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Leukemia affects the skeletal system .
homeostasis disruption - the white blood cells do not function as they are supposed to (fight infections) so therefore the body may not be able to protect against any infections as it should.
What causes leukemia? Experts say that different leukemias have different causes. The following are either known causes, or strongly suspected causes:
Artificial ionizing radiation
Viruses - HTLV-1 (human T-lymphotropic virus) and HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)
Benzene and some petrochemicals
Alkylating chemotherapy agents used in previous cancers
Maternal fetal transmission (rare)
Hair dyes
Genetic predisposition - some studies researching family history and looking at twins have indicated that some people have a higher risk of developing leukemia because of a single gene or multiple genes.
Down syndrome - people with Down syndrome have a significantly higher risk of developing leukemia, compared to people who do not have Down syndrome. Experts say that because of this, people with certain chromosomal abnormalities may have a higher risk.
Electromagnetic energy - studies indicate there is not enough evidence to show that ELF magnetic (not electric) fields that exist currently might cause leukemia. The IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) says that studies which indicate there is a risk tend to be biased and unreliable.
Leukemia symptoms vary, depending on the type of leukemia. Common leukemia signs and symptoms include:

Fever or chills
Persistent fatigue, weakness
Frequent or severe infections
Losing weight without trying
Swollen lymph nodes, enlarged liver or spleen
Easy bleeding or bruising
Recurrent nosebleeds
Tiny red spots in your skin (petechiae)
Excessive sweating, especially at night
Bone pain or tenderness
The main types of treatment used for ALL are:

Targeted therapy
Stem cell transplant
Other treatments such as surgery, radiation therapy, or monoclonal antibodies, may be used in special circumstances

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