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The speakers informed us about their journey to the positions they are currently at, the things they learned during this time and the things they would want us to think about.
They emphasized the importance of leadership and empathy. According to them, the first thing we should be giving importance to when leading people is empathy and compassion. In an organization, every person is working together to achieve a common purpose and a leader needs to integrate them to work together. In order to make people come together, you need to be a good human being and remind yourself that power is temporary, and respect is permanent. You become a leader even when one person is supposed to report to you about their work. You need to guide them in a passionate way and inspire them.
Talking about the future, the speakers mentioned how no one ever knows what is going to happen tomorrow. This case was explained using the example o COVID and how on one saw it coming and it changed everything. Some companies did well even during this period while others went bankrupt. This is where we are supposed to show the characteristics of a good human being as we all are in this together and we all need to come together to survive and walk through this.
The advice they gave about entering industry were that in order to succeed, we need to try out new things and look for opportunities to explore ourselves. We need to be flexible when entering industry and be open to take one new task. We should look out for other people within the organization who are willing to help and reach out to them. As corporate world is ninety percent our attitude, we need to have patience when entering the workforce. Some traits that are important in the industry and we should work on them are critical thinking, ability to make informed decisions, problem solving, customer centric thinking, empathy, emotional intelligence, passion, perseverance, positivity, pro activeness, patience and we should be able to handle something incase we lose.


Achiever common purpose
good human being
Integrate people to work together
empathy, compassion
power is temporary.respect is permanent.
passionate human being and a strong leader
people reporting to you. you become leader.
inspire people
talking about tomorrow. no ones goes what's gonna happen.
covid. no one saw it coming. changed everything.
some companies doing well. others going bankcrupt.
We all are in it. we all need to come together.
survive this. walk together.
everyone working in collaboration.
working from home. thought impossible.
try out new things.
look for opportunity to explore yourself. develop as a person.
corporate world is 90 percent your attitude.
critical thinking, ability to make informed decisions, problem solving,
customer centric thinking, empathy, emotional intelligence
passion, persevernce, positivity, pro activeness, patience,
learn to lose

Be flexible when entering industry.
be open
other people within organization willing to help. reach out.
do not lack patience when entering wokrforce
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Regards; Team

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