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2da parte - Chats.
- "AUTHORIZATIONHOLD10%-20%" - This looks to be a buffered preauthorization hold. Certain banks have recently started buffering our pending transactions by 10-20% for the order total and adding an additional 10-20% to the $1 pre-authorization hold to account for potential adjustments, such as added items, tips, or upcharges for special instructions. This occurs when banks recognize our transactions as a restaurant rather than an online merchant. These holds are temporary and will drop off between 1-5 business days.
- "AUTHORIZATIONHOLD10%-20%(BLABLA)" - I'm afraid I have no information about this to answer your question. If you don't get the refund for $10.00 between 1-5 business days please chat back in or give us a call at (877) 815-8527. We will be happy to assist you with this.
- "RESTAURANTNOLONGERONRESTAURANT'SLIST" - I'm afraid I was unable to find any information about why this restaurant is not longer on our restaurant's list. I can imagine they ended their contract with us.
- "REDEEMPROMOCODE" - To redeem a Promo Code, you may do so by entering it into the Promo Code entry field and pressing the “Apply” button. It's recommended that you copy and paste the code rather than attempt to type it in directly.
- "PROMOCODEORMARKETINGCAPAINGCANNOTBEFOUND" - I'm afraid I cannot find any information about this on my system, can you send me a screenshot of the page that offers this promo, please?
- "REFERAFRIENDPROMOCODEISSUE1[REFERRER]" - It is my pleasure to assist you. Please keep in mind that if your friend's order is canceled the promo code will not be sent to you. We must also wait at least 48 hours since your friend's order was placed to give the system time to send out the code. Once that 48 hours have been since your friend's order was placed please make sure to also check your junk email and your spam folder to be sure you have not received the code. Also just to let you know referral codes are not received until after 5 pm CST.
- "REFERAFRIENDPROMOCODEISSUE2[REFERRER]" - I can see that your friend has placed a valid delivery order. I've emailed you a promotion code that you can use towards your next order for $10.00 off. You have 30 days to use this.
- "REVIEW" - You are able to launch the rate/review interface from your Grubhub account. If you are using the Grubhub app, select the MY GRUBHUB tab at the bottom of the screen to view your Orders or If you are using a web browser click on your profile at the right top side of the page, then select Orders. Select an order then click "Rate & review." After launching the submission flow, you will be asked a series of yes or no questions about your order. After answering the order questions, you'll be asked to provide a star rating and a written review. The following criteria must be met to successfully submit a written review: Review must be at least 3 words in length For a written review to be submitted you must have also selected a star rating You must select a rating to submit a written review. However, you are able to submit a rating without a written review. In addition, please refer to these guidelines regarding ratings & review submissions and publishing:
- "HURRYREFUND" - I'm afraid we do not have any control over that. I'm really sorry for this.
Hello, Grubhub here!
Please contact the customer for order number NUMBER to deliver the order, the customer does not want contact-free delivery anymore.
Thank you!, Hugo B.
- "UPDATEDELIVERYADDRESSONTHEACCOUNT" - You can change your delivery address by clicking on settings, then click on "addresses and contact information".
- "GRUBHUBPLUSMEMBERSHIPREFUNDREQUEST(HASPLACEDANORDERSINCETHELASTMEMBERSHIPRENEWAL)" - I’m sorry, but because you have used your Grubhub+/Seamless+ benefits on an order since you were last charged for membership renewal, we cannot offer a refund. However, you can continue to use your Grubhub+/Seamless+ benefits until DATE.
Hi there,
Explain situation: The customer wants to be refunded for the Grubhub Plus membership, it was not used since the last Membership renewal.
What is diner/rest asking for: The customer wants to be refunded for the Grubhub Plus membership.
How does requester want to be contacted by CXT and what is their contact info: EMAILADDRESS
Thank you!
- "FREEMEALPLANISSUE" - I'm sorry for the inconvenience, every time your credit card is charged for the monthly membership, you will see a GH+ rewards payment method at checkout. You will be able to select when to apply this offer on a GH+ eligible pickup order (Order must be up to $15.00 dollars for the subtotal and it has to be a pickup order). You are receiving a new $10 every month (after the credit card charge). This reward expires every 30 days.
- "GRUBHUBPLUSMEMBERSHIPNOTGETTINGTHE$10CODES" - I'm really sorry that you are not getting these codes for $10.00 off on pickup orders. Can you please check your spam folder to see if these codes are there?
- "UNKNOWNCHARGESONBANKSTATEMENT1" - I can see an order placed through our platform at the restaurant name RESTAURANT on DATE. Do you recognize this order?
- "UNKNOWNCHARGESONBANKSTATEMENT1" - I could find the charges on your account and since you do not recognize them I'll remove any saved payment information on your account. One moment, please.
- "UNKNOWNCHARGESONBANKSTATEMENT2" - I've passed this information along to another apartment that will investigate this charge for you and will contact you in the next 48 hours through the email address associated with your account.
- "UNKNOWNCHARGESONBANKSTATEMENT(NOACCOUNTWITHUS)1" - May I ask if you have a Grubhub or Seamless account?
- "UNKNOWNCHARGESONBANKSTATEMENT(NOACCOUNTWITHUS)2" - I understand, I'm really sorry for this, we are a food delivery business. Please allow me a moment to look deeper into this.
- "UNKNOWNCHARGESONBANKSTATEMENT(NOACCOUNTWITHUS)3" - Do you know anyone who has access to the card that may have used Grubhub or Seamless? like a family member.
- "UNKNOWNCHARGESONBANKSTATEMENT(NOACCOUNTWITHUS)4***[If they are still not satisfied and want info on those charges gather the information needed and warm transfer to CXT.]" - I understand, you may speak to that person and ask if they’ve used Grubhub or Seamless.
- "UNKNOWNCHARGESONBANKSTATEMENT(NOACCOUNTWITHUS)5" - I understand, I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, I need to gather some information to investigate this charge for you. Please give me the card holder's first and last name, the card holder's email address, the card type (Visa, Mastercard, etc.), if Paypal was used for this order, the first 6 and last 4 digits of the card, the exact amount of this charge and the date the charge posted on the bank account.
- "UNKNOWNCHARGESONBANKSTATEMENT(NOACCOUNTWITHUS)6" - Thank you for the information. I've passed this information along to another apartment that will investigate this charge for you and will contact you in the next 48 hours through the card holder's email address.
- "5+BUSSINESSDAYSNOREFUND1" - Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention, and I apologize for any inconvenience that you have encountered. May I ask when this order that was adjusted was placed?
- "5+BUSSINESSDAYSNOREFUND2" - Was this the order placed through our platform at the restaurant name RESTAURANT?
- "5+BUSSINESSDAYSNOREFUND3" - I confirm this refund for $AMOUNT was made on our end more than 5 business days ago. To investigate this charge on our end, can you please give me the first 6 and last 4 digits of the card that you used to pay for this order?
- "5+BUSSINESSDAYSNOREFUND4(5+MACRO)" - Thank you for the information. I've passed this information along to another apartment that will investigate this charge for you and will contact you in the next 48 hours through the email address associated with your account.
- "5+BUSSINESSDAYSNOREFUND5" - I'm afraid this is the only way to investigate this refund. You can give us a call at (877) 815-8527 if you feel more confident.
*All fields are required before submitting to DET*
DET will respond to the diner within 48 hours
Hi there,
Explain situation: The customer has not received this refund after 5 business days.
How does requester want to be contacted by DET and what is their contact info: EMAIL
Total amount of the refund: $AMOUNT
First 6 and last 4 of the card: NUMBERS
Date of the refund: DATE
Thank you!
- "TAPINGO" - May I ask what is your phone number?
- "TAPINGO2" - Thank you for the information. I've passed this information along to another apartment that will further assist you with this, they will contact you through your phone in the next 30 minutes.
- "ORDERNOTATRESTAURANT" - I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Let me resend them the order and call them to make sure they got it. One moment, please.
- "PICKUPORDER(ORDERUNWATEDTOOLATE)" - I'm really sorry for the delay with your order. Please allow me a moment to contact the restaurant and cancel this order.
What action did we take: Call the restaurant to cancel the order, they did not answer, cancel it on them.
Outbound call notes (if an outbound call was made): Restaurant.
Name of the person you spoke with: NONE
Provide a description of what was discussed: Call the restaurant to cancel the order
- "RESTAURANTMENUERROR" - I'm afraid I cannot get in contact with this restaurant to know what flavors they offer. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. I can take the feedback and I'll be sure to pass it along so they update their menu as soon as possible.
What action did we take: Call the restaurant to check on the menu's error that the customer mentions.
Outbound call notes (if an outbound call was made): Restaurant.
Name of the person you spoke with: NONE
Provide a description of what was discussed: Call the restaurant to check on the menu's error that the customer mentions.
- "SWITCHTODELIVERY[SD]1" - It is my pleasure to assist you. Please allow me a moment while I call the restaurant to see if they can accommodate a switch to delivery.
- "SWITCHTODELIVERY[SD]2" - May I ask what is your delivery address?
- "SWITCHTODELIVERY[SD]3" - I'm afraid the restaurant is not taking my call to see if they can accommodate a switch to delivery. Would you prefer to pick up or cancel the order? I'm sorry for this.
What action did we take: Call the restaurant to see if they can accommodate a switch to delivery. The restaurant does not answer.
A) The diner wants to pick it up. I did not inform the restaurant of the diner's decision because I was never able to talk to them.
B) The diner wants to cancel the order. Call the restaurant again to know if the food was made or not so we can cancel it, they still do not answer, cancel it on them.
Outbound call notes (if an outbound call was made): Restaurant
Name of the person you spoke with: NONE
Provide a description of what was discussed: Call the restaurant to see if they can accommodate a switch to delivery.
- "SWITCHORDERFORPICKUP[GHD]" - I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, it appears a driver is already in the process of delivery so we cannot switch the order to pick-up. I'm really sorry for this.
- "SWITCHORDERFORPICKUP[GHD](NODRIVER)" - If you would like to switch this order to pickup I can cancel this order so you replace it for pickup.
- "SWITCHORDERFORPICKUP[SD]" - It is my pleasure to assist you. Please allow me a moment while I call the restaurant to see if they can accommodate a switch to pick-up.
- "SWITCHORDERFORPICKUP[SD]" - I'm sorry for the inconvenience, the restaurant is not taking my call to see if they can accommodate a switch to pick-up. I'm really sorry for this.
What action did we take: Call the restaurant to see if they can accommodate a switch to pick-up. They do not answer.
Outbound call notes (if an outbound call was made): Restaurant.
Name of the person you spoke with: NONE
Provide a description of what was discussed: Call the restaurant to see if they can accommodate a switch to pick-up.
- "CHATREOPENED" - I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, it appears the chat reopened when you sent the last message. Is there anything else that we can assist you with?
- "UNKNOWNCHARGESDINERBELIEVESSOMEONEELSEHASLOGGEDINTOTHEIRACCOUNT1" - I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, It is my pleasure to assist you. Can you please give me the email address associated with your account?
- "UNKNOWNCHARGESDINERBELIEVESSOMEONEELSEHASLOGGEDINTOTHEIRACCOUNT2" - Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention, and I apologize for any inconvenience that you have encountered. I've removed any saved payment information in your account and I've sent you a password reset email, also I have escalated this issue to a Senior Specialist to review. They will look into the situation and follow up with a resolution within 48 hours and will contact you through the email address associated with your account.
- "ORDERTOTALCONFIRMATION" - Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention, and I apologize for any inconvenience that you have encountered. Let me share a copy of your receipt with you for your reference.
- "RECEIPTREQUEST1" - Thanks for your questions regarding requesting a receipt, you can print your receipt from your account by following the next instructions: Please login into your account, go to the My Account drop down and select "Orders". On each order you will find a "View Receipt" button. If you click the button a receipt will generate for that order. You may then print the page or take a screen shot of your receipt.
- "RECEIPTREQUEST2" - Please allow me a moment while I send you a screenshot of your receipt through this chat.
- "MISSINGITEM(GHOSTITEM)1" - Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention, and I apologize for any inconvenience that you have encountered. I can see that you only ordered ITEM, let me share a copy of your receipt with you for your reference.
- "MISSINGITEM(GHOSTITEM)2" - I apologize for the confusion made with your order. I'm afraid we cannot refund these items because you did not order them and you were not charged for them.
- "MISSINGITEM(GHOSTITEM)3" - I understand how frustrating that can be, I apologize for the experience. Let me share a copy of your receipt with all the charges disclosed for your reference.
- "UNDOCANCELATION" - I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I'm afraid that we are unable to undo the cancelation and charge your card again. You may replace the order and I will let the restaurant know not to prepare it so they can get this money back.
What action did we take: Call the restaurant to let them know the order has been placed and please do not prepare it.
Outbound call notes (if an outbound call was made): Restaurant.
Name of the person you spoke with: NAME
Provide a description of what was discussed: Call the restaurant to let them know the order has been placed and please do not prepare it.
- "ORDERNOTCONFIRMED" - I'm afraid the restaurant did not confirm your order so it was auto-canceled by the system. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
- "ORDERNOTCONFIRMED[GHD&SD]1" - Let me give the restaurant a call to confirm they got your order and they can confirm it on the system now. One moment, please.
- "ORDERNOTCONFIRMED[GHD&SD]2" - I'm afraid the restaurant is not taking my call to confirm they got your order and they can confirm it on the system now. I've closed them for the rest of the day so this does not happen to anyone else and I'm passing the information along so we can fix this with the restaurant for future orders. I can also cancel this order for you.
What action did we take: Order is not confirmed, Resend Order, Call the restaurant, no answer, Call Alternate contacts; primary and secondary, the restaurant doesn't answer. Select "Stop Taking Orders" in Compass for the rest of the day. Cancel the order on them. Send the ticket to RCare using the Transfer to Restaurant Care macro.
Outbound call notes (if an outbound call was made): Restaurant
Name of the person you spoke with: NONE
Provide a description of what was discussed: Call to confirm they got the order and they can confirm it on the system now.
- "DELETEACCOUNT(GRUBHUB DATA MANAGEMENT PORTAL MACRO)" - I've sent you an email with a link to delete your account.
- "CANNOTCHANGEOFPAYMENTMETHOD" - I'm afraid we cannot change the payment method on orders unless it is done within the first 5 minutes of the order being placed. I'm really sorry for this.
- "CHANGEOFPAYMENTMETHOD1" - Yes, we can change the payment method for you. May I ask what payment method you want to change to? Cash or Pre-paid?
- "CHANGEOFPAYMENTMETHOD2" - We have two options to pay in advance, the first one is to cancel your order and place a new order with the pre-paid method. The second option is that you contact the restaurant to provide the payment details over the phone. Which one do you prefer?
What action did we take: Contact the restaurant to see if the food has been made and confirm the cancellation. They did not asnwer, cancel the order on GH.

Outbound call notes (if an outbound call was made): Restaurant
Name of the person you spoke with: NONE
Provide a description of what was discussed: Contact the restaurant to see if the food has been made and confirm the cancellation.
- "CANCELGRUBHUBPLUSSUBSCRIPTION1" - I've canceled your Grubhub+ subscription and I've sent you a confirmation email about this.
- "PICKUPORDERCLOSED1" - I can see the restaurant should still be open, are you still there?
- "PICKUPORDERCLOSED2" - Please allow me a moment to try to get in touch with this restaurant.
- "PICKUPORDERCLOSED3" - Thank you for your patience, I'm afraid the restaurant is not taking my calls so we will have to cancel this order.
_ "RESTAURANTISCLOSED" - We do apologize, but it appears that the restaurant is now closed for delivery with us. We are so sorry for the inconvenience.
What action did we take: Confirm if the restaurant is closed for the day by attempting to call the restaurant twice, and then the primary contact; no answer; cancel the order. Set them as stop taking orders.
Outbound call notes (if an outbound call was made): Restaurant
Name of the person you spoke with: NONE
Provide a description of what was discussed: Confirm if the restaurant is closed for the day by attempting to call the restaurant twice, and then the primary contact; no answer.
- "ORDERISDUPLICATED" - I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I can see the duplicated orders at the same restaurant, I can cancel any of these orders for you. Which one would you like to cancel?
- "ADDTIP" - I can increase the driver's tip on your order by upcharging the original payment method on the order, how much do you want to add as a tip for the driver?
- "ADDTIP2" - I have processed an upcharge for $AMOUNT to the driver's tip.
- "ADDITEM1" - Please allow me a moment to call the restaurant to check if this item can be added.
- "ADDITEM2" - I'm afraid that the restaurant is not taking my call to verify if this item can be added to the order before it is sent out for delivery. I'm really sorry for this, we cannot add the item to the order at this time.
- "ADDITEM3" - The items have been added to your order and we processed an upcharge for $AMOUNT before taxes to the original payment method on this order.
What action did we take: Call the restaurant to check if this item can be added.
Outbound call notes (if an outbound call was made): Restaurant
Name of the person you spoke with: NONE at TIME
Provide a description of what was discussed: Call the restaurant to check if this item can be added before it is sent out for delivery.
- "REMOVEITEM" - Let me give the restaurant a call to remove this order from your order. Please allow me a moment.
What action did we take: Call the restaurant to remove this item, no answer, there is no policy when they do not answer, UpHand told me to follow these steps: "The item has been prepared, apologize to the vendor and ask them to not deliver the item." refund it on GH as a line item adjustment.
Outbound call notes (if an outbound call was made): Restaurant.
Name of the person you spoke with: NONE
Provide a description of what was discussed: Call the restaurant to remove this item.
- "ITEM REPLACEMENT" - May I ask which item should be replaced with what?
What action did we take: Contact the restaurant to check if the item has already been prepared, no answer, there is no policy when they do not answer, UpHand told me to follow the next step and replace the item as if it was prepared by them. Replace it as a line item adjustment.
Outbound call notes (if an outbound call was made): Restaurant.
Name of the person you spoke with: NONE
Provide a description of what was discussed: Call the restaurant to remove this item.
- "ITEMREPLACEMENT/ADD/REMOVE(JIT)" - I'm afraid we cannot adjust this order. I can cancel it for you so you can replace it with the new items.
- "CREDITCARDNOTWORKING" - Please make sure you are using the information on file with your financial institution. We accept international credit cards on all platforms. The credit card must be Visa, MasterCard, JCB, American Express and Discover. If you want to order from Grubhub and you do not have one of these credit cards, PayPal can still be used as an alternative. If it is still not working you can try clearing cache and cookies if you are using the website, or if you are using the app please uninstall and reinstall the app.
- "TECHNOLOGY" - Please try clearing cache and cookies if you are using the website, or if you are using the app please uninstall and reinstall the app.
- "CANNOTCHANGEOFPAYMENTMETHOD" - I'm afraid we cannot change the payment method on orders unless it is done within the first 5 minutes of the order being placed. I'm really sorry for this.
- "CHANGEOFPAYMENTMETHOD1" - Yes, we can change the payment method for you. May I ask what payment method you want to change to? Cash or Pre-paid?
- "CHANGEOFPAYMENTMETHOD2" - We have two options to pay in advance, the first one is to cancel your order and place a new order with the pre-paid method. The second option is that you contact the restaurant to provide the payment details over the phone. Which one do you prefer?
What action did we take: Contact the restaurant to see if the food has been made and confirm the cancellation. They did not answer, cancel the order on GH.

Outbound call notes (if an outbound call was made): Restaurant
Name of the person you spoke with: NONE
Provide a description of what was discussed: Contact the restaurant to see if the food has been made and confirm the cancellation.
- "LEAVEAREVIEW" - You are able to launch the rate/review interface from your Grubhub account. If you are using the Grubhub app, select the MY GRUBHUB tab at the bottom of the screen to view your Orders, or, if you are using a web browser click on your profile at the right top side of the page, then select Orders. Select an order then click "Rate & review." After launching the submission flow, you will be asked a series of yes or no questions about your order. After answering the order questions, you'll be asked to provide a star rating and a written review. The following criteria must be met to successfully submit a written review: Review must be at least 3 words in length, for a written review to be submitted you must have also selected a star rating.
Note: You must select a rating to submit a written review. However, you are able to submit a rating without a written review.
In addition, please refer to these guidelines regarding ratings & review submissions and publishing:
- "CHATDISCONNECTED(TEXTMESSAGE)" - Hi, Grubhub here! Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention, and I apologize for any inconvenience that you have encountered., it seems the chat was accidentally disconnected. Please allow me a moment to assist you with this, there is no need to contact us back. Thank you!, Hugo B.
- "CORPORATECREDIT" - Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention, and I apologize for any inconvenience that you have encountered. This looks to be a corporate credit, let me transfer you to the right apartment that can better assist you with this. One moment, please.
- "PERKS1" - Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention, and I apologize for any inconvenience that you have encountered. Multiple Perks are available from the restaurant, you must select “Apply” on their desired Perk. Can you please verify if the perk is still available on the restaurant's website? If that is the case, then the Perk can still be applied to a future order.
- "PERKS2" - I understand, since the Perk is no longer available on the page I've emailed you a promotion code that you can use towards your next order for the $5.00 off in Free Grub. You have 30 days to use this.
- "PROMOCODE(NOTEXPIRED)1" - I was able to find this promo code in my system. I can see this code is still available, let me share the requirements with you so you can apply it to an eligible order: "REQUIREMENTS". To redeem a Promo Code, you may do so by entering it into the Promo Code entry field and pressing the “Apply” button. It's recommended that you copy and paste the code rather than attempt to type it in directly.
- "PROMOCODE(EXPIRED)1" - I was able to find this promo code in my system. I can see this code is not available anymore, I can see it expired on DATE. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience.
- "PROMOCODE(APPLYTOORDER)1" - I was able to find this promo code in my system. I can see this code is still available and your order meets the promo code requirements, let me apply the discount code to your order. Please allow me a moment.
- "PROMOCODE(APPLYTOORDER)2" - Your order has been adjusted. We've processed the refund on our end for $AMOUNT after taxes, and your bank has it from here. Some financial institutions can take up to 5 business days to process a refund. Unfortunately, we don't have visibility into their timeline, so we recommend contacting them if you have additional questions on this.
- "PROMOCODEISSUE(FIRSTTIMEDINER)1" - I'm afraid the system won't let me email you a new $10.00 off discount code because you do not have any previous orders, what I can do for you is to process a refund for this amount on the first order that you place that meets the following requirements: "REQUIREMENTS".
- "PROMOCODEISSUE(FIRSTTIMEDINER)2" - Great, May I ask if you are going to place the order now, or later?
- "PROMOCODEISSUE(FIRSTTIMEDINER-NOW)3" - Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention, and I apologize for any inconvenience that you have encountered. Please allow me a moment to pull up your order and apply the discount code to your order.
- "PROMOCODEISSUE(FIRSTTIMEDINER-NOW)4" - Your order has been adjusted. We've processed the refund on our end for $AMOUNT after taxes, and your bank has it from here. Some financial institutions can take up to 5 business days to process a refund. Unfortunately, we don't have visibility into their timeline, so we recommend contacting them if you have additional questions on this.
- "PROMOCODEISSUE(FIRSTTIMEDINER-LATER)5" - Thank you for letting me know, when placing the order please make sure it meets the requirements for the promo code, once your order is placed please chat back in or give us a call at (877) 815-8527, we'll be happy to help you with this, this is your ticket number #TICKETNUMBER. Please provide it to the next customer care agent so this promo code can be applied to your order in a more efficient way.
- "FOODQUALITY[PICKUP]1" - Please allow me a moment to contact the restaurant to get a refund for the affected items.
- "FOODQUALITY[PICKUP]2" - I'm sorry for the disappointing experience today. I'm afraid the restaurant is not taking my call to get a refund for these items. I can email you a promotion code that you can use towards your next order for the $10.00 off in Free Grub. You have 30 days to use this.
What action did we take: Call the restaurant to get a refund for these affected items. No answer. Offer concessions up to $10.00 off.
Outbound call notes (if an outbound call was made): Restaurant
Name of the person you spoke with: NONE
Provide a description of what was discussed: Call the restaurant to get a refund for these affected items.
- "ORDERISLATE(CALLDRIVER)1" - Please allow me a moment while I contact the Grubhub driver to get an updated estimated time of arrival.
- "ORDERISLATE(CALLDRIVER)2" - I'm sorry for the disappointing experience today. I'm afraid the Grubhub driver is not taking my call to get an updated estimated time of arrival.
What action did we take: Call the driver to get an updated estimated time of arrival. The driver did not answer.
Outbound call notes (if an outbound call was made): Driver
Name of the person you spoke with: NAME
Provide a description of what was discussed: Call the driver to get an updated estimated time of arrival.
- "SETTINGS" - I'm afraid I cannot change any of your contact information on my end, you can click on settings, then phone numbers and addresses, and update your phone number there.
- "UNASSIGNDRIVER1" - Please allow me a moment to call the driver and have the driver unassigned from the order.
- "UNASSIGNDRIVER1" - Thank you for your patience, your driver has been unassigned, we're working on assigning a new driver to pick up your food and deliver it as soon as possible.
What action did we take: Call the driver and have the driver unassigned from the order. The driver is not taking my calls, followed what the customer said about the driver and unassign the driver from the order.
Outbound call notes (if an outbound call was made): Driver.
Name of the person you spoke with: NONE
Provide a description of what was discussed: Call the driver and have the driver unassigned from the order.
- "ZOPIM" - Zopim was not sending my messages and it was sending them twice, I could not answer to the chat anymore and it shows I left the chat but I did not, I still can see the chat but my messages aren't sent. The problem had been solved already, close the ticket.
- "PICKUPTHEORDERBECAUSEITISTAKINGTOOLONG(GH)1" - I understand how frustrating that can be, I apologize for the experience. I will process a refund for the delivery fee and the tip, also I will notify the driver not to pick up the food anymore, please allow me a moment.
- "PICKUPTHEORDERBECAUSEITISTAKINGTOOLONG(GH)1" - Your order has been adjusted. We've processed the refund on our end for $AMOUNT after taxes, and your bank has it from here. Some financial institutions can take up to 5 business days to process a refund. Unfortunately, we don't have visibility into their timeline, so we recommend contacting them if you have additional questions on this.
Hello, Grubhub here! Please do not pick up the order number NUMBER anymore, we've marked it as delivered for you. The customer will pick it up himself. Thank you!, Hugo B.
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