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Queen Elizabeth 1 is virgin queen
Queen Elizabeth of Spain funded for columbus
Imperialism (the policy of building and expanding empire) encourages colonialism (the establishment of colonies). They are essentially the same activity.
The British Empire was the largest and most powerful of all the European empires. England's thirteen colonies in North America famously rebelled and became the independent United States of America at the end of the American Revolutionary War in 1783. Canada, however, remained a British colony until 1867. .
The Maya civilization developed in Mesoamerica around 1800 BCE and flourished until 900 CE.
This civilization had a complete writing system. the Maya
This civilization was divided into provinces called suyu. the Inca
This civilization developed elaborate calendars the Maya
This civilization developed the number "zero." the Maya
This civilization suddenly declined around 900 CE. the Maya
This civilization build Macchu Picchu. the Inca
This civilization thrived during the 15th century. the Inca
This civilization figured out how to perform surgeries. the Inca
Even though Tenochtitlan fell in 1521, the Spanish would not eliminate all resistance in Mesoamerica until 1697.
Pizzaro captured the Incas
People born in Spain (peninsulares) were at the top, followed by people born from two Spanish parents in the New World (criollos). Next were the mestizos, people born from one Spanish and one native or African parent. The "pure" Americans were below the mestizos, and the African slaves were at the very bottom.
Aztec culture was centered in the present-day nation of Mexico.
The cities of the Inca Empire were located in the Andes Mountains. At the time, they were some of the highest occupied lands in the world.
Hernando de Soto is believed to be the first European to cross the Mississippi River.
Mexico city rests on
Dona Maria was a translator for Cortez between the Maya

These are only two examples of crops that traveled out of America to elsewhere in the world. America was also the origin of the potato, maize (corn), cotton, cacao, avocado, squash, pumpkin, and tobacco.
The Americas benefited from this crop exchange, too. Before colonization, American soil had never seen coffee, sugar, apples, bananas, wheat, onions, or citrus fruits like oranges and lemons.
The climate in most of South America, Mesoamerica, and the Caribbean is tropical--the heat and humidity are ideal for growing cash crops like sugar, cotton, and coffee.
Beringia is the land mass that connected Alaska and Europe thousands of years ago.
Spain and Portugal were the first two to settle in the New world
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