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Freedom Life Insurance Co of America - An Overview
Freedom Life Insurance Co. of America was founded by Frank Kern, a well known insurance agent from California. He began his career selling automobile and other life insurance policies when he received his certificate from the University of Michigan's College of Business Administration. From there he went on to become the General Manager of American Asslcers Life Insuring Company. He left that position in 1997 to begin promoting the Freedom Life Insurance Co. and to that same company he also became the president of the board of directors. Frank was so successful at this venture that he launched another company with the same mission the next year named Freedom International Life Insurance Co.

Freedom Life Insurance Co. of America was established to meet the needs of the consumers that wanted to have extensive protection for their families' health wise. The company offers a variety of insurance options such as Whole Life Insurance Co. This type of insurance is designed to provide coverage for burial expenses, disability income, funeral costs and unpaid medical bills as well as a family insurance policy designed to cover the major financial gaps left behind after the death of the insured consumer. The plan is designed to give the insured an opportunity to have some of their debts eliminated. In addition, there is a plan that can be purchased that will pay dividends to the investor and will use the profits to pay off the debts of the insured. This type of policy is called a Variable Universal Life or VUL.

A member of Freedom Life Insurance Co. of America is required to fill out a Free Application for Insurance quote form every six months. These forms are required because each person's life and health are different and there will be situations where the insured is unable to pay his or her debts. There are also circumstances when the insured individual may become too ill to pay for his or her debts. These circumstances could be due to illness or an injury that is sustained while at work.

After completing these forms each of the policy holders is required to sign a confidentiality agreement. This is done in order to protect the interests of the insurance company. All policies have a specific clause that states that they are intended as insurance and may not be used for anything that is not intended. Freedom Life Insurance Co. of America takes this very seriously and this enables the company to only issue policies to individuals who are eighteen years of age or older.

When applying for a policy from Freedom Life Insurance Co. of America all information that the applicant needs should be provided by the applicant. texas low cost insurance ennis tx include name, date of birth, social security number, address, phone numbers, date of policy purchase and the policy holder's length of employment. There is also a question on the policy holder's claim status. Policy holders are required to declare their Claim status up to one year before the policy is made active.

There are two types of policies available through Freedom Life Insurance Co. of America. The first is the "Limited Term Policy". This is a specialized policy that is suited to an individual need, and only a limited amount of time is allocated to the contract.

The other type of policy is known as "Conventional Life Insurance Policy". This policy is available to all people irrespective of their age. They are covered for a period of forty years or more and can be renewed or converted as per the need. There are various benefits that can be enjoyed by the policy holders of Freedom Life Insurance Co. of America such as term premium payment, convertibility, guaranteed renewal, premium payment guarantee and policy holders' benefit to choose from the Life Insurance quotes.

Freedom Life Insurance Co. of America also provides flexibility to the policy holders. This means that they can shift the terms of the contract with the Company at any point of time. There is no penalty for shifting the terms as it is considered as an unconditional contract. In case of accidental death of the policy holder will get a refund of premium. Premiums are paid on a monthly basis by the policy holder.
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