralyzed waist-down. After a chance encounter with a mysterious horse rider, Johnny stands up from his wheelchair, as if it were magic. He realizes that if he wants to return to his former glory, he has to follow the mystifying figure through lands unknown and unveil his secrets. To explain, Johnny was in his status quo - paralyzed and unable to ride a horse - and was compelled by the mysterious rider to work towards a goal. Another example of a hero would be Dante, the protagonist of the Divine Comedy. Dante is stuck in the midst of a dark forest, and his only way of escape is blocked by an atrocious beast. Suddenly, a spirit appears before him: "At sight of him in that friendless waste I cried: ‘Have pity on me, whatever thing you are, whether shade or living man.’ And it replied: ‘Not man, though man I once was… I was a poet and sang of old Anchises’ noble son.’ …[Dante:] ‘For my soul’s salvation, I beg you, guard me from her [the beast]…’ And he replied, seeing my soul in tears: ‘For your own good, I think it well you follow me and I will be your guide and lead you forth through an eternal place.’ " This shows a clear call to adventure and even introduces a mentor. This mentor is a spirit who asks Dante to come with him to get out of the forest and takes him through the unknown world, "an eternal place." In conclusion, the monomyth includes an impetus that pushes the hero into the unknown, from manga to epic poetry.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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