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#CS 172 - Homework 1
#Purpose: Plays the mastermind game and prints out the number of white and blacks
#Author: Rohan Joshi
#Date: 4/5/21

#importing the random module
import random

Purpose of Function: generates a list of r4 random colors
@param: colorlist (the list that has all the colors you want to randomize)
@return: secret_colors (the randomlly geenrated list)
def generateSecretCode(colorList):
#lsit that will contain all the random colors geenrated by the computer
secret_colors = []
#seeding the random midule

#generating 4 random colors
for i in range(4):


#returning the secret colors list
return secret_colors

Purpose of Function: finds the number of exact matches
@param: computerColorList (the list randommlly generated by the computer), playerColorList (the list that contains the colors the user inputed)
@return: matches (amount of exact matches between both lists)
def computeExactMatches(computerColorList, playerColorList):
#iterator variable
i = 0
#variable that will store the number of matches
matches = 0
#iterating through the entire list
while (i < len(playerColorList)):
#checking to see if the elements in both list with the same pointer are equal
if (playerColorList[i] == computerColorList[i]):
#incrementing the amount of matches

#retuning the amount of matches
return matches

Purpose of Function: finds the amount of partial matches
@param: computerColorList (the list randommlly generated by the computer), playerColorList (the list that contains the colors the user inputed)
@return: matches (the amount of partial matches between both lists)
def computePartialMatches(computerColorList, playerColorList):
#variable that stores the amount of matches
matches = 0
#iterating through the user inputed list
for i in range(len(playerColorList)):
#checking to see if the elements are not the same and if the element is in the list
if (playerColorList[i] in computerColorList and computerColorList[i] != playerColorList[i]):
#increasing the amount of matches
matches += 1

#returning the amount of matches
return matches

#main function
if __name__ == "__main__":

#printing out welcome message and telling what the objective is
print("Mastermind Game")
print("The computer has generated a secret color code.")
print("Can you guess the code?")
print("These are the valid colors you can use: blue red white green yellow purple")

#all the colors the user can use
possible_colors = ["blue", "red", "white", "green", "yellow", "purple"]

#boolean that will tell if all 4 are black
correct_colors = False
#amount of turns that will be be used for the final output
num_turns = 0
#calling the generateSecretCode in order to generate a random list
computer_list = generateSecretCode(possible_colors)

#loop that will keep going until all 4 are black
while (correct_colors == False):

#placeholder variables
user_colors = []
#used while printing
color_number = 1
#stores the number of black and white
num_black = 0
num_white = 0

#loop that will keep on going until you finish the fourth valid color
while (color_number <= 4):

#asking user to input a color
color_input = input("Please enter color " + str(color_number) + " :")

#checking if the color is valid or not
if (possible_colors.count(color_input.lower()) == 0):
print("That is not a valid color. Try again.")

#at this point the color is valid

#calculating the number of blacks by calling computeExactMatches()
num_black = computeExactMatches(computer_list,user_colors)

#will only calculate number of whites if the number of blacks is not equal to 4
if (num_black != 4):
num_white = computePartialMatches(computer_list,user_colors)

#printing the amount of blacks and whites
print(str(num_black) + " black")
print(str(num_white) + " white")

#incrementing the number of turns

#exiting the loop if the number of blacks is 4
if (num_black == 4):
correct_colors = True

#end print statement
print("Congratulations, you guessed the secret code!")
print("It took you " + str(num_turns) + " turn(s).")

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