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Ive been able to hang out w ET (yknow) secretly
And when we hang out, it’s mostly fine
But recently we’ve been having arguments and fights. Im really tired of it.
That? i have to constantly deal with his emo-ness (yes, he’s kinda an emo boi). Cute, but really hard to deal with.
He’s SUPER loyal, and he’s a great bf overall. He says that he’ll pretty much do anything just to make me happy. Even look death in the eyes just to spend some time with me.
Things I haven’t exactly told you is that he’s emotionally and mentally ‘abused’. Sure, he’s a 14 y/o, pretty much like any student these days. But think of that pain times 5 with an additional schizophrenia, AND ME. Who’s now a total bitch and if one thing offends me, it just- goes downhill
I feel like Im the problem, but his clingyness to me is so...
It ruins my life. He can passively blackmail me to doing what he needs. Yeah, he needs to be loved but I just-
I hate the fact that I can’t focus on school because of him (my grades are kinda dropping and I have several missed assignments). I always, like, HAVE TO make sure he’s happy. When he’s upset, it’s like a young child missing it’s parents.
I mean... his parents fon’t exactly care about him emotionally, but like-
There’s 2 ways for me to deal with all of this. Well, 2 ways Ive planned.
1. I break up with him. I need to know how I can build my guts to not care about him anymore. Risk: Him committing suicide.
2. I continue on my relationship, even when I don’t want to. Risk: Me going to hell because I disobey my parents.
What would you suggest?
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