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I am honestly the kind of person who would not judge anyone,not because I know it's not okay and it's just immature but because I know i'm not perfect either.I am in no place to judge anyone for anything they have done in their lives.I do not care how fucked up what they have done is,I am just nowhere near being able to judge anyone.Why judge someone that I barely even know their name.It does not benefit me,it is as simple as that.Why judge someone when I know I have most likely done worse things than them.

Being judged is something that everyone will experience one way or the other,directly or indirectly.
Either on-line (because let's face it the internet is a creepy place full of creepy people) or in real life.I personally have not been judged in real life,not that I know of,yeah people may have done it behind my back but that's just them losing all respect from everyone really.But in fact I have been judged on-line SEVERAL TIMES.
Either because my voice is high pitched,either because I spent too much time on-line and just forgetting everyone in real life,or because i'm simply the bitchiest girl a person has ever met,maybe because I said something that they didn't like because they don't know me,maybe because I rage too much ,maybe i'm rude or just too immature.
Sucks to be you pal every single quality that makes me,me is staying with me till the day I die.

I'm not changing for anyone just because they said something along the lines of ''How can you even say that,he only did one thing wrong and you raged hardcore''.The one person may not like what i said,how I raged,etc. without even knowing my name,How i express myself or what i have personally been through.But those 6 people I regularly talk to and generally just matter to me,their opinions their everything.Would've never judged me for the same thing because they know everything I personally have been through,have dealt with and generally know my personality.

Honestly just think before you speak about someone.Think ''Do i really know that person that well to judge them and their choices?'',''Is it worth hurting their feelings,for something really stupid?''. What exactly do you benefit when you say ''You fucking suck for doing that,that and that or say that,that and that''.You don't know if the person is going through a depression or personal problems in general,maybe they were even drunk or high when they said/did that.What's the point of judging them when you know that you're not perfect either.That you have done something worse in one way or the other.Don't be a snob about what people like doing and don't EVER judge them for that.
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