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After the crucifying of the Lord, the Jews kept concealed over centuries from the Christians and the Gentiles all those teachings and customs which, because they represented a threatening of other men, had to be concealed. The Jews believe that God has commanded them to lay upon all peoples their absolute tyranny, and that this absolute tyranny can only be successful for them through the unrestrained Socialist dictatorship of Communism. Wherever the Jewish dictatorship was set up, as for example in the Terror in France in the year 1789 or in the Jewish-Communist dictatorship in the lands which have fallen into the claws of the monster, whoever did not serve the Jews or dared to rebel against their slavery, has been destroyed. The latter assert that it is improper to fight against Jewry, since a relationship nevertheless exists with the Christians religion, an assertion which borders on insanity and which can only prosper among those who, in ignorance of the problem, have fallen into the trap as victims of Jewish lies.

Since Christians and Gentiles are in fact beasts, it is no wonder that they should live in immorality and intermixing. So appeared the “Talmud,” which is damned by Holy Church and in which, as the Jews assert, the most perfected interpretation of the Old Testament is contained through divine inspiration. zobacz , this sadism, which the Jews have always shown towards other peoples, has its origin likewise in the false interpretation of divine revelation, i.e. Already in the times of our Lord Jesus Christ this false interpretation was so general among them that the majority of Hebrews imagined they saw in the promised Messiah a king or warlord who, with the help of God, would conquer all nations of the earth through bloody wars, and in the end Israel would in fact rule the whole world. They began seriously to fear that the teaching of Christ might in the end even convince the Hebrews, and they might recognise Him as the promised Messiah. Their wickedness extends to such a degree that they hold it to be morally permissible to allow denial of God and for Communist materialism to triumph in the whole world, while they, the pious and faithful, are successful in destroying hated Christianity and the other “false” religions, for the purpose of permitting the present religion of Israel to rule on the ruins of all others, who recognise the right of the Jews to control the world and recognise through divine right their character as the chosen race to rule over mankind in the coming times.

We already saw, in the 4th Chapter of this work, what the Rabbi Baruch Levi wrote to his pupil, the young Jew Karl Marx, as the later founder of what was badly described as “scientific Socialism”, where he quoted apparent theological principles to justify the right of the Jews to appropriate to themselves the riches of all peoples on earth through Proletarian Communist movements, which are controlled by Jewry. This would have brought about the dissolution of Christianity and secured the rule by Jewry over all peoples, as will be elaborated on later with irrefutable proofs. It was soon seen that the whole of Christianity was threatened by death, unless the necessary measures were seized upon to command a halt to the secret organisations of Jewry and the secret societies which the concealed Jews formed among the true Christians. It is unavoidably necessary that the Christians and Gentiles should fully grasp this giant tragedy. Therefore the leaders of Jewry in that time, priests, scholars and pharisees, etc, feared that Jesus threatened the glorious future that was predestined the people of Israel as future master of the world, for, if all peoples are equal before God, as our Lord Jesus Christ preached, there was no reason upon earth to choose one as preferential in the future and to rule over mankind.

The “Cabbala”, which is reserved for the high initiates of Jewry and not the Plebs, carried out the division between Jews and Gentiles (among whom Christians were included) to the most disgusting and extreme limits. It is therefore natural that this mode of thought has led the Jews to the conclusion that everything that exists upon earth belongs to them, including the beasts (among whom they include us, the rest of mankind) and also everything which belongs to these beasts. While Holy Church likewise gives this passage a limited spiritual interpretation, the Jews understand it in the sense that God has provided them with the right to consume all peoples of earth and to gain power over their riches. Never upon earth has there existed or does there exist today, such an irreconcilable and totalitarian striving for power as that of the Jews. “Kill the best among the Gentiles.”6 If God commanded them such - whereby it is a question of a cruel and bloodthirsty people, as the sufferings and death of Christ, the tortures and bloodbaths of Communist Russia, etc, prove -, how can it still surprise us that, wherever the Jew can, all those are murdered who oppose in any form his godless intrigues?

As the “Talmud” reveals, it does not satisfy the Jews to rule over some peoples, but they must control them all; and as long as they are not successful, they must cry out: “What torture! “And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him! For frequently both Holy Church as well as the civil governments also discovered the authentic texts and the general indignation was often revealed in violent reactions against the religious sects of Jewry, whose authentic holy books already contained the plans for the conspiracy, which they have developed against the whole of mankind. When, therefore, Jesus was faced with such demands, and rejected all shedding of blood and revealed that His kingdom was not of this world, the Jewish Imperialists felt that all their hopes and demands were being destroyed. What the Jews strive for in reality, when they put before Catholics this thesis of unlawfulness of struggle against the criminal Jewish sect, is the obtaining of a new permit for freebooting, which allows them, without exposing themselves to direct counter-attacks, to continue in their Freemasonic or Communist revolutionary movements until they are successful in the destruction of Christianity and the enslavement of mankind.

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