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Johnny Ghost and Spooker got out of the car. Johnny Ghost check his ghost-o-meter "Yep there is definitely a ghost in this abandoned school" Johnny Ghost exclaimed "Is the ghost alive?" Spooker asked dumbly "Yes this is actually a alive- no of course the ghost in this abandoned school is dead all ghosts are dead Spooker!" yell Johnny Ghost. The two of them run into the school. Johnny Ghost begins looking around "Look at this. Must've been the janitor. A grumpy-looking janitor." he said. Johnny Ghost walked over to the janitor. "Hey, Mister Grumpy," said Johnny Ghost. The janitor looked at Johnny Ghost. The janitor walked over to Johnny Ghost "What are you doing here" janitor asked while cleaning the floor still "I am Johnny Ghost Paranormal investigator Extraordinaire and I am after there were reports of children disappears near this school. now answer my question why are YOU mister janitor still working in a abandoned school?" Johnny ghost asked with a raised eyebrow. The janitor laughed "if you are an investigator you need proof, and the only proof I have is this screen." Johnny Ghost laughed and walked away from the janitor. The janitor finally got to cleaning. the 2 investigator walk into the classroom and sat down. Johnny Ghost "Well this is just typical." he said. The eerie noises began in the room. The Spirit Kids then began acting differently. One by one they began to stop what they were doing and began floating towards Johnny Ghost. "Oh no they are COMING for me" Johnny Ghost thought. In all the confusion Spooker notices that the children were actually reaching into the air, grabbing at Johnny Ghost, and pulling him up off the ground. Johnny Ghost yelled in pain "Ahh! My head!" he screamed in pain. Johnny Ghost woke up when he hit the ground. He got up and walked out of the classroom. "What the HECK just happened?!" ghost said looking around frantically. "I think that was the gho.." Spooker almost finish the sentence before ghost spoke it a very worried voice "I got too good of a look at the screen, I know there's something there." he said. The group began to head towards the classroom where they recorded the most paranormal energy.

Sheena's classroom

"Well we found that first room with the kids, it was creepy... but it wasn't bad. It was strange though, the children were fighting one another... or so I thought. We only got one glimpse of one of them. They reached towards me, pulled me up from the ground and yanked me up. It even seemed like they were pulling me up with no effort, He was going crazy, as if the kids were under some kind of spell." the Brown haired (Johnny Ghost) investigator wondered while turning to Spooker.

"Alright" Johnny Ghost said "I believe that the children are indeed under some kind of spell. Maybe it's because of the spirit children and their future parents." Ghost said. The group were then led to the next room, the.had been examined before. "Hey Spooker" Ghost said. "I think I know what is happening he-" Spooker suddenly started to run away as Johnny Ghost very quickly ran after him. Spooker was dragged away and after a few seconds the two ran into a classroom. Spooker tried to escape the spirit children holding onto his jacket, but it did no good. Spooker's jacket began to burn, leaving a large red mark on the back of the young investigator. Johnny Ghost grabbed Spooker by the arm. "Get up." he told Spooker. The two men walked towards a busted up black door and entered the room. The was the room where they discovered the the spirit children, a. Suddenly the door slammed shut behind them. Spooker stood there "huh" he said with an puzzled look on his face "ummmm look like we are trapped" Spooker spoke to Johnny Ghost. Johnny Ghost walked up to the door and kicked it a few times. Suddenly the door opened up and light flowed out of the room. "The room wasnt locked spooker" Ghost said in a disappointed voice. Spooker looked confused "could you hurry this up please" Spooker said in a annoyed tone. Johnny Ghost looked at the ceiling and went "ahhhhh" he said in excitement "let's try this." he said as he began to levitate the light of the room to the ceiling. the 2 investigators stood in the light "Good to see you" Johnny Ghost said. Spooker walked over to the desk. "So we have another locked room" he began to speak while turning on his night vision cam . "Whoa!" Johnny Ghost said. All the blue lights suddenly went out. "Something's in here with us" Johnny Ghost said. The lights slowly turned on. There was an old lady clapping her hands slowly and quietly. "You've got to be kidding me." Johnny Ghost said. "This is just getting weirder" Spooker said. "What is this lady doing here?" Spooker asked in fear. "Whoa" Spooker said again, as the woman started to hit the walls with her hands. The room suddenly grew dark. "Oh come on" Johnny Ghost screamed as he grab his flashlight and walked into the room. The room was pitch black. "Spooker!" he said as he put on the light. "What did you do?" Spooker screamed. "It's a little light switch, I couldn't find it before." Spooker said. A young boy stood there who seemed to look exactly like the lady. "This is our grandma" Spooker said. "W-what are you talking about Spooker?" Ghost asked . "This is our grandmother." Spooker said in a confused tone. The young boy was in shock, or it seemed that way to Johnny Ghost. Johnny Ghost turned to Spooker. "Who are you?" Ghost asked. Spooker looked at Johnny Ghost. "I'm just a student, it's a pleasure to meet you" he said. Johnny Ghost shook his head. "what are you doing in Spooker body" Ghost exclaimed. "This body is a real shame, but I'll help you out" Spooker said. The boy grabbed the flashlight. "Get out of my house" he said as he turned the flashlight on "Ahhh" the boy's face turned red with fear. "What the hell was that" Ghost said. The boy ran out of the room. "This isn't working" Ghost said. The boy yelled out "IT WASN'T ME" The boy said again. Johnny Ghost jumped out of the bed. "Who the hell are you?" Ghost yelled. The boy shrugged his shoulders "I'm just a normal kid" the boy said in a sheepish tone. Johnny Ghost screamed as the door busted open. "Who's there?" Ghost asked. The door flew open and a arm slowly floated toward Johnny Ghost. "Johnny Ghost" the boy said. The boy held a sword that was partially as the head of a rat. Johnny Ghost screamed as the girl screamed out, Johnny Ghost looked down to see what she was doing. She was changing into a rat. "Okay, so everybody is transforming into something this is fine" Ghost said in a panic. "I mean what are you going to do?" Spooker asked. The boy raised his sword and began to charge at Ghost. "Get him!" the boy yelled out "BLAST!" the lights turned on. Johnny Ghost suddenly jumped out of the way. "What was that" Ghost asked as he looked at Spooker. Spooker looked back. "What?" Spooker asked seemly coming back to his senses.
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