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<img class="featurable" style="max-height:300px;max-width:400px;" itemprop="image" src="" alt="Discover our craft magazines - Gathered"><span style="display:none" itemprop="caption">Brio Magazine Subscription - 12 Issues, 2 Years (For Teen Girls) - Store - Focus on the Family</span>
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<img class="featurable" style="max-height:300px;max-width:400px;" itemprop="image" src="" alt="20 Popular Top Fashion Magazines to Love - Love Happens Magazine"><span style="display:none" itemprop="caption">Club - Mary Glasgow Magazines</span>
<h1 style="clear:both" id="content-section-0">The Garden & Gun - Official Website of Garden & Gun Magazine Diaries<br></h1>
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<p class="p__0">9 issues/year digital audio( cartridge), digital download( BARD ), ebraille( BARD ), press braille Stories, poems, and short articles by internationally known authors, plus tunes, jokes, and crafts. bimonthly digital audio( cartridge), digital download (BARD) Articles on health care, nutrition, and research findings. Released by the American Diabetes Association. 10 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download( BARD) Science news and articles exploring existing occasions and future views on topics such as innovation<br>, space, the environment, health, and medicine. 51 issues/year digital audio( cartridge), digital download( BARD) Also offered in digital text from the Financial expert( see Part 2). Official Info Here and opinion on international news , politics, company, finance, science and technology, and the arts.( UK) bimonthly digital audio( cartridge), digital download( BARD) Secret stories by recognized authors in the<br>field and by new, previously unpublished authors. bimonthly digital audio( cartridge), digital download( BARD )Analysis of issues by statesmen, diplomats, and scholars, and patterns in global politics, law, and economics. month-to-month digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) News analysis, trends, interviews, book and movie evaluations, travel, recommendations, and resources to perfect French-language abilities; details about the French-American neighborhood. month-to-month digital audio( cartridge), digital download( BARD), ebraille( BARD), press braille Basic culture magazine with posts by widely known writers on politics, global affairs, education, and science. Includes narratives, satire, and poetry. month-to-month digital audio( cartridge), digital download( BARD )Choices on medical conditions of unique interest to older adults, dietary info, and ways to maintain excellent health. monthly ebraille (BARD), press braille Present health concerns, medical details, nutrition, and tension management from Harvard Health Letter 12 times/year; University of California Berkeley Health Letter 15 times/year, and the Mayo Clinic Health Letter 12 times/year. bimonthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download( BARD) Gardening trends, products, and projects<br>for amateur gardeners.</p>
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